import { screen } from '@testing-library/react';import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { StatusType } from '../../core/types/status';import { renderWithTheme } from '../utils/test-utils';import { AlertProps, IonAlert } from './alert'; const defaultAlert: AlertProps = { message: 'Example message',}; const sut = (props = defaultAlert) => renderWithTheme(<IonAlert {...props} />);const alertId = 'ion-alert';const getAlert = () => screen.getByTestId(alertId); describe('IonAlert', () => { it('should render alert', () => { sut(); expect(getAlert()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should render alert with label "Message alert"', async () => { const customLabel = 'Message alert'; sut({ message: customLabel }); expect(await screen.findAllByText(customLabel)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should render ErrorBoundary component when not exist message', async () => { sut({ message: '' }); const msgError = 'Message cannot be empty'; const errorBoundary = screen.getByTestId('ion-error-boundary'); expect(errorBoundary).toBeTruthy(); expect(await screen.findByText(msgError)).toBeTruthy(); }); it.each(['success', 'info', 'warning', 'negative'] as StatusType[])( 'should render alert with type: %s', (type) => { const { container } = sut({ ...defaultAlert, type }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it('should not render background alert when hideBackground is true', async () => { await sut({ ...defaultAlert, hideBackground: true }); expect(getAlert()).not.toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', expect.any(String) ); }); it('should render icon close when closable is true', async () => { await sut({ ...defaultAlert, closable: true }); const iconClose = screen.getByTestId('ion-icon-close'); expect(iconClose).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should emit onClose function when click on close icon', async () => { const onClose = jest.fn(); await sut({ ...defaultAlert, closable: true, onClose }); await'ion-icon-close')); expect(onClose).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); });});