import { renderWithTheme } from '@ion/components/utils/test-utils';import { screen } from '@testing-library/react';import { IonHeadingInterface } from '../typography.types';import IonHeading from './heading'; const defaultProps: IonHeadingInterface = { label: 'Ion React', type: 'h1' }; const sut = (props: IonHeadingInterface = defaultProps) => { return renderWithTheme(<IonHeading {...props} />);}; const headingSize: Array<IonHeadingInterface['size']> = [ 'medium', 'normal', 'small',];const headingcolorScheme: Array<IonHeadingInterface['colorScheme']> = [ 'dark-primary', 'dark-secondary', 'primary', 'secondary',];const headingFontWeight: Array<IonHeadingInterface['weight']> = [ 'bold', 'medium',];const heading: Array<IonHeadingInterface> = [ { label: 'ion react', type: 'h1' }, { label: 'ion react', type: 'h2' }, { label: 'ion react', type: 'h3' }, { label: 'ion react', type: 'h4' },]; describe('<IonHeading />', () => { it.each(heading)( 'should render the heading with the correct label $type', (heading) => { sut(heading); expect( screen.getByRole('heading', { name: heading.label }) ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); it.each(headingSize)( 'should render the heading with the correct size %s', (size) => { const { container } = sut({ ...defaultProps, size }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it.each(headingcolorScheme)( 'should render the heading with the correct color %s', (colorScheme) => { const { container } = sut({ ...defaultProps, colorScheme }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it.each(headingFontWeight)( 'should render the heading with the correct color %s', (weight) => { const { container } = sut({ ...defaultProps, weight }); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); } );});