import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { renderWithTheme } from '../utils/test-utils';import { IonIcon } from './icons';import { IonIconProps } from './icons';import { IconType } from './svgs/icons'; const defaultIcon: IonIconProps = { size: 24, type: 'pencil', color: '#282B33',}; const customIcon: IonIconProps = { type: 'access', size: 12, color: 'purple',}; const sut = (props: IonIconProps = { type: 'pencil' }) => renderWithTheme(<IonIcon {...props} />);const getIcon = (type: IconType) => screen.getByTestId(`ion-icon-${type}`);const getOuterHighlight = () => screen.getByTestId('ion-icon-outer-highlight');const getInnerHighlight = () => screen.getByTestId('ion-icon-inner-highlight'); describe('IonIcon', () => { let iconElement: HTMLElement; let outerHighlight: HTMLElement; let innerHighlight: HTMLElement; describe('Default Props', () => { beforeEach(() => { sut(); iconElement = getIcon(defaultIcon.type); outerHighlight = getOuterHighlight(); innerHighlight = getInnerHighlight(); }); it('should render Icon component', () => { expect(iconElement).toBeVisible(); }); it('should render with default size', () => { expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('width', `${defaultIcon.size}px`); expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('height', `${defaultIcon.size}px`); }); it('should render with default color', () => { expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('fill', defaultIcon.color); }); it('should render the highlights background color as transparent', () => { expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', 'transparent'); expect(innerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', 'transparent'); }); }); describe('Invalid Hex', () => { it('should render the highlights with the default props when the color informed is not Hexadecimal', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, color: 'red' }); expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', 'transparent'); expect(innerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', 'transparent'); expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('width', 'unset'); expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('height', 'unset'); expect(innerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('width', 'unset'); expect(innerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule('height', 'unset'); }); }); describe('Custom props', () => { beforeEach(() => { sut(customIcon); iconElement = getIcon(customIcon.type); outerHighlight = getOuterHighlight(); innerHighlight = getInnerHighlight(); }); it('should render with the informed size', () => { expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('width', `${customIcon.size}px`); expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('height', `${customIcon.size}px`); }); it('should render with the informed color', () => { expect(iconElement).toHaveStyleRule('fill', customIcon.color); }); }); describe('Simple Highlight', () => { beforeEach(() => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, highlight: 'simple' }); outerHighlight = getOuterHighlight(); innerHighlight = getInnerHighlight(); }); it('should render the outer container with double the icon size', () => { expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule( 'width', `${defaultIcon.size && defaultIcon.size * 2}px` ); expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule( 'height', `${defaultIcon.size && defaultIcon.size * 2}px` ); }); it('should render the outer container with a 10% transparency background color', () => { expect(outerHighlight).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', `${defaultIcon.color}1A` ); }); }); describe('Double Highlight', () => { const iconSizes = { sm: 16, md: 24, }; it('should render the outer circle with a background color with 10% transparency', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getOuterHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', `${defaultIcon.color}1A` ); }); it('should render the inner circle with a background color with 25% transparency', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getInnerHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', `${defaultIcon.color}40` ); }); it('should render the outer circle with the right proportion when the icon size is smaller than md', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, size:, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getOuterHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'width', `${ * 2.5}px` ); expect(getOuterHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'height', `${ * 2.5}px` ); }); it('should render the outer circle with the right proportion when the icon size is at least md', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, size:, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getOuterHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'width', `${ * 2.25}px` ); expect(getOuterHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'height', `${ * 2.25}px` ); }); it('should render the inner circle with the right proportion when the icon size is smaller than md', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, size:, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getInnerHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'width', `${ * 1.75}px` ); expect(getInnerHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'height', `${ * 1.75}px` ); }); it('should render the inner circle with the right proportion when the icon size is at least md', () => { sut({ ...defaultIcon, size:, highlight: 'double', }); expect(getInnerHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'width', `${ * 1.5}px` ); expect(getInnerHighlight()).toHaveStyleRule( 'height', `${ * 1.5}px` ); }); });});