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 * Copyright (C) 2017  Eshan Singh
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import * as Immutable from 'immutable';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as UnifiedFormHelpers from '../../client/unified-form/helpers';
import * as entityEditorHelpers from '../../client/entity-editor/helpers';
import * as entityRoutes from '../routes/entity/entity';
import * as error from '../../common/helpers/error';
import * as propHelpers from '../../client/helpers/props';
import * as unifiedRoutes from '../routes/entity/process-unified-form';
import * as utils from './utils';

import type {Request as $Request, Response as $Response} from 'express';
import {filterIdentifierTypesByEntityType, isValidBBID} from '../../common/helpers/utils';
import EntityEditor from '../../client/entity-editor/entity-editor';
import EntityMerge from '../../client/entity-editor/entity-merge';
import Layout from '../../client/containers/layout';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import UnifiedForm from '../../client/unified-form/unified-form';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {createStore} from 'redux';
import {generateProps} from './props';

const {createRootReducer: ufCreateRootReducer} = UnifiedFormHelpers;
const {createRootReducer, getEntitySection, getEntitySectionMerge, getValidator} = entityEditorHelpers;
const validEntityTypes = ['author', 'edition', 'editionGroup', 'publisher', 'series', 'work'];
type EntityAction = 'create' | 'edit';
type PassportRequest = $Request & {user: any, session: any};

 * Callback to get the initial state
 * @callback initialStateCallback
 * @param {object} entity - entity

 * Returns a props object with reasonable defaults for entity creation/editing.
 * @param {string} entityType - entity type
 * @param {request} req - request object
 * @param {response} res - response object
 * @param {object} additionalProps - additional props
 * @param {initialStateCallback} initialStateCallback - callback
 * to get the initial state
 * @returns {object} - props
export function generateEntityProps(
    entityType: string,
    req: PassportRequest, res: $Response,
    additionalProps: any,
    initialStateCallback: (entity: any) => any = () => new Object()
): any {
    const entityName = _.upperFirst(entityType);
    const {entity} = res.locals;
    const isEdit = Boolean(entity);

    const getFilteredIdentifierTypes = isEdit ?
        _.partialRight(utils.filterIdentifierTypesByEntity, entity) :
        _.partialRight(filterIdentifierTypesByEntityType, entityName);
    const filteredIdentifierTypes = getFilteredIdentifierTypes(
    const entityNameForRoute = _.kebabCase(entityType);
    const submissionUrl = isEdit ?
        `/${entityNameForRoute}/${entity.bbid}/edit/handler` :

    const action: EntityAction = isEdit ? 'edit' : 'create';

    const props = Object.assign({
        heading: isEdit ?
            `Edit ${entity.defaultAlias ? : '(unnamed)'} (${entityName})` :
            `Add ${entityName}`,
        identifierTypes: filteredIdentifierTypes,
        initialState: initialStateCallback(entity),
        isMerge: false,
        languageOptions: res.locals.languages,
        requiresJS: true,
        subheading: isEdit ?
            `Edit an existing ${entityName} on BookBrainz` :
            `Add a new ${entityName} to BookBrainz`,
    }, additionalProps);

    return generateProps(req, res, props);

 * Callback to get the initial state
 * @callback initialStateCallback
 * @param {object} entity - entity

 * Returns a props object with reasonable defaults for entity creation/editing.
 * @param {request} req - request object
 * @param {response} res - response object
 * @param {object} additionalProps - additional props
 * @param {initialStateCallback} initialStateCallback - callback
 * to get the initial state
 * @returns {object} - props
export function generateEntityMergeProps(
    req: PassportRequest, res: $Response,
    additionalProps: any,
    initialStateCallback: (entity: any) => any = () => new Object()
): any {
    const {entityType, mergingEntities} = additionalProps;
    const entityName = _.startCase(entityType);
    const entity = mergingEntities[0];

    const getFilteredIdentifierTypes = _.partialRight(utils.filterIdentifierTypesByEntity, entity);
    const filteredIdentifierTypes = getFilteredIdentifierTypes(

    const submissionUrl = `/${_.kebabCase(entityType)}/${entity.bbid}/merge/handler`;

    const props = Object.assign({
        heading: `Merge ${mergingEntities.length} ${entityName}s`,
        identifierTypes: filteredIdentifierTypes,
        initialState: initialStateCallback(mergingEntities),
        isMerge: true,
        languageOptions: res.locals.languages,
        requiresJS: true,
        subheading: `You are merging ${mergingEntities.length} existing ${entityName}s:`,
    }, additionalProps);

    return generateProps(req, res, props);

 * Return markup for the entity editor.
 * This also modifies the props value with a new initialState!
 * @param {object} props - react props
 * @returns {object} - Updated props and HTML string with markup
export function entityEditorMarkup(
    props: { initialState: any,
             entityType: string,
             heading?: string }
) {
    const {initialState,} = props;
    const rootReducer = createRootReducer(props.entityType);
    const store: any = createStore(rootReducer, Immutable.fromJS(initialState));
    const EntitySection = getEntitySection(props.entityType);
    const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(rest)}>
            <Provider store={store}>

    return {
        props: Object.assign({}, props, {
            intitialState: store.getState()

 * Return markup for the entity merging tool.
 * This also modifies the props value with a new initialState!
 * @param {object} props - react props
 * @returns {object} - Updated props and HTML string with markup
export function entityMergeMarkup(
    props: { initialState: any,
             entityType: string }
) {
    const {initialState,} = props;
    const rootReducer = createRootReducer(props.entityType, true);
    const store: any = createStore(rootReducer, Immutable.fromJS(initialState));
    const EntitySection = getEntitySectionMerge(props.entityType);
    const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(rest)}>
            <Provider store={store}>

    return {
        props: Object.assign({}, props, {
            intitialState: store.getState()

 * Callback for any transformations to the request body
 * @callback transformCallback
 * @param {object} body - request body

 * Handler for create or edit actions
 * @callback transformCallback
 * @param {object} req - request object
 * @param {object} res - response object

 * Makes a middleware handler for create or edit actions on entities.
 * @param {string} entityType - entity type
 * @param {transformCallback} transformNewForm - callback for transformations
 * @param {(string|string[])} propertiesToPick - props from transformed
 * request body to pick.
 * @param {boolean} isMergeHandler - Wether the submission was from a /merge/handler route
 * @returns {createOrEditHandler} createOrEditHandler - middleware handler
export function makeEntityCreateOrEditHandler(
    entityType: string,
    transformNewForm: (data: Record<string, unknown>) => Record<string, unknown>,
    propertiesToPick: string | string[],
    isMergeHandler = false
) {
    const entityName = _.upperFirst(entityType);
    const validate = getValidator(entityType);

    return function createOrEditHandler(
        req: PassportRequest,
        res: $Response
    ) {
        const {mergeQueue} = req.session;
        const isMergeOperation = isMergeHandler && mergeQueue && _.size(mergeQueue.mergingEntities) >= 2;
        if (!validate(req.body, null, isMergeOperation)) {
            const err = new error.FormSubmissionError();
            error.sendErrorAsJSON(res, err);

        req.body = transformNewForm(req.body);

        return entityRoutes.handleCreateOrEditEntity(
            req, res, entityName, _.pick(req.body, propertiesToPick), isMergeOperation

 * add an initial relationship to entity from another enitty
 * when one entity created from other.
 * @param {object} props - props related to new entity
 * @param {number} relationshipTypeId - relationshipId number for initaial relationship
 * @param {object} targetEntity - details about target entitiy like edition group, publisher and author
 * @param {number} relationshipIndex - initial relationship index number

export function addInitialRelationship(props, relationshipTypeId, relationshipIndex, targetEntity) {
    // Prepend 'i' here to indicate initail relationship row identifier
    const rowId = `i${relationshipIndex || 0}`;
    const relationship = props.relationshipTypes.find(
        relationshipType => === relationshipTypeId
    const targetEntityDetail = {
        defaultAlias: {name: targetEntity.text},
        type: targetEntity.type

    const sourceEntityDetail = {
        defaultAlias: {name: ''},
        type: _.upperFirst(props.entityType)

    const initialRelationship = {
        attributes: [],
        isAdded: true,
        label: relationship.linkPhrase,
        relationshipType: relationship,
        rowID: rowId,
        sourceEntity: targetEntity.type === 'EditionGroup' || targetEntity.type === 'Work' ? sourceEntityDetail : targetEntityDetail,
        targetEntity: targetEntity.type === 'EditionGroup' || targetEntity.type === 'Work' ? targetEntityDetail : sourceEntityDetail

    if (!props.initialState.relationshipSection) {
        props.initialState.relationshipSection = {};
        props.initialState.relationshipSection.canEdit = true;
        props.initialState.relationshipSection.lastRelationships = null;
        props.initialState.relationshipSection.relationshipEditorProps = null;
        props.initialState.relationshipSection.relationshipEditorVisible = false;
    props.initialState.relationshipSection.relationships =
        {...props.initialState.relationshipSection.relationships, [rowId]: initialRelationship};

    return props;

 * Return markup for the unified form.
 * This also modifies the props value with a new initialState!
 * @param {object} props - react props
 * @returns {object} - Updated props and HTML string with markup

export function unifiedFormMarkup(props) {
    const {initialState,} = props;
    const rootReducer = ufCreateRootReducer();
    const store:any = createStore(rootReducer, Immutable.fromJS(initialState));
    const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(rest)}>
            <Provider store={store}>
                <UnifiedForm {...props}/>
    return {
        props: Object.assign({}, props, {initialState: store.getState()})

 * Returns a props object with reasonable defaults for unified form.
 * @param {request} req - request object
 * @param {response} res - response object
 * @param {object} additionalProps - additional props
 * @param {initialStateCallback} initialStateCallback - callback
 * to get the initial state
 * @returns {object} - props
export function generateUnifiedProps(
    req: PassportRequest, res: $Response,
    additionalProps: any,
    initialStateCallback: () => any = () => new Object()
): any {
    const submissionUrl = '/create/handler';
    const props = Object.assign({
        allIdentifierTypes: res.locals.identifierTypes,
        entityType: 'edition',
        initialState: initialStateCallback(),
        isUnifiedForm: true,
        languageOptions: res.locals.languages,
        requiresJS: true,
    }, additionalProps);

    return generateProps(req, res, props);

 * Validate Unified form
 * @param {object} body - request body
 * @returns {boolean}

function validateUnifiedForm(body:Record<string, any>):boolean {
    for (const entityKey in body) {
        if (, entityKey)) {
            const entityForm = body[entityKey];
            const entityType = _.camelCase(entityForm.type);
            const isNew = _.get(entityForm, '__isNew__', true);
            const bbid = _.get(entityForm, 'id', null);
            // for existing entity, it must have id attribute set to its bbid
            if (!isNew && (!bbid || !isValidBBID(bbid))) {
                return false;
            if (!entityType || !validEntityTypes.includes(entityType)) {
                return false;
            const validator = getValidator(entityType);
            if (isNew && !validator(entityForm)) {
                return false;
    return true;

 * Middleware for handling unified form submission
 * @param {object} req - Request object
 * @param {object} res - Response object

export async function createEntitiesHandler(
) {
    const {orm} =;
    // generate the state for current entity
     req.body = await unifiedRoutes.preprocessForm(req.body, orm);
    // validating the uf state
    if (!validateUnifiedForm(req.body)) {
        const err = new error.FormSubmissionError();
        return error.sendErrorAsJSON(res, err);
    // transforming uf state into separate entity state
    req.body = unifiedRoutes.transformForm(req.body);
    return unifiedRoutes.handleCreateMultipleEntities(req as PassportRequest, res);