import { html } from 'lit-element';
import { SEGMENT_COLORS } from '../utility/preprocessing';
import { minimumLengthText } from '../data/data-view-subheader';
export default function TextViewInfoModalContent(language) {
return html`
The color coding of the syllables in the Inquiry Text indicates how many
approximate matches are to be encountered at a certain syllable
according to the current filter settings.
<p><b>Color codes per number of matches:</b></p>
<table style="width:100%; table-layout:fixed" align="center">
${[ Array(10)].map(
(k, i) => html`
<td><b>10 or more</b></td>
<td bgcolor="#000000" style="height:30px"></td>
${[ Array(10)].map(
(k, i) => html`
<td bgcolor="${SEGMENT_COLORS[i + 1]}"></td>