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namespace BookStack\Entities\Queries;

use BookStack\Entities\Models\Entity;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

 * Interface for our classes which provide common queries for our
 * entity objects. Ideally all queries for entities should run through
 * these classes.
 * Any added methods should return a builder instances to allow extension
 * via building on the query, unless the method starts with 'find'
 * in which case an entity object should be returned.
 * (nullable unless it's a *OrFail method).
interface ProvidesEntityQueries
     * Start a new query for this entity type.
    public function start(): Builder;

     * Find the entity of the given ID, or return null if not found.
    public function findVisibleById(int $id): ?Entity;

     * Start a query for items that are visible, with selection
     * configured for list display of this item.
    public function visibleForList(): Builder;