'use strict';
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { Schema } = mongoose;
module.exports = async function (instance, name, Component, connection) {
let app = instance.getComponents();
let args = [ null, app, { connection, Schema } ];
let SchemaClass = Function.prototype.bind.apply(Component, args);
let _model = new SchemaClass();
let schema = _model.__schema;
const modelProps = Object
.filter(key => typeof _model[key] !== 'function' && key !== '__schema');
const staticsKeys = Object
.filter(key => typeof Component[key] === 'function');
for (let key of staticsKeys) {
schema.statics[key] = function (...args) {
return Component[key].apply(this, args);
const methodsKeys = Object
.filter(key => typeof Component.prototype[key] === 'function');
for (let key of methodsKeys) {
schema.methods[key] = function (...args) {
let _this = this;
for (let prop of modelProps) {
_this[prop] = _model[prop];
return Component.prototype[key].apply(_this, args);
let model = connection.model(name, schema);
return class MongooseModel {
constructor () {
return model;