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Test Coverage
module Spotify
  class API
    # @!group PlaylistContainer

    # Attach callbacks to the container, used for getting change notifications.
    # @example
    #   callbacks = Spotify::PlaylistContainerCallbacks.new({
    #     container_loaded: proc { |playlist| puts "Container loaded!" },
    #   })
    #   Spotify.playlistcontainer_add_callbacks(container, callbacks, nil) # => :ok
    # @note it is *very* important that the callbacks are not garbage collected before they are called!
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [PlaylistContainerCallbacks] container_callbacks
    # @param [FFI::Pointer] userdata
    # @return [Symbol] error code
    # @method playlistcontainer_add_callbacks(container, container_callbacks, userdata)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_add_callbacks, [ PlaylistContainer, PlaylistContainerCallbacks.by_ref, :userdata ], APIError

    # Remove container callbacks previously added with {#playlistcontainer_add_callbacks}.
    # @see #playlistcontainer_add_callbacks
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [PlaylistCallbacks] container_callbacks
    # @param [FFI::Pointer] userdata
    # @return [Symbol] error code
    # @method playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks(container, container_callbacks, userdata)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks, [ PlaylistContainer, PlaylistContainerCallbacks.by_ref, :userdata ], APIError

    # @see #playlistcontainer_is_loaded
    # @see #playlistcontainer_playlist
    # @note if the container is not loaded, the function will always return 0.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @return [Integer] number of playlists in container
    # @method playlistcontainer_num_playlists(container)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_num_playlists, [ PlaylistContainer ], :int

    # @see #playlistcontainer_num_playlists
    # @note if index is out of range, the function always return nil.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @return [Playlist, nil] playlist at index
    # @method playlistcontainer_playlist(container)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_playlist, [ PlaylistContainer, :int ], Playlist

    # @see #playlistcontainer_num_playlists
    # @note if index is out of range, the function always return :playlist.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @return [Symbol] playlist type of playlist at index, one of :playlist, :start_folder, :end_folder, :placeholder
    # @method playlistcontainer_playlist_type(container, index)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_playlist_type, [ PlaylistContainer, :int ], :playlist_type

    # Retrieve folder name of a folder in a container.
    # @example
    #   Spotify.playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_name(container, index = 0) # => "Summer Playlists"
    # @see #playlistcontainer_num_playlists
    # @note the spotify client appear to constrain the name to 255 chars, so this function does too.
    # @note if index is out of range, the function always return nil.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @return [String, nil] name of the folder as a string, or nil if not a folder, or out of range
    # @method playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_name(container, index)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_name, [ PlaylistContainer, :int, :buffer_out, :int ], APIError do |container, index|
      folder_name = with_string_buffer(255) do |folder_name_buffer, size|
        sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_name(container, index, folder_name_buffer, size)

      folder_name unless folder_name.empty?

    # @note if the index is out of range, the function always return 0.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @return [Integer] folder id at index
    # @method playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_id(container, index)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_playlist_folder_id, [ PlaylistContainer, :int ], :uint64

    # Add a new playlist to the end of the container.
    # @note the name must not constist of only spaces, and it must be shorter than 256 bytes.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [String] playlist_name name of the playlist
    # @return [Playlist, nil] the new playlist, or nil if creation failed
    # @method playlistcontainer_add_new_playlist(container, playlist_name)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_add_new_playlist, [ PlaylistContainer, UTF8String ], Playlist

    # Add an existing playlist to the end of the container.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Link] link link to a playlist
    # @return [Playlist, nil] the playlist, or nil if the playlist already exists, or if the link was not a valid playlist link
    # @method playlistcontainer_add_playlist(container, link)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_add_playlist, [ PlaylistContainer, Link ], Playlist

    # Remove a playlist from a container.
    # @note if you remove a folder marker, remove the other corresponding (start or stop) marker
    #       as well, or the playlist will be left in an inconsistent state.
    # @note if the index is out of range, the function always return an error.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @return [Symbol] error code
    # @method playlistcontainer_remove_playlist(container, index)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_remove_playlist, [ PlaylistContainer, :int ], APIError

    # Move a playlist to another position in the container.
    # @note if the index is out of range, the function always return an error.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0...{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @param [Integer] new_position
    # @param [Boolean] dry_run do not move the playlist, only check if it is possible
    # @return [Symbol] error code
    # @method playlistcontainer_move_playlist(container, index, new_position, dry_run)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_move_playlist, [ PlaylistContainer, :int, :int, :bool ], APIError

    # Create a new folder in the container.
    # This creates a start_folder marker, and an end_folder marker right after it, at
    # specified index.
    # @note you cannot rename folders, if you want to do so you have to destroy the folder and recreate it
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Integer] index number between 0..{#playlistcontainer_num_playlists}
    # @param [String] folder_name
    # @method playlistcontainer_add_folder(container, index, folder_name)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_add_folder, [ PlaylistContainer, :int, UTF8String ], APIError

    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @return [User] owner of the container
    # @method playlistcontainer_owner(container)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_owner, [ PlaylistContainer ], User

    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @return [Boolean] true if the container is loaded
    # @method playlistcontainer_is_loaded(container)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_is_loaded, [ PlaylistContainer ], :bool

    # Number of new tracks in playlist since {#playlistcontainer_clear_unseen_tracks} was called.
    # @example number of unseen tracks in playlist
    #   Spotify.playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks(container, playlist) # => [#<Spotify::Track::Retaining address=0x103a36c10>…
    # @note if the playlist is not in the container, this function always return an empty array.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Playlist] playlist
    # @return [Array<Track>] an array of unseen tracks
    # @method playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks(container, playlist)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks, [ PlaylistContainer, Playlist, :array, :int ], :int do |container, playlist|
      count = sp_playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks(container, playlist, nil, 0)
      tracks = with_buffer(Spotify::Track, size: count) do |tracks_buffer|
        sp_playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks(container, playlist, tracks_buffer, count)
        tracks_buffer.read_array_of_pointer(count).map do |pointer|
          Spotify::Track.retaining_class.from_native(pointer, nil)

      tracks || []

    # Clear unseen tracks for a playlist on a container
    # This will cause the next{#playlistcontainer_get_unseen_tracks} call to return 0.
    # @param [PlaylistContainer] container
    # @param [Playlist] playlist
    # @return [Integer] 0 on success, and -1 on failure
    # @method playlistcontainer_clear_unseen_tracks(container, playlist)
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_clear_unseen_tracks, [ PlaylistContainer, Playlist ], :int

    attach_function :playlistcontainer_add_ref, [ PlaylistContainer ], APIError
    attach_function :playlistcontainer_release, [ PlaylistContainer ], APIError