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//go:generate go run generator/generate.go

// Package address is a library that validates and formats addresses using data generated from Google's Address
// Data Service.
package address

import (

    textLanguage ""

type formatData struct {
    Country                     string
    CountryEnglish              string
    Name                        string
    Organization                string
    StreetAddress               []string
    DependentLocality           string
    Locality                    string
    AdministrativeArea          string
    AdministrativeAreaPostalKey string
    PostCode                    string
    SortingCode                 string

// Address represents a valid address made up of its child components.
type Address struct {
    Country            string
    Name               string
    Organization       string
    StreetAddress      []string
    DependentLocality  string
    Locality           string
    AdministrativeArea string
    PostCode           string
    SortingCode        string

// IsZero reports whether a represents a zero/uninitialized address
func (a Address) IsZero() bool {
    return a.Country == "" && a.Name == "" && a.Organization == "" && len(a.StreetAddress) <= 0 && a.DependentLocality == "" && a.Locality == "" && a.AdministrativeArea == "" && a.PostCode == "" && a.SortingCode == ""

func (a Address) toFormatData(countryData country, language string) formatData {

    f := formatData{
        Name:               a.Name,
        Organization:       a.Organization,
        StreetAddress:      []string{},
        DependentLocality:  a.DependentLocality,
        Locality:           a.Locality,
        AdministrativeArea: a.AdministrativeArea,
        PostCode:           a.PostCode,
        SortingCode:        a.SortingCode,

    for _, addressLine := range a.StreetAddress {
        trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(addressLine)

        if trimmed != "" {
            f.StreetAddress = append(f.StreetAddress, trimmed)

    normalizedLanguage := generated.normalizeLanguage(countryData.ID, language)

    namer := display.Regions(textLanguage.MustParse(normalizedLanguage))

    country := textLanguage.MustParseRegion(countryData.ID)

    if namer != nil {
        f.Country = namer.Name(country)
    } else {
        namer = display.Regions(textLanguage.English)
        f.Country = namer.Name(country)

    if a.AdministrativeArea != "" {
        if adminAreaName := generated.getAdministrativeAreaName(a.Country, a.AdministrativeArea, language); adminAreaName != "" {
            f.AdministrativeArea = adminAreaName

        f.AdministrativeAreaPostalKey = generated.getAdministrativeAreaPostalKey(a.Country, a.AdministrativeArea)

    if a.Locality != "" {
        if localityName := generated.getLocalityName(a.Country, a.AdministrativeArea, a.Locality, language); localityName != "" {
            f.Locality = localityName

    if a.DependentLocality != "" {
        if dependentLocalityName := generated.getDependentLocalityName(a.Country, a.AdministrativeArea, a.Locality, a.DependentLocality, language); dependentLocalityName != "" {
            f.DependentLocality = dependentLocalityName

    return f

// NewValid creates a new Address. If the address is invalid, an error is returned.
// In the case where an error is returned, the error is a hashicorp/go-multierror (
// You can use a type switch to get a list of validation errors for the address.
func NewValid(fields ...func(*Address)) (Address, error) {

    address := New(fields...)

    err := Validate(address)

    if err != nil {
        return address, fmt.Errorf("invalid address: %w", err)

    return address, nil

// New creates a new unvalidated address. The validity of the address should be checked
// using the validator.
func New(fields ...func(*Address)) Address {

    address := Address{}

    for _, field := range fields {

    return address

// WithCountry sets the country code of an address.
// The country code must be an ISO 3166-1 country code.
func WithCountry(countryCode string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.Country = strings.ToUpper(countryCode)

// WithName sets the addressee's name of an address.
func WithName(name string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.Name = name

// WithOrganization sets the addressee's organization of an address.
func WithOrganization(organization string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.Organization = organization

// WithStreetAddress sets the street address of an address.
// The street address is a slice of strings, with each element representing an address line.
func WithStreetAddress(streetAddress []string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.StreetAddress = streetAddress

// WithDependentLocality sets the dependent locality (commonly known as the suburb) of an address.
// If the country of the address has a list of dependent localities, then the key of the dependent locality should
// be used, otherwise, the validation will fail.
func WithDependentLocality(dependentLocality string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.DependentLocality = dependentLocality

// WithLocality sets the locality (commonly known as the city) of an address.
// If the country of the address has a list of localities, then the key of the locality should be used, otherwise,
// the validation will fail.
func WithLocality(locality string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.Locality = locality

// WithAdministrativeArea sets the administrative area (commonly known as the state) of an address.
// If the country of the address has a list of administrative area, then the key of the administrative area should
// used, otherwise, the validation will fail.
func WithAdministrativeArea(administrativeArea string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.AdministrativeArea = administrativeArea

// WithPostCode sets the post code of an address.
func WithPostCode(postCode string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.PostCode = postCode

// WithSortingCode sets the sorting code of an address.
func WithSortingCode(sortingCode string) func(*Address) {
    return func(a *Address) {
        a.SortingCode = sortingCode

// CountryData contains the address data for a country.
// The AdministrativeAreas field contains a list of nested subdivisions (administrative areas, localities and dependent
// localities) grouped by their translated languages. They are also sorted according to the sort order of the languages
// they are in.
type CountryData struct {
    Format                     string
    LatinizedFormat            string
    Required                   []Field
    Allowed                    []Field
    DefaultLanguage            string
    AdministrativeAreaNameType FieldName
    LocalityNameType           FieldName
    DependentLocalityNameType  FieldName
    PostCodeNameType           FieldName
    PostCodeRegex              PostCodeRegexData
    AdministrativeAreas        map[string][]AdministrativeAreaData

// PostCodeRegexData contains regular expressions for validating post codes for a given country.
// If the country has subdivisions (administrative areas, localities and dependent localities), the SubdivisionRegex
// field may contain further regular expressions to Validate the post code.
type PostCodeRegexData struct {
    Regex            string
    SubdivisionRegex map[string]PostCodeRegexData

// AdministrativeAreaData contains the name and ID of and administrative area. The ID must be passed to
// WithAdministrativeArea() when creating an address. The name is useful for displaying to the end user.
type AdministrativeAreaData struct {
    ID   string
    Name string

    Localities []LocalityData

// LocalityData contains the name and ID of and administrative area. The ID must be passed to
// WithLocalityData() when creating an address. The name is useful for displaying to the end user.
type LocalityData struct {
    ID   string
    Name string

    DependentLocalities []DependentLocalityData

// DependentLocalityData contains the name and ID of and administrative area. The ID must be passed to
// WithDependentLocalityData() when creating an address. The name is useful for displaying to the end user.
type DependentLocalityData struct {
    ID   string
    Name string

// CountryList contains a list of countries that can be used to create addresses.
type CountryList []CountryListItem

// Len returns the number of countries in the list. This is used for sorting the countries and would not generally be used
// in client code.
func (c CountryList) Len() int {
    return len(c)

// Swap swaps 2 countries in the list. This is used for sorting the countries and would not generally be used
// in client code.
func (c CountryList) Swap(i, j int) {
    c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]

// Bytes returns a country name in bytes. This is used for sorting the countries and would not generally be used
// in client code.
func (c CountryList) Bytes(i int) []byte {
    return []byte(c[i].Name)

// CountryListItem represents a single country, containing the ISO 3166-1 code and the name of the country.
type CountryListItem struct {
    Code string
    Name string

// ListCountries returns a list of countries that can be used to create addresses.
// Language must be a valid ISO 639-1 language code such as: en, jp, zh, etc.
// If the language does not have any translations or is invalid, then English is used as the fallback language.
// The returned list of countries is sorted according to the chosing language.
func ListCountries(language string) []CountryListItem {

    l, err := textLanguage.Parse(language)

    if err != nil {
        l = textLanguage.English

    c := collate.New(l)
    namer := display.Regions(l)

    if namer == nil {
        namer = display.Regions(textLanguage.English)

    var countries CountryList

    for countryCode := range generated {

        if countryCode == "ZZ" {

        country := textLanguage.MustParseRegion(countryCode)

        countries = append(countries, CountryListItem{
            Code: countryCode,
            Name: namer.Name(country),


    return countries

// GetCountry returns address information for a given country.
func GetCountry(countryCode string) CountryData {

    country := generated.getCountry(countryCode)

    return internalCountryDataToCountryData(country)

func internalCountryDataToCountryData(country country) CountryData {

    data := CountryData{
        Format:                     country.Format,
        LatinizedFormat:            country.LatinizedFormat,
        DefaultLanguage:            country.DefaultLanguage,
        AdministrativeAreaNameType: country.AdministrativeAreaNameType,
        LocalityNameType:           country.LocalityNameType,
        DependentLocalityNameType:  country.DependentLocalityNameType,
        PostCodeNameType:           country.PostCodeNameType,
        PostCodeRegex:              internalPostCodeRegexToPostCodeRegexData(country.PostCodeRegex),

    var required []Field

    for field := range country.RequiredFields {
        required = append(required, field)

    sort.Slice(required, func(i, j int) bool {
        return required[i].String() < required[j].String()

    data.Required = required

    var allowed []Field

    for field := range country.AllowedFields {
        allowed = append(allowed, field)

    sort.Slice(allowed, func(i, j int) bool {
        return allowed[i].String() < allowed[j].String()

    data.Allowed = allowed

    administrativeAreas := map[string][]AdministrativeAreaData{}

    for lang, adminAreas := range country.AdministrativeAreas {
        administrativeAreas[lang] = internalAdministrativeAreasToAdministrativeAreaData(adminAreas)

    if len(administrativeAreas) > 0 {
        data.AdministrativeAreas = administrativeAreas

    return data

func internalPostCodeRegexToPostCodeRegexData(regex postCodeRegex) PostCodeRegexData {

    result := PostCodeRegexData{
        Regex: regex.regex,

    for subID, regex := range regex.subdivisionRegex {

        if result.SubdivisionRegex == nil {
            result.SubdivisionRegex = map[string]PostCodeRegexData{}

        result.SubdivisionRegex[subID] = internalPostCodeRegexToPostCodeRegexData(regex)

    return result

func internalAdministrativeAreasToAdministrativeAreaData(areas []administrativeArea) []AdministrativeAreaData {

    var result []AdministrativeAreaData

    for _, adminArea := range areas {

        var localities []LocalityData

        for _, locality := range adminArea.Localities {

            var dependentLocalities []DependentLocalityData

            for _, dependentLocality := range locality.DependentLocalities {
                dependentLocalities = append(dependentLocalities, DependentLocalityData{
                    ID:   dependentLocality.ID,
                    Name: dependentLocality.Name,

            localityData := LocalityData{
                ID:   locality.ID,
                Name: locality.Name,

            if len(dependentLocalities) > 0 {
                localityData.DependentLocalities = dependentLocalities

            localities = append(localities, localityData)

        adminAreaData := AdministrativeAreaData{
            ID:   adminArea.ID,
            Name: adminArea.Name,

        if len(localities) > 0 {
            adminAreaData.Localities = localities

        result = append(result, adminAreaData)

    return result