import { customElement, html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import sharedDataViewStyles from '../data/data-view-shared.styles';
import styles from './neutral-view.styles';
export class NeutralViewSanskrit extends LitElement {
static get styles() {
return [styles, sharedDataViewStyles];
render() {
return html`
<div class="static-page-container lang_skt">
<div class="main-border">
<div class="main-content">
The Sanskrit textual corpus used in BuddhaNexus was obtained from
the Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (<a
>, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), the Digital Sanskrit
Buddhist Canon (<a
>, University of the West), some files from SuttaCentral (<a
>), and a couple of files obtained from individual researchers.
Due to the huge amount of material, some texts from the original
databases have been omitted (cumulative pāda indexes and duplicate
texts from the same source). Moreover, there has been no attempt
by BuddhaNexus to improve the quality of the texts (e.g. removing
typos, introducing identical conventions, and the like). Some
minor changes have, nonetheless, been made for the sake of
standardization. In order to make the matching process feasible,
some markup information of the original files has been neglected.
The Buddhist Sanskrit files are structured in accordance with the
organizational scheme of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon, whereas
“Buddhist Scriptures” corresponds to the Kangyur and “Buddhist
Non-Scriptures” to the Tengyur. For the non-Buddhist material
taken over from GRETIL, the data structure has been slightly
altered. The folders 4_rellit/buddh and 6_sastra/3_phil/buddh/
have been removed and their content divided under “Buddhist
Scriptures” and “Buddhist Non-Scriptures.” Moreover, a numbering
scheme was introduced to simplify the access to the different
GRETIL categories. For example, "<b>GV01</b>" represents
<b>G</b>RETIL <b>V</b>eda 1.
For the calculation of the Sanskrit matches and for the global
search function, a stemming algorithm has been used. The stemming
algorithm is accessible as a
<a href="/sanskrit-tools" class="content-link"
>standalone application</a
The minimum possible length for a match has been set to 25
<span class="copyright"
>Background image: Courtesy of the Nepal-German Manuscript
Preservation Project (NGMPP).</span