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# BookingSync::API

This gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bookingsync-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bookingsync-api

## Usage

Gem assumes that you already have OAuth token for an account.

rentals = # => [BookingSync::API::Resource, BookingSync::API::Resource] # => "Small apartment"

### Pagination

All endpoints returning a collection of resources can be paginated. There are three ways to do it.

Specify `:per_page` and `:page` params. It's useful when implementing pagination on your site.

api.bookings(per_page: 10, page: 1) => [BookingSync::API::Resource, BookingSync::API::Resource, ...]

Use pagination with a block.

api.bookings(per_page: 10) do |batch|
  # display 10 bookings, will make one HTTP request for each batch

Fetch all resources (with multiple requests under the hood) and return one big array.

api.bookings(auto_paginate: true) => [BookingSync::API::Resource, BookingSync::API::Resource, ...]

### Meta information

Some endpoints return additional info about resource in meta section. To fetch it you need to
access last response.

```ruby "2014-01-01 15:43:96 UTC") # => [BookingSync::API::Resource,    BookingSync::API::Resource, ...]
api.last_response.meta # => {"deleted_ids" => [1, 3, 4]}
api.pagination_first_response.meta # => {"deleted_ids" => [1, 3, 4]}

### Adjust headers dynamically

If you need to add custom headers you can use `#with_headers` method. It accepts hash of headers
that should be added to next request and yields client. It resets headers to default ones at the end
and returns result of last operation specified inside block.

api.with_headers("x-awesome-header" => "you-bet-i-am") do |adjusted_api_client|
=> [BookingSync::API::Resource, BookingSync::API::Resource]

### Logging

Sometimes it's useful to see what data bookingsync-api gem sends and what it
receives from the API. By default, gem doesn't log anything.
There are two ways to enable logging:

1. Set `BOOKINGSYNC_API_DEBUG` environment variable to `true`, when running
  gem or your app server in development. This will print all logs to `STDOUT`.

2. Pass your own logger to API client, it can be for example `Rails.logger`.

  api ="OAUTH_TOKEN", logger: Rails.logger)

### Instrumentation

BookingSync::API exposes instrumentation information that can be consumed
by various instrumentation libraries. By default it doesn't send the
information anywhere.

To hook instrumentations into `ActiveSupport::Notifications`, pass the
module into the API client initializer:

api ="OAUTH_TOKEN", instrumenter: ActiveSupport::Notifications)

#### Log levels

`INFO` - Logged are only request method and the URL.
`DEBUG` - Logged are request and response headers and bodies.

When using `BOOKINGSYNC_API_DEBUG` variable, log level is DEBUG.

## Gem documentation

See [gem documentation]( for more info.

## API documentation

See [API documentation](

## Running specs

bundle exec rspec


bundle exec guard

### Recording VCR cassettes

For developing bookingsync-api gem you need OAuth access token. In order to record a cassette,
you need to run spec with below environment variables.

ACCESS_TOKEN=abc bundle exec rspec

If you want to change a cassette, you need to delete it first.

### Environment variables

There are a few environment variables which comes handy while developing and
debugging bookingsync-api gem.

* `BOOKINGSYNC_URL` - The url of the website, should be. Default
* `BOOKINGSYNC_VERIFY_SSL` - Verify SSL. Default to true.
* `BOOKINGSYNC_API_DEBUG` - If true, gem will log all request/responses to STDOUT. Default to false.
* `ACCESS_TOKEN` - OAuth token.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request