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3 days
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2016  Ben Ockmore
 *               2016  Sean Burke
 *                 2021  Akash Gupta
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import * as React from 'react';
import * as achievement from '../../helpers/achievement';
import * as commonUtils from '../../../common/helpers/utils';
import * as error from '../../../common/helpers/error';
import * as handler from '../../helpers/handler';
import * as propHelpers from '../../../client/helpers/props';
import * as search from '../../../common/helpers/search';
import * as utils from '../../helpers/utils';

import type {Request as $Request, Response as $Response, NextFunction} from 'express';
import type {
    FormLanguageT as Language,
    FormPublisherT as Publisher,
    FormReleaseEventT as ReleaseEvent,
} from 'bookbrainz-data/lib/func/types';
import {escapeProps, generateProps} from '../../helpers/props';

import {AuthorCreditRow} from '../../../client/entity-editor/author-credit-editor/actions';
import AuthorPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/author';
import DeletionForm from '../../../client/components/forms/deletion';
import EditionGroupPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/edition-group';
import EditionPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/edition';
import EntityRevisions from '../../../client/components/pages/entity-revisions';
import type {EntityTypeString} from 'bookbrainz-data/lib/types/entity';
import Layout from '../../../client/containers/layout';
import PreviewPage from '../../../client/components/forms/preview';
import PublisherPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/publisher';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import SeriesPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/series';
import WorkPage from '../../../client/components/pages/entities/work';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {getEntityLabel} from '../../../client/helpers/entity';
import {getOrderedRevisionsForEntityPage} from '../../helpers/revisions';
import log from 'log';
import {processAchievement} from './process-unified-form';
import target from '../../templates/target';

type PassportRequest = $Request & {user: any, session: any};

const entityComponents = {
    author: AuthorPage,
    edition: EditionPage,
    editionGroup: EditionGroupPage,
    publisher: PublisherPage,
    series: SeriesPage,
    work: WorkPage

export function displayEntity(req: PassportRequest, res: $Response) {
    const {orm}: {orm?: any} =;
    const {AchievementUnlock, EditorEntityVisits} = orm;
    const {locals: resLocals}: {locals: any} = res;
    const {entity}: {entity: any} = resLocals;
    // Get unique identifier types for display
    // $FlowFixMe
    let identifierTypes = [];
    if (entity.identifierSet) {
        identifierTypes = _.uniqBy(
  , 'type'),

    let editorEntityVisitPromise;
    if (resLocals.user) {
        editorEntityVisitPromise = new EditorEntityVisits({
            bbid: resLocals.entity.bbid,
            .save(null, {method: 'insert'})
            .then(() => achievement.processPageVisit(orm,
                // error caused by duplicates we do not want in database
                () => new Promise(resolve => resolve(false))
    else {
        editorEntityVisitPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve(false));

    let alertPromise = editorEntityVisitPromise.then((visitAlert) => {
        let alertIds = [];
        if (visitAlert.alert) {
            alertIds = alertIds.concat(visitAlert.alert.split(',').map(
                (id) => parseInt(id, 10)
        if (_.isString(req.query.alert)) {
            // $FlowFixMe
            alertIds = alertIds.concat(req.query.alert.split(',').map(
                (id) =>    parseInt(id, 10)
        if (alertIds.length > 0) {
            const promiseList =
                (achievementAlert) =>
                    new AchievementUnlock(
                        {id: achievementAlert}
                            require: true,
                            withRelated: 'achievement'
                        .then((unlock) => unlock.toJSON())
                        .then((unlock) => {
                            let unlockName;
                            if ( === unlock.editorId) {
                                unlockName = {
                            return unlockName;
                        .catch((err) => {
            alertPromise = Promise.all(promiseList);
        else {
            alertPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve(false));
        return alertPromise;

    return alertPromise.then((alert) => {
        const entityName = _.camelCase(entity.type);
        const EntityComponent = entityComponents[entityName];
        if (EntityComponent) {
            const props = generateProps(req, res, {
                genderOptions: res.locals.genders,
            const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
                <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(props)}>
                page: entityName,
                props: escapeProps(props),
                script: '/js/entity/entity.js',
                title: `${getEntityLabel(props.entity, false)} (${_.upperFirst(entityName)})`
        else {
            throw new Error(
                `Component was not found for the following entity:${entityName}`

export function displayDeleteEntity(req: PassportRequest, res: $Response) {
    const props = generateProps(req, res);

    const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(props)}>
            <DeletionForm entity={props.entity}/>

        props: escapeProps(props),
        script: '/js/deletion.js'

export async function displayRevisions(
    req: PassportRequest, res: $Response, next: NextFunction, RevisionModel: any
) {
    const size = _.isString(req.query.size) ? parseInt(req.query.size, 10) : 20;
    const from = _.isString(req.query.from) ? parseInt(req.query.from, 10) : 0;
    const {orm}: any =;
    const {bbid} = req.params;
    try {
        // get 1 more revision than required to check nextEnabled
        const orderedRevisions = await getOrderedRevisionsForEntityPage(orm, from, size + 1, RevisionModel, bbid);
        const {newResultsArray, nextEnabled} = commonUtils.getNextEnabledAndResultsArray(orderedRevisions, size);
        const props = generateProps(req, res, {
            revisions: newResultsArray,
            showRevisionEditor: true,
            showRevisionNote: true,

        const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
            <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(props)}>
        return res.send(target({
            page: 'revisions',
            props: escapeProps(props),
            script: '/js/entity/entity.js'
    catch (err) {
        return next(err);

// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
export async function updateDisplayedRevisions(
    req: PassportRequest, res: $Response, next: NextFunction, RevisionModel: any
) {
    const size = _.isString(req.query.size) ? parseInt(req.query.size, 10) : 20;
    const from = _.isString(req.query.from) ? parseInt(req.query.from, 10) : 0;
    const {orm}: any =;
    const {bbid} = req.params;
    try {
        const orderedRevisions = await getOrderedRevisionsForEntityPage(orm, from, size, RevisionModel, bbid);
    catch (err) {
        return next(err);

function _createNote(orm, content, editorID, revision, transacting) {
    const {Note} = orm;
    if (content) {
        const revisionId = revision.get('id');
        return new Note({
            authorId: editorID,
            .save(null, {transacting});

    return null;

export function addNoteToRevision(req: PassportRequest, res: $Response) {
    const {orm}: {orm?: any} =;
    const {Revision, bookshelf} = orm;
    const editorJSON = req.session.passport.user;
    const revision = Revision.forge({id:});
    const {body}: {body: any} = req;
    const revisionNotePromise = bookshelf.transaction(
        (transacting) => _createNote(
            orm, body.note,, revision, transacting
    return handler.sendPromiseResult(res, revisionNotePromise);

export async function getEntityByBBID(orm: any, transacting: Transaction, bbid: string) {
    const redirectBbid = await orm.func.entity.recursivelyGetRedirectBBID(orm, bbid, transacting);
    const entityHeader = await orm.Entity.forge({bbid: redirectBbid}).fetch({transacting});

    const model = commonUtils.getEntityModelByType(orm, entityHeader.get('type'));
    return model.forge({bbid: redirectBbid}).fetch({transacting});

async function setParentRevisions(transacting, newRevision, parentRevisionIDs) {
    if (_.isEmpty(parentRevisionIDs)) {
        return new Promise(resolve => resolve(null));

    // Get the parents of the new revision
    const parents =
        await newRevision.related('parents').fetch({transacting});

    // Add the previous revision as a parent of this revision.
    return parents.attach(parentRevisionIDs, {transacting});

export async function saveEntitiesAndFinishRevision(
    orm, transacting, isNew: boolean, newRevision: any, mainEntity: any,
    updatedEntities: any[], editorID: number, note: string
) {
    const parentRevisionIDs = _.compact(_.uniq(
        (entityModel) => entityModel.get('revisionId')

    const entitiesSavedPromise = Promise.all(, (entityModel) => {
            entityModel.set('revisionId', newRevision.get('id'));

            const shouldInsert =
                entityModel.get('bbid') === mainEntity.get('bbid') && isNew;
            const method = shouldInsert ? 'insert' : 'update';
            return, {method, transacting});

    const editorUpdatePromise =
        utils.incrementEditorEditCountById(orm, editorID, transacting);

    const notePromise = _createNote(
        orm, note, editorID, newRevision, transacting

    const parentsAddedPromise =
        setParentRevisions(transacting, newRevision, parentRevisionIDs);

    /** returns a refreshed model */
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    const [savedEntities, ...others] = await Promise.all([

    return savedEntities.find(entityModel => entityModel.get('bbid') === mainEntity.get('bbid')) || mainEntity;

export async function deleteRelationships(orm: any, transacting: Transaction, mainEntity: any) {
    const mainBBID = mainEntity.bbid;
    const {relationshipSet} = mainEntity;
    const otherBBIDs = [];
    const otherEntities = [];

    if (relationshipSet) {
        // Create a list of BBID's that is related to the deleted entity
        if (!relationshipSet.relationships) {
            return [];
        relationshipSet.relationships.forEach((relationship) => {
            if (relationship.sourceBbid === mainBBID) {
            else if (relationship.targetBbid === mainBBID) {

        // Loop over the BBID's of other entites related to deleted entity
        if (otherBBIDs.length) {
            if (otherBBIDs.length === 0) {
                return [];
            await Promise.all( (entityBbid) => {
                const otherEntity = await getEntityByBBID(orm, transacting, entityBbid);

                const otherEntityRelationshipSet = await otherEntity.relationshipSet()
                    .fetch({require: false, transacting, withRelated: 'relationships'});

                if (_.isNil(otherEntityRelationshipSet)) {

                // Fetch other entity relationships to remove relation with the deleted entity
                let otherEntityRelationships = otherEntityRelationshipSet.related('relationships').toJSON();

                // Mark entites related to deleted entity as removed
                otherEntityRelationships = => {
                    if (mainBBID !== rel.sourceBbid && mainBBID !== rel.targetBbid) {
                        return rel;
                    _.set(rel, 'isRemoved', true);
                    return rel;

                const newRelationshipSet = await orm.func.relationship.updateRelationshipSets(
                    orm, transacting, otherEntityRelationshipSet, otherEntityRelationships

                    newRelationshipSet[entityBbid] ? newRelationshipSet[entityBbid].get('id') : null


    return otherEntities;

export function fetchOrCreateMainEntity(
    orm, transacting, isNew, bbid, entityType
) {
    const model = commonUtils.getEntityModelByType(orm, entityType);

    const entity = model.forge({bbid});

    if (isNew) {
        return new Promise(resolve => resolve(entity));

    return entity.fetch({transacting});

export function handleDelete(
    orm: any, req: PassportRequest, res: $Response, HeaderModel: any,
    RevisionModel: any
) {
    const {entity}: {entity?: any} = res.locals;
    if (!entity.dataId) {
        throw new error.ConflictError('This entity has already been deleted');
    const {Revision, bookshelf} = orm;
    const editorJSON = req.session.passport.user;
    const {body}: {body: any} = req;
    const entityDeletePromise = bookshelf.transaction(async (transacting) => {
        if (!body.note || !body.note.length) {
            throw new error.FormSubmissionError('A revision note is required when deleting an entity');

        const otherEntities = await deleteRelationships(orm, transacting, entity);

        const newRevision = await new Revision({
        }).save(null, {transacting});

         * No trigger for deletions, so manually create the <Entity>Revision
         * and update the entity header

        const entityRevision = await new RevisionModel({
            bbid: entity.bbid,
            dataId: null,
            id: newRevision.get('id')
        }).save(null, {
            method: 'insert',

        // set parent revision
        await setParentRevisions(transacting, newRevision, [entity.revisionId]);

        await new HeaderModel({
            bbid: entity.bbid,
            masterRevisionId: entityRevision.get('id')
        }).save(null, {transacting});

        const mainEntity = await fetchOrCreateMainEntity(
            orm, transacting, false, entity.bbid, entity.type

        const savedMainEntity =
            await saveEntitiesAndFinishRevision(
        return savedMainEntity.toJSON({omitPivot: true});

    return handler.sendPromiseResult(res, entityDeletePromise, search.deleteEntity);

export async function processMergeOperation(orm, transacting, session, mainEntity, allEntities, relationshipSets) {
    const {Edition, bookshelf} = orm;
    const {mergingEntities} = session.mergeQueue;
    if (!mergingEntities) {
        throw new Error('Merge handler called with no merge queue, aborting');
    const entityType = mainEntity.get('type');
    const currentEntityBBID = mainEntity.get('bbid');
    const mergingEntitiesBBIDs = Object.keys(mergingEntities);
    if (!_.includes(mergingEntitiesBBIDs, currentEntityBBID)) {
        throw new Error('Entity being merged into does not appear in merge queue, aborting');
    const entitiesToMergeBBIDs = _.without(Object.keys(mergingEntities), currentEntityBBID);
    let allEntitiesReturnArray = allEntities;
    // fetch entities we're merging to add them to to the array of modified entities
    const entitiesToMerge = _.values(mergingEntities).filter(({bbid}) => bbid !== currentEntityBBID);

    const entitiesModelsToMerge = await Promise.all(entitiesToMergeBBIDs
        .map(bbid => fetchOrCreateMainEntity(orm, transacting, false, bbid, entityType)));

    /** Add entities to be merged to the array of modified entities */
    allEntitiesReturnArray = _.unionBy(allEntitiesReturnArray, entitiesModelsToMerge, 'id');

    /** Remove relationships that concern entities being merged from already modified relationshipSets */
    await Promise.all(, async (relationshipSet) => {
        /** Some items in this object may be null */
        if (relationshipSet) {
            /** Refresh RelationshipSet to fetch both existing and new relationships */
            const refreshedrelationshipSet = await relationshipSet
                .refresh({transacting, withRelated: 'relationships'});

            /** Find relationships with entities being merge and remove them from set */
            const relationshipsToRemove = refreshedrelationshipSet
                .filter(({sourceBbid, targetBbid}) => _.includes(entitiesToMergeBBIDs, sourceBbid) ||
                        _.includes(entitiesToMergeBBIDs, targetBbid))
                .map(({id}) => id);
            if (relationshipsToRemove.length) {
                await refreshedrelationshipSet
                    .detach(relationshipsToRemove, {transacting});

     * Fetch each merged entity, get its relationships, then fetch the related entity for each relationship.
     * Then on the related entity's side, remove any relationship with merged entities from its relationship set
    await Promise.all(
        async entity => {
            const entityBBID = entity.get('bbid');
            const relationshipSet = await entity.relationshipSet()
                .fetch({require: false, transacting, withRelated: 'relationships'});
            if (!relationshipSet) {
            const relationships = relationshipSet.related('relationships').toJSON();

            const otherEntitiesToFetch = relationships
                .reduce((accumulator, relationship) => {
                    if (relationship.sourceBbid === entityBBID) {
                    else if (relationship.targetBbid === entityBBID) {
                    return accumulator;
                }, [])
                // Ignore entities that already have a modified relationshipSet (dealed with above)
                .filter(bbid => !_.includes(_.keys(relationshipSets), bbid));

            await Promise.all(
                async (bbid) => {
                    const otherEntity = await getEntityByBBID(orm, transacting, bbid);

                    const otherEntityRelationshipSet = await entity.relationshipSet()
                        .fetch({require: false, transacting, withRelated: 'relationships'});
                    if (!otherEntityRelationshipSet) {
                    const otherEntityRelationships = otherEntityRelationshipSet.related('relationships').toJSON();

                    let relsHaveChanged = false;
                    // Mark relationships with entity being merged as removed
                    otherEntityRelationships.forEach((rel) => {
                        if (entityBBID === rel.sourceBbid || entityBBID === rel.targetBbid) {
                            _.set(rel, 'isRemoved', true);
                            relsHaveChanged = true;

                    // If there's a difference, apply the new relationships array without rels to merged entity
                    if (relsHaveChanged) {
                        const updatedRelationshipSets = await orm.func.relationship.updateRelationshipSets(
                            orm, transacting, otherEntityRelationshipSet, otherEntityRelationships
                        // Make sure the entity is later updated with its new relationshipSet id
                        allEntitiesReturnArray = _.unionBy(allEntitiesReturnArray, [otherEntity], 'id');
                        _.assign(relationshipSets, _.pick(updatedRelationshipSets, bbid));

    /** Special cases per entity type*/

     * For EditionGroup entities, each merged EG may have editions associated to it.
     * We need to set each Edition's edition_group_bbid to the target entity BBID
    if (entityType === 'EditionGroup') {
        const editionsToSet = await Edition.query(
            qb => qb
                .whereIn('edition_group_bbid', entitiesToMergeBBIDs)
                .andWhere('master', true)
            .fetchAll({require: false, transacting});
        if (editionsToSet.length) {
            editionsToSet.forEach(editionModel => editionModel.set({editionGroupBbid: currentEntityBBID}));
            // Add the modified Editions to the revision
            allEntitiesReturnArray = _.unionBy(allEntitiesReturnArray, editionsToSet.toArray(), 'id');

     * For Publisher entities, each merged item may have editions associated to it.
     * We need to set each Edition's publisher set to the target entity BBID
    if (entityType === 'Publisher') {
        try {
            const editionsToSetCollections = await Promise.all( => entitiesModel.editions()));
            // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
            let editionsToSet = _.flatMap(editionsToSetCollections, edition => {
                if (edition.models && edition.models.length) {
                    return edition.models;
            // Remove 'undefined' entries (no editions in those publishers)
            editionsToSet = _.reject(editionsToSet, _.isNil);
            await Promise.all( (edition) => {
                // Fetch current PublisherSet
                const oldPublisherSet = await edition.publisherSet();
                // Create a new PublisherSet pointing to the main entity
                const newPublisherSet = await orm.func.publisher.updatePublisherSet(orm, transacting, oldPublisherSet, [{bbid: currentEntityBBID}]);
                // Set the new PublisherSet on the Edition
                edition.set('publisherSetId', newPublisherSet.get('id'));
                // Add the modified Edition to the revision (if it doesn't exist yet)
                allEntitiesReturnArray = _.unionBy(allEntitiesReturnArray, [edition], 'id');
        catch (err) {
            throw err;

     * Some actions we only want to take once the main entity has been saved
    mainEntity.once('saved', async (model) => {
         * Set isMerge to true on the *entity*_revision models
         * The *entity*_revision items  are created by a postgres trigger instead of server code,
         * so we need to wait until the entity is saved on the database.
         * We only want to set isMerge to true on the entities we're merging,
         * not the other entities potentially affected by the merge -> .where(…
        const newEntityRevision = await model.revision()

        await newEntityRevision
            .where('bbid', currentEntityBBID)
            .save({isMerge: true}, {patch: true, transacting});

        /* Also set dataID to null for slave entities to 'delete' them */
        await newEntityRevision
            .query(qb => qb.whereIn('bbid', entitiesToMergeBBIDs))
            .save({dataId: null, isMerge: true}, {patch: true, transacting});

        /** Clear the merge queue */
        session.mergeQueue = null;
        try {
            /* Remove merged entities from search results */
            await Promise.all(;
        catch (err) {

    /** Update the redirection table to redirect merged entities' bbids
     *  to currentEntityBBID (the entity we're merging into)
    await bookshelf.knex('bookbrainz.entity_redirect')
        .insert( => (
            // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
            {source_bbid: bbid, target_bbid: currentEntityBBID})));

    return allEntitiesReturnArray;

type ProcessAuthorCreditBody = {
    authorCredit: Array<AuthorCreditRow>
type ProcessAuthorCreditResult = {authorCreditId: number};

async function processAuthorCredit(
    orm: any,
    currentEntity: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined,
    body: ProcessAuthorCreditBody,
    transacting: Transaction
): Promise<ProcessAuthorCreditResult> {
    const authorCreditID = _.get(currentEntity, ['authorCredit', 'id']);

    const oldAuthorCredit = await (
        authorCreditID &&
        orm.AuthorCredit.forge({id: authorCreditID})
            .fetch({transacting, withRelated: ['names']})

    const names = _.get(body, 'authorCredit') || [];
    const newAuthorCredit = await orm.func.authorCredit.updateAuthorCredit(
        orm, transacting, oldAuthorCredit, => ({
            authorBBID: name.authorBBID,
            joinPhrase: name.joinPhrase,

    return {
        authorCreditId: newAuthorCredit && newAuthorCredit.get('id')

type ProcessEditionSetsBody = {
    languages: Array<Language>,
    publishers: Array<Publisher>,
    releaseEvents: Array<ReleaseEvent>
} & ProcessAuthorCreditBody;
type ProcessEditionSetsResult = {languageSetId: number[], publisherSetId: number[], releaseEventSetId: number[]} & ProcessAuthorCreditResult;

async function processEditionSets(
    orm: any,
    currentEntity: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined,
    body: ProcessEditionSetsBody,
    transacting: Transaction
): Promise<ProcessEditionSetsResult> {
    const languageSetID = _.get(currentEntity, ['languageSet', 'id']);

    const oldLanguageSet = await (
        languageSetID &&
        orm.LanguageSet.forge({id: languageSetID})
            .fetch({transacting, withRelated: ['languages']})

    const languages = _.get(body, 'languages') || [];
    const newLanguageSetIDPromise = orm.func.language.updateLanguageSet(
        orm, transacting, oldLanguageSet, => ({id: languageID}))
        .then((set) => set && set.get('id'));

    const publisherSetID = _.get(currentEntity, ['publisherSet', 'id']);

    const oldPublisherSet = await (
        publisherSetID &&
        orm.PublisherSet.forge({id: publisherSetID})
            .fetch({transacting, withRelated: ['publishers']})

    const publishers = _.get(body, 'publishers') || [];
    const newPublisherSetIDPromise = orm.func.publisher.updatePublisherSet(
        orm, transacting, oldPublisherSet, => ({bbid: publisherBBID}))
        .then((set) => set && set.get('id'));

    const releaseEventSetID = _.get(currentEntity, ['releaseEventSet', 'id']);

    const oldReleaseEventSet = await (
        releaseEventSetID &&
        orm.ReleaseEventSet.forge({id: releaseEventSetID})
            .fetch({transacting, withRelated: ['releaseEvents']})

    const releaseEvents = _.get(body, 'releaseEvents') || [];

    // if areaId is not present, set it to null.
    // otherwise it shows error while comparing old and new releaseEvent;

    if (releaseEvents[0]) {
        if (_.isNil(releaseEvents[0].areaId)) {
            releaseEvents[0].areaId = null;
        if (releaseEvents[0].date === '') {
            releaseEvents[0].date = null;

    const newReleaseEventSetIDPromise =
            orm, transacting, oldReleaseEventSet, releaseEvents
            .then((set) => set && set.get('id'));

    const authorCreditIDPromise = processAuthorCredit(orm, currentEntity, body, transacting).then(acResult => acResult.authorCreditId);

    return commonUtils.makePromiseFromObject<ProcessEditionSetsResult>({
        authorCreditId: authorCreditIDPromise,
        languageSetId: newLanguageSetIDPromise,
        publisherSetId: newPublisherSetIDPromise,
        releaseEventSetId: newReleaseEventSetIDPromise

type ProcessWorkSetsResult = {languageSetId: number[]};
async function processWorkSets(
    orm, currentEntity: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined, body: {languages: Array<Language>},
    transacting: Transaction
): Promise<ProcessWorkSetsResult> {
    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['languageSet', 'id']);

    const oldSet = await (
        id &&
            .fetch({transacting, withRelated: ['languages']})

    const languages = _.get(body, 'languages') || [];
    return commonUtils.makePromiseFromObject<ProcessWorkSetsResult>({
        languageSetId: orm.func.language.updateLanguageSet(
            orm, transacting, oldSet,
   => ({id: languageID}))
        ).then((set) => set && set.get('id'))

async function processEntitySets(
    orm: any,
    currentEntity: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined,
    entityType: EntityTypeString,
    body: any,
    transacting: Transaction
): Promise<ProcessEditionSetsResult | ProcessWorkSetsResult | ProcessAuthorCreditResult | null> {
    if (entityType === 'Edition') {
        const editionSets = await processEditionSets(orm, currentEntity, body, transacting);
        return editionSets;

    if (entityType === 'EditionGroup') {
        const authorCredit = await processAuthorCredit(orm, currentEntity, body, transacting);
        return authorCredit;

    if (entityType === 'Work') {
        const workSets = await processWorkSets(orm, currentEntity, body, transacting);
        return workSets;

    return null;

async function getNextAliasSet(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body) {
    const {AliasSet} = orm;

    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['aliasSet', 'id']);

    const oldAliasSet = await (
        id &&
        new AliasSet({id}).fetch({require: false, transacting, withRelated: ['aliases']})

    return orm.func.alias.updateAliasSet(
        orm, transacting, oldAliasSet,
        oldAliasSet && oldAliasSet.get('defaultAliasId'),
        body.aliases || []

async function getNextIdentifierSet(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body) {
    const {IdentifierSet} = orm;

    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['identifierSet', 'id']);

    const oldIdentifierSet = await (
        id &&
        new IdentifierSet({id}).fetch({
            require: false,
            transacting, withRelated: ['identifiers']

    return orm.func.identifier.updateIdentifierSet(
        orm, transacting, oldIdentifierSet, body.identifiers || []
export async function getNextRelationshipAttributeSets(orm, transacting, body) {
    const {RelationshipAttributeSet} = orm;
    const relationships = await Promise.all( (relationship) => {
        if (!relationship.isAdded) {
            relationship.attributeSetId = _.get(relationship, ['attributeSetId'], null);
            return relationship;
        const id = relationship.attributeSetId;
        const oldRelationshipAttributeSet = await (
            id &&
            new RelationshipAttributeSet({id}).fetch({
                require: false,
                transacting, withRelated: ['relationshipAttributes.value']
        const attributeSet = await orm.func.relationshipAttributes.updateRelationshipAttributeSet(
            orm, transacting, oldRelationshipAttributeSet, relationship.attributes || []
        const attributeSetId = attributeSet && attributeSet.get('id');
        relationship.attributeSetId = attributeSetId;
        delete relationship.attributes;
        return relationship;
    return relationships;

export async function getNextRelationshipSets(
    orm, transacting, currentEntity, body
) {
    const {RelationshipSet} = orm;
    const relationships = await getNextRelationshipAttributeSets(orm, transacting, body);
    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['relationshipSet', 'id']);

    const oldRelationshipSet = await (
        id &&
        new RelationshipSet({id}).fetch({
            require: false,
            transacting, withRelated: ['relationships']

    return orm.func.relationship.updateRelationshipSets(
        orm, transacting, oldRelationshipSet, relationships || []

async function getNextAnnotation(
    orm, transacting, currentEntity, body, revision
) {
    const {Annotation} = orm;

    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['annotation', 'id']);

    const oldAnnotation = await (
        id && new Annotation({id}).fetch({require: false, transacting})

    return body.annotation ? orm.func.annotation.updateAnnotation(
        orm, transacting, oldAnnotation, body.annotation, revision
    ) : new Promise(resolve => resolve(null));

async function getNextDisambiguation(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body) {
    const {Disambiguation} = orm;

    const id = _.get(currentEntity, ['disambiguation', 'id']);

    const oldDisambiguation = await (
        id && new Disambiguation({id}).fetch({require: false, transacting})

    return orm.func.disambiguation.updateDisambiguation(
        orm, transacting, oldDisambiguation, body.disambiguation

export async function getChangedProps(
    orm, transacting, isNew, currentEntity, body, entityType,
    newRevision, derivedProps
) {
    const aliasSetPromise =
        getNextAliasSet(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body);

    const identSetPromise =
        getNextIdentifierSet(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body);

    const annotationPromise = getNextAnnotation(
        orm, transacting, currentEntity, body, newRevision

    const disambiguationPromise =
        getNextDisambiguation(orm, transacting, currentEntity, body);

    const entitySetIdsPromise =
        processEntitySets(orm, currentEntity, entityType, body, transacting);

    const [
        aliasSet, identSet, annotation, disambiguation, entitySetIds
    ] = await Promise.all([
        aliasSetPromise, identSetPromise, annotationPromise,
        disambiguationPromise, entitySetIdsPromise

    const propsToSet = {
        aliasSetId: aliasSet && aliasSet.get('id'),
        annotationId: annotation && annotation.get('id'),
            disambiguation && disambiguation.get('id'),
        identifierSetId: identSet && identSet.get('id'),

    if (isNew) {
        return propsToSet;

    // Construct a set of differences between the new values and old
    return _.reduce(propsToSet, (result, value, key) => {
        if (!_.isEqual(value, currentEntity[key]) &&
            // If both items are null or undefined, consider them equal (null !=== undefined)
            !(_.isNil(value) && _.isNil(currentEntity[key]))
        ) {
            result[key] = value;

        return result;
    }, {});

export function fetchEntitiesForRelationships(
    orm, transacting, currentEntity, relationshipSets
) {
    const bbidsToFetch = _.without(
        _.keys(relationshipSets), _.get(currentEntity, 'bbid')

    return Promise.all(
        (bbid) =>
            getEntityByBBID(orm, transacting, bbid)

 * @param  {any} orm -  The BookBrainz ORM
 * @param  {any} newEdition - The ORM model of the newly created Edition
 * @param  {any} transacting - The ORM transaction object
 * @description Edition Groups will be created automatically by the ORM if no EditionGroup BBID is set on a new Edition.
 * This method fetches and indexes (search) those potential new EditionGroups that may have been created automatically.
export async function indexAutoCreatedEditionGroup(orm, newEdition, transacting) {
    const {EditionGroup} = orm;
    const bbid = newEdition.get('editionGroupBbid');
    try {
        const editionGroup = await new EditionGroup({bbid})
                require: true,
                withRelated: 'aliasSet.aliases'
        await search.indexEntity(editionGroup.toJSON({omitPivot: true}));
    catch (err) {
        log.error('Could not reindex edition group after edition creation:', err);

function sanitizeBody(body:any) {
    for (const alias of body.aliases) { = commonUtils.sanitize(;
        alias.sortName = commonUtils.sanitize(alias.sortName);
    body.disambiguation = commonUtils.sanitize(body.disambiguation);
    return body;

export async function processSingleEntity(formBody, JSONEntity, reqSession,
    entityType, orm:any, editorJSON, derivedProps, isMergeOperation, transacting):Promise<any> {
    const {Entity, Revision} = orm;
    let body = sanitizeBody(formBody);
    let currentEntity: {
        aliasSet: {id: number} | null | undefined,
        annotation: {id: number} | null | undefined,
        bbid: string,
        disambiguation: {id: number} | null | undefined,
        identifierSet: {id: number} | null | undefined,
        type: EntityTypeString
    } | null | undefined = JSONEntity;

    try {
        // Determine if a new entity is being created
        const isNew = !currentEntity;
        // sanitize namesection inputs
        body = sanitizeBody(body);
        if (isNew) {
            const newEntity = await new Entity({type: entityType})
                .save(null, {transacting});
            const newEntityBBID = newEntity.get('bbid');
            body.relationships =
                ({sourceBbid, targetBbid, ...others}) => ({
                    sourceBbid: sourceBbid || newEntityBBID,
                    targetBbid: targetBbid || newEntityBBID,

            currentEntity = newEntity.toJSON();

        // Then, edit the entity
        const newRevision = await new Revision({
            isMerge: isMergeOperation
        }).save(null, {transacting});

        const relationshipSets = await getNextRelationshipSets(
            orm, transacting, currentEntity, body

        const changedProps = await getChangedProps(
            orm, transacting, isNew, currentEntity, body, entityType,
            newRevision, derivedProps

        // If there are no differences, bail
        if (_.isEmpty(changedProps) && _.isEmpty(relationshipSets) && !isMergeOperation) {
            throw new error.FormSubmissionError('No Updated Field');

        // Fetch or create main entity
        const mainEntity = await fetchOrCreateMainEntity(
            orm, transacting, isNew, currentEntity.bbid, entityType

        // Fetch all entities that definitely exist
        const otherEntities = await fetchEntitiesForRelationships(
            orm, transacting, currentEntity, relationshipSets
        otherEntities.forEach(entity => { entity.shouldInsert = false; });
        mainEntity.shouldInsert = isNew;

        _.forOwn(changedProps, (value, key) => mainEntity.set(key, value));

        // Don't try to modify 'deleted' entities (those with no dataId)
        let allEntities = [...otherEntities, mainEntity]
            .filter(entity => entity.get('dataId') !== null);

        if (isMergeOperation) {
            allEntities = await processMergeOperation(orm, transacting, reqSession,
                mainEntity, allEntities, relationshipSets);

        _.forEach(allEntities, (entityModel) => {
            const bbid: string = entityModel.get('bbid');
            if (_.has(relationshipSets, bbid)) {
                    // Set to relationshipSet id or null if empty set
                    relationshipSets[bbid] && relationshipSets[bbid].get('id')

        const savedMainEntity = await saveEntitiesAndFinishRevision(
            orm, transacting, isNew, newRevision, mainEntity, allEntities,
  , body.note

        /* We need to load the aliases for search reindexing and refresh it (otherwise 'type' is missing for new entities)*/
        await savedMainEntity.refresh({transacting, withRelated: ['aliasSet.aliases', 'defaultAlias.language',
            'relationshipSet.relationships.source', '', 'relationshipSet.relationships.type', 'annotation']});

        if (isNew && savedMainEntity.get('type') === 'Edition') {
            /* fetch and reindex EditionGroups that may have been created automatically by the ORM and not indexed */
            await indexAutoCreatedEditionGroup(orm, savedMainEntity, transacting);

        const entityRelationships = savedMainEntity.related('relationshipSet')?.related('relationships');
        if (savedMainEntity.get('type') === 'Work' && entityRelationships?.length) {
            const authorsOfWork = await Promise.all(entityRelationships.toJSON().filter(
                // "Author wrote Work" relationship
                (relation) => relation.typeId === 8
            ).map(async (relationshipJSON) => {
                try {
                    const {source} = relationshipJSON;
                    const sourceEntity = await commonUtils.getEntity(
                        orm, source.bbid, source.type, {require: false, transacting}
                catch (err) {
                return null;
            // Attach a work's authors for search indexing
            savedMainEntity.set('authors', authorsOfWork.filter(Boolean));
        return savedMainEntity;
    catch (err) {
        throw err;

export async function handleCreateOrEditEntity(
    req: PassportRequest,
    res: $Response,
    entityType: EntityTypeString,
    derivedProps: Record<string, unknown>,
    isMergeOperation: boolean
) {
    const {orm}: {orm?: any} =;
    const editorJSON = req.user;
    const {bookshelf} = orm;
    const savedEntityModel = await bookshelf.transaction((transacting) =>
        processSingleEntity(req.body, res.locals.entity, req.session, entityType, orm, editorJSON, derivedProps, isMergeOperation, transacting));
    const entityJSON = savedEntityModel.toJSON();

    await processAchievement(orm,, entityJSON);

    await search.indexEntity(savedEntityModel);

    return res.status(200).send(entityJSON);

type AliasEditorT = {
    language: number | null | undefined,
    name: string,
    primary: boolean,
    sortName: string

type NameSectionT = {
    disambiguation: string,
    language: number | null | undefined,
    name: string,
    sortName: string,
    id: string

export function constructAliases(
    aliasEditor: {[propName: string]: AliasEditorT}, nameSection: NameSectionT
) {
    const aliases =
            {language: languageId, name, primary, sortName}: AliasEditorT,
        ) => ({
            default: false,

    return [{
        default: true,
        languageId: nameSection.language,
        primary: true,
        sortName: nameSection.sortName
    }, ...aliases];

type IdentifierEditorT = {
    type: number,
    value: string

export function constructIdentifiers(
    identifierEditor: {[propName: string]: IdentifierEditorT}
) {
        ({type: typeId, value}: IdentifierEditorT, id: string) =>
            ({id, typeId, value})

export function constructRelationships(parentSection, childAttributeName = 'relationships') {
        ({attributeSetId, rowID, relationshipType, sourceEntity, targetEntity, attributes, isRemoved, isAdded}) => ({
            id: rowID,
            sourceBbid: _.get(sourceEntity, 'bbid'),
            targetBbid: _.get(targetEntity, 'bbid'),

 * Returns the index of the default alias if defined in the aliasSet.
 * If there is no defaultAliasId, return the first alias where default = true.
 * Returns null if there are no aliases in the set.
 * @param {Object} aliasSet - The entity's aliasSet returned by the ORM
 * @param {Object[]} aliasSet.aliases - The array of aliases contained in the set
 * @param {string} aliasSet.defaultAliasId - The id of the set's default alias
 * @returns {?number} The index of the default alias, or 0; returns null if 0 aliases in set
export function getDefaultAliasIndex(aliasSet) {
    if (_.isNil(aliasSet)) {
        return null;
    const {aliases, defaultAliasId} = aliasSet;
    if (!aliases || !aliases.length) {
        return null;
    let index;
    if (!_.isNil(defaultAliasId) && isFinite(defaultAliasId)) {
        let defaultAliasIdNumber = defaultAliasId;
        if (_.isString(defaultAliasId)) {
            defaultAliasIdNumber = Number(defaultAliasId);
        index = aliases.findIndex((alias) => === defaultAliasIdNumber);
    else {
        index = aliases.findIndex((alias) => alias.default);
    return index > 0 ? index : 0;

export function areaToOption(
    area: {comment: string, id: number, name: string}
) {
    if (!area) {
        return null;
    const {id} = area;
    return {
        disambiguation: area.comment,
        type: 'area'

export function compareEntitiesByDate(a, b) {
    const aDate = _.get(a, 'releaseEventSet.releaseEvents[0].date', null);
    const bDate = _.get(b, 'releaseEventSet.releaseEvents[0].date', null);
    if (_.isNull(aDate)) {
         * return a positive value,
         * so that non-null dates always come before null dates.
        return 1;

    if (_.isNull(bDate)) {
         * return a negative value,
         * so that non-null dates always come before null dates.
        return -1;

    return new Date(aDate).getTime() - new Date(bDate).getTime();

type AuthorT = {
    value: string,
    id: number

export type AuthorCreditEditorT = {
    author: AuthorT,
    joinPhrase: string,
    name: string

export function constructAuthorCredit(
    authorCreditEditor: Record<string, AuthorCreditEditorT>
) {
        ({author, joinPhrase, name}: AuthorCreditEditorT) =>
            ({authorBBID:, joinPhrase, name})
export function displayPreview(req:PassportRequest, res:$Response, next) {
    const baseUrl = `${req.protocol}://${req.get('host')}`;
    const originalUrl = `${baseUrl}${req.originalUrl}`;
    const sourceUrl = req.headers.origin !== 'null' ? req.headers.origin : '<Unknown Source>';
    if (sourceUrl === baseUrl) {
        return next();
    const finalProps = {baseUrl, formBody: req.body, originalUrl, sourceUrl};
    const props = generateProps(req, res, {
        alert: [],

    const markup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        <Layout {...propHelpers.extractLayoutProps(props)}>
            <PreviewPage {...propHelpers.extractPreviewProps(props)}/>
    return res.send(target({
        props: JSON.stringify(props),
        script: '/js/preview.js',
        title: 'Preview'