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namespace BookStack\Access\Oidc;

class OidcJwtWithClaims implements ProvidesClaims
    protected array $header;
    protected array $payload;
    protected string $signature;
    protected string $issuer;
    protected array $tokenParts = [];

     * @var array[]|string[]
    protected array $keys;

    public function __construct(string $token, string $issuer, array $keys)
        $this->keys = $keys;
        $this->issuer = $issuer;

     * Parse the token content into its components.
    protected function parse(string $token): void
        $this->tokenParts = explode('.', $token);
        $this->header = $this->parseEncodedTokenPart($this->tokenParts[0]);
        $this->payload = $this->parseEncodedTokenPart($this->tokenParts[1] ?? '');
        $this->signature = $this->base64UrlDecode($this->tokenParts[2] ?? '') ?: '';

     * Parse a Base64-JSON encoded token part.
     * Returns the data as a key-value array or empty array upon error.
    protected function parseEncodedTokenPart(string $part): array
        $json = $this->base64UrlDecode($part) ?: '{}';
        $decoded = json_decode($json, true);

        return is_array($decoded) ? $decoded : [];

     * Base64URL decode. Needs some character conversions to be compatible
     * with PHP's default base64 handling.
    protected function base64UrlDecode(string $encoded): string
        return base64_decode(strtr($encoded, '-_', '+/'));

     * Validate common parts of OIDC JWT tokens.
     * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException
    public function validateCommonTokenDetails(string $clientId): bool

        return true;

     * Fetch a specific claim from this token.
     * Returns null if it is null or does not exist.
    public function getClaim(string $claim): mixed
        return $this->payload[$claim] ?? null;

     * Get all returned claims within the token.
    public function getAllClaims(): array
        return $this->payload;

     * Replace the existing claim data of this token with that provided.
    public function replaceClaims(array $claims): void
        $this->payload = $claims;

     * Validate the structure of the given token and ensure we have the required pieces.
     * As per
     * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException
    protected function validateTokenStructure(): void
        foreach (['header', 'payload'] as $prop) {
            if (empty($this->$prop) || !is_array($this->$prop)) {
                throw new OidcInvalidTokenException("Could not parse out a valid {$prop} within the provided token");

        if (empty($this->signature) || !is_string($this->signature)) {
            throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Could not parse out a valid signature within the provided token');

     * Validate the signature of the given token and ensure it validates against the provided key.
     * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException
    protected function validateTokenSignature(): void
        if ($this->header['alg'] !== 'RS256') {
            throw new OidcInvalidTokenException("Only RS256 signature validation is supported. Token reports using {$this->header['alg']}");

        $parsedKeys = array_map(function ($key) {
            try {
                return new OidcJwtSigningKey($key);
            } catch (OidcInvalidKeyException $e) {
                throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Failed to read signing key with error: ' . $e->getMessage());
        }, $this->keys);

        $parsedKeys = array_filter($parsedKeys);

        $contentToSign = $this->tokenParts[0] . '.' . $this->tokenParts[1];
        /** @var OidcJwtSigningKey $parsedKey */
        foreach ($parsedKeys as $parsedKey) {
            if ($parsedKey->verify($contentToSign, $this->signature)) {

        throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token signature could not be validated using the provided keys');

     * Validate common claims for OIDC JWT tokens.
     * As per
     * and
     * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException
    protected function validateCommonClaims(string $clientId): void
        // 1. The Issuer Identifier for the OpenID Provider (which is typically obtained during Discovery)
        // MUST exactly match the value of the iss (issuer) Claim.
        if (empty($this->payload['iss']) || $this->issuer !== $this->payload['iss']) {
            throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing or non-matching token issuer value');

        // 2. The Client MUST validate that the aud (audience) Claim contains its client_id value registered
        // at the Issuer identified by the iss (issuer) Claim as an audience. The ID Token MUST be rejected
        // if the ID Token does not list the Client as a valid audience.
        if (empty($this->payload['aud'])) {
            throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing token audience value');

        $aud = is_string($this->payload['aud']) ? [$this->payload['aud']] : $this->payload['aud'];
        if (!in_array($clientId, $aud, true)) {
            throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token audience value did not match the expected client_id');