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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Set Up Local Environment

1. Clone the repository & `cd` into it.
2. Make sure `yarn` is on your machine and run `yarn install`.
3. To run the demo page, run `npm run demo`. Browsersync will open a page in your default browser.
4. To watch for build changes, run `npm run watcher`.
5. Browsersync will autorefresh the page any time new files picked up by watcher are processed and compiled.

## Feature Requests / Bug Reports

If you have a feature request or bug you've noticed, please [make an issue](https://github.com/buddylreno/smarquee/issues) on Github, and assign the appropriate label.

## Make Pull Request

To make a pull request, please follow these steps.

1. Make a descriptive issue.
2. Fork the repository.
3. Create a new branch with a brief, descriptive name.
4. Write tests with jest covering your feature or issue.
5. Make a pull request to the master branch and note in the PR description that it closes the issue you previously created.


I humbly appreciate the help!