import { fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/dom';import { renderWithTheme } from '../utils/test-utils';import { AvatarProps, IonAvatar } from './avatar';import { SizeType } from '@ion/core/types/size'; const photoUrl = ''; const onErrorImg = ''; const avatarSizes: SizeType[] = ['lg', 'md', 'sm', 'xs']; const photoAvatar: AvatarProps = { type: 'photo', image: photoUrl,}; const sut = (props: AvatarProps) => renderWithTheme(<IonAvatar {...props} />); describe('Avatar', () => { describe('Default', () => { it('should render avatar component', () => { sut({}); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-avatar')).toBeVisible(); }); it('should render the initials avatar as default', () => { sut({}); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-avatar-initials')).toBeVisible(); }); it.each(avatarSizes)( 'should render avatar with %s size variation', (size) => { sut({ size, }); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-avatar')).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); }); describe('Initials', () => { it('should render with -- when no value is informed', () => { sut({}); expect(screen.getByText('--')).toBeVisible(); }); it('should render the initials of a provided name', () => { sut({ value: 'ana carolina' }); expect(screen.getByText('AC')).toBeVisible(); }); }); describe('Icon', () => { it('should render a icon', () => { sut({ type: 'icon' }); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-icon-user')).toBeVisible(); }); }); describe('Photo', () => { it('should render the image', () => { sut(photoAvatar); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-avatar-photo')).toBeVisible(); }); it('should change the image to the specified default on error', () => { sut({ ...photoAvatar, image: 'wrongImageUrl', onErrorImg, }); const imageElement = screen.getByTestId('ion-avatar-photo'); fireEvent.error(imageElement); expect(imageElement).toHaveAttribute('src', onErrorImg); }); });});