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"""Class definition and helper functions for BondGraph model

import logging

from ordered_set import OrderedSet
import sympy as sp

from BondGraphTools.base import BondGraphBase, Bond
from BondGraphTools.port_managers import LabeledPortManager
from .exceptions import InvalidComponentException, InvalidPortException
from .algebra import adjacency_to_dict, \
    inverse_coord_maps, reduce_model, get_relations_iterator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

class BondGraph(BondGraphBase, LabeledPortManager):
    """Representation of a bond graph model."""

    def __init__(self, name, components=None, **kwargs):

        BondGraphBase.__init__(self, name, **kwargs)
        self.components = OrderedSet()
        """The components, instances of :obj:`BondGraphBase`,
        that make up this model"""

        if components:
            for component in components:

        self.bonds = BondSet()
        """The list of connections between internal components"""

        self._port_map = dict()
        self._model_changed = True

    def template(self):
        return None

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        """See Also: `BondGraph.uri`"""
                c_type, name = other.split(":")
            except ValueError:
                c_type = None
                name = other

            name = name.strip(" ")
            test_uri = f"{self.uri}/{name}"
            c, = (c for c in self.components if c.uri == test_uri
                  and (not c_type or c_type == c.metamodel)
            return c
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot find {other}")
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot find a unique {other}")

    def metamodel(self):
        return "BG"

    def __hash__(self):
        return super().__hash__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.__dict__ != other.__dict__:
            return False

        for c1, c2 in zip(self.components,
            if c1 != c2:
                return False

        return True

    def internal_ports(self):
        """A list of the ports internal to this model"""
        return [p for c in self.components for p in c.ports]

    def map_port(self, label, ef):
        """Exposes a pair of effort and flow variables as an external port
            label: The label to assign to this port.
            ef: The internal effort and flow variables.
            port = self.get_port(label)
        except InvalidPortException:
            port = LabeledPortManager.new_port(self, label)

        self._port_map[port] = ef

    def new_port(self, port=None):
        msg = f"Could not create new port:{port}."
        msg += "Ports must be created by exposing a component"
        raise InvalidPortException(msg)

    def add(self, *args):
        # Warning: Scheduled to be deprecated
        def validate(component):
            if not isinstance(component, BondGraphBase):
                raise InvalidComponentException("Invalid component class")
            if component is self:
                raise InvalidComponentException("Cannot add a model to itself")
            elif component.root is self.root:
                raise InvalidComponentException(
                    "Component already exists in model")

        work_list = []
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, BondGraphBase):
            elif isinstance(arg, list):
                for item in arg:
                raise InvalidComponentException(f"Invalid Component: {arg}")

        for item in work_list:
            item.parent = self

    def remove(self, component):
        # Warning: Scheduled to be deprecated
        if [b for b in self.bonds if b.head.component is component or
                b.tail.component is component]:
            raise InvalidComponentException("Component is still connected")
        if component not in self.components:
            raise InvalidComponentException("Component not found")

        component.parent = None

    def set_param(self, param, value):
        # Warning: Scheduled to be deprecated
        c, p = self.params[param]
        c.set_param(p, value)

    def params(self):
        A dictionary of parameters for this model in the form::
            i: (component, param_name)
        j = 0
        out = dict()

        excluded = {
            v for pair in self._port_map.values() for v in pair

        for v in self.components:
                params = v.params
            except AttributeError:
            for p in params:
                param = (v, p)
                if param not in excluded:
                    out.update({j: param})
                    j += 1
        return out

    def state_vars(self):
        A `dict` of all state variables in the form::

                "x_0": (component, state_var)

        Where `"x_0"` is the model state variable, and `state_var` is the
        corresponding state variable of `component`
        j = 0
        out = dict()
        for v in self.components:
                x_local = v.state_vars
            except AttributeError:

            for i in x_local:
                out.update({f"x_{j}": (v, i)})
                j += 1

        return out

    def control_vars(self):
        A `dict` of all control variables in the form::

                "u_0": (component, control_var)

        j = 0
        out = dict()
        excluded = {
            v for pair in self._port_map.values() for v in pair

        for v in self.components:
                for i in v.control_vars:
                    cv = (v, i)
                    if cv not in excluded:
                        out.update({f"u_{j}": cv})
                        j += 1
            except AttributeError:
        return out

    def basis_vectors(self):
        Basis vectors for the state space (X), port space (J),
        and control space (U) from an external point of view.

        For the state space dictionaries are of the form::

            X = {
                sympy.Symbol('x_i'): (object, var)

        We assume the object is a subclass of BondGraphBase
        and the var refers to the variable name in the objects local
        co-ordinate system and may be a string or a sympy.Symbol

        For the port space, dictionaries are of the form::

            J = {
                (sympy.Symbol(e_i), sympy.Symbol(f_i)): Port(obj, idx)

        where Port is an instance of `Port`.
        Finally for the control variables we have::

            U = {
                sympy.Symbol(u_i):(object, var)

        Where object and var are specified as per the state space.

        tangent_space = dict()
        control_space = dict()

        for var, var_id in self.state_vars.items():
            tangent_space[sp.symbols((f"{var}", f"d{var}"))] = var_id

        port_space = self._port_vectors()

        for var, var_id in self.control_vars.items():
            control_space[sp.symbols(f"{var}")] = var_id

        return tangent_space, port_space, control_space

    def constitutive_relations(self):

        if not self.components:
            return []

        coords, mappings, lin_op, nlin_op, constraints = self.system_model()
        inv_tm, inv_js, _ = mappings
        out_ports = [idx for p, idx in inv_js.items() if p in self.ports]
        logger.debug("Getting IO ports: %s", out_ports)
        network_size = len(inv_js)  # number of ports
        n = len(inv_tm)  # number of state space coords

        coord_vect = sp.Matrix(coords)
        relations = [
            sp.Add(l, r) for i, (l, r) in enumerate(
                zip(lin_op * coord_vect, nlin_op))
            if not n <= i < n + 2 * (network_size - len(out_ports))  # noqa
        if isinstance(constraints, list):
            for constraint in constraints:
                logger.debug("Adding constraint %s", repr(constraint))
                if constraint:
            logger.warning("Constraints %s is not a list. Discarding",
        subs = []

        for local_idx, c_idx in enumerate(out_ports):
            p, = {pp for pp in self.ports if pp.index == local_idx}
            label = p.index
            subs.append(sp.symbols((f"e_{c_idx}", f"e_{label}")))
            subs.append(sp.symbols((f"f_{c_idx}", f"f_{label}")))

        return [r.subs(subs).simplify().nsimplify() for r in relations if r]

    def system_model(self, control_vars=None):
        """Produces a symbolic model of the system in reduced form.

        In many cases it is useful to have a full description of the system in
        symbolic form, and not just a list of constitutive relations.

            (coordinates, mappings, linear_op, nonlinear_op, constraints)

        This method generates:

            * The model coordinate system (`list`) :math:`x`
            * A mapping (`dict`) between the model coordinates and the
              component coordinates
            * A linear operator (`sympy.Matrix`) :math:`L`
            * A nonlinear operator (`sympy.Matrix`) :math:`F`
            * A list of constraints (`sympy.Matrix`) :math:`G`

        The coordinates are of the form

        .. math::

            x = (dx_0,  dx_1,  \\ldots,  e_0,  f_0, e_1, f_1, \\ldots, x_0,
            x_1, \\ldots, u_0, u_1, \\ldots)

        So that the system obeys the differential-algebraic equation

        .. math::

            Lx + F(x) = 0 \\qquad G(x) =0

        See Also:

        mappings, coordinates = inverse_coord_maps(
        inv_tm, inv_js, inv_cv = mappings

        network_size = len(inv_js)  # number of ports
        state_size = len(inv_tm)  # number of state space coords
        inout_size = len(inv_cv)
        n = len(coordinates)

        size_tuple = (state_size, network_size, inout_size, n)

        lin_dict = adjacency_to_dict(inv_js, self.bonds, offset=state_size)

        nlin_dict = {}

            row = max(row + 1 for row, _ in lin_dict.keys())
        except ValueError:
            row = 0

        inverse_port_map = {}

        for port, (cv_e, cv_f) in self._port_map.items():
            inverse_port_map[cv_e] = state_size + 2 * inv_js[port]
            inverse_port_map[cv_f] = state_size + 2 * inv_js[port] + 1

        for component in self.components:
            relations = get_relations_iterator(
                component, mappings, coordinates, inverse_port_map

            for linear, nonlinear in relations:
                lin_dict.update({(row, k): v
                                 for k, v in linear.items()})
                nlin_dict.update({(row, 0): nonlinear})
                row += 1

        linear_op = sp.SparseMatrix(row, n, lin_dict)
        nonlinear_op = sp.SparseMatrix(row, 1, nlin_dict)
        coordinates, linear_op, nonlinear_op, constraints = reduce_model(
            linear_op, nonlinear_op, coordinates, size_tuple,

        return coordinates, mappings, linear_op, nonlinear_op, constraints

    def _build_internal_basis_vectors(self):
        tangent_space = dict()
        control_space = dict()
        port_space = {}
        # bond_space = dict()
        # for i, bond in enumerate(self.bonds):
        #     bond_space[sp.symbols((f"e_{i}", f"f_{i}"))] = bond

        mapped_cvs = {
            var for pair in self._port_map.values() for var in pair

        for component in self.components:
            c_ts, c_ps, c_cs = component.basis_vectors

            for var_id in c_ts.values():
                i = len(tangent_space)
                tangent_space[sp.symbols((f"x_{i}", f"dx_{i}"))] = var_id

            for cv in c_cs.values():
                if cv not in mapped_cvs:
                    i = len(control_space)
                    control_space[sp.symbols(f"u_{i}")] = cv

            for port in c_ps.values():
                i = len(port_space)
                port_space[sp.symbols((f"e_{i}", f"f_{i}"))] = port

        n = len(port_space)
        external_ports = {
            sp.symbols((f"e_{n + i}", f"f_{n + i}")): port
            for i, port in enumerate(self._port_map)

        return tangent_space, port_space, control_space

def _is_label_invalid(label):
    if not isinstance(label, str):
        return True

    for token in [" ", ".", "/"]:
        if len(label.split(token)) > 1:
            return True

    return False

class BondSet(OrderedSet):
    Container class for internal bonds.

    def add(self, bond):
        tail = bond.tail
        head = bond.head
        head.is_connected = True
        tail.is_connected = True

    def remove(self, bond):
        tail = bond.tail
        head = bond.head
        if bond in self:
            super().remove(Bond(head, tail))
        head.is_connected = False
        tail.is_connected = False

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, BondGraphBase):
            return any({item in head or item in tail for tail, head in self})
            return super().__contains__(item)