import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import theme from '@ion/styles/theme';import { renderWithTheme } from '../utils/test-utils';import { BadgeProps, BadgeType, IonBadge, LabelType } from './badge';import { typeColors } from './styles'; const defaultBadge: BadgeProps = { label: 'Badge', type: 'primary',}; const sut = (props: BadgeProps = defaultBadge) => { return renderWithTheme(<IonBadge {...props} />);}; const getBadge = () => { return screen.getByTestId('ion-badge');}; const getDotBadge = () => { return screen.getByTestId('ion-dot-badge');}; describe('BadgeComponent', () => { describe('With value', () => { describe('Default', () => { beforeEach(() => { sut(); }); it('should render badge component', async () => { expect(screen.getByText(defaultBadge.label || '')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render primary badge by default', async () => { const { background, color } = typeColors(theme, 'primary'); expect(getBadge()).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', background); expect(getBadge()).toHaveStyleRule( 'color', color || theme.colors.neutral[1] ); }); }); describe('Custom Props', () => { it.each(['10', 99, '6', 0])( 'should render badge with %i label (string or number)', async (label: LabelType) => { sut({ label }); expect(screen.getByText(label)).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); it.each([100, 101, 1000])( 'should render 99+ when value is %i (bigger than 100)', async (label: LabelType) => { sut({ label }); expect(getBadge().textContent).toBe('99+'); } ); it('should not render 99+ if string contains characters other than numbers', async () => { const label = '100A'; sut({ ...defaultBadge, label: label }); expect(getBadge().textContent).toBe(label); }); const badgeTypes: Array<BadgeType> = [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'neutral', 'danger', ]; it.each(badgeTypes)( 'should render badge %s type', async (type: BadgeType) => { const { background, color } = typeColors(theme, type); sut({ ...defaultBadge, type: type }); expect(getBadge()).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', background); expect(getBadge()).toHaveStyleRule( 'color', color || theme.colors.neutral[1] ); } ); }); }); describe('Dot', () => { describe('Default', () => { beforeEach(() => { sut({ ...defaultBadge, dot: true }); }); it('should render dot badge by default', async () => { expect(getDotBadge()).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', theme.colors.main.primary ); expect(getDotBadge()).toHaveStyleRule('width', '8px'); expect(getDotBadge()).toHaveStyleRule('height', '8px'); expect(getDotBadge()).toHaveStyleRule('border-radius', '50%'); expect(getDotBadge()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('With label', () => { it('should render dot badge with label', async () => { sut({ ...defaultBadge, dot: true }); expect(getDotBadge()).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByText(defaultBadge.label || '')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('With icon', () => { it('should render dot badge with icon when size is greater than extra small', async () => { sut({ ...defaultBadge, dot: true, icon: 'close', size: 'sm' }); expect(getDotBadge()).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByTestId('ion-icon-close')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render icon when size is extra small', async () => { sut({ ...defaultBadge, dot: true, icon: 'close', size: 'xs' }); expect(getDotBadge()).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.queryByTestId('ion-icon-close')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render label when icon is present', async () => { sut({ ...defaultBadge, dot: true, icon: 'close', size: 'sm' }); expect(getDotBadge()).toBeVisible(); expect( screen.queryByText(defaultBadge.label || '') ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });});