

1 hr
Test Coverage
require 'rails_helper'

feature 'Admin banners magement' do

  background do

  it_behaves_like "translatable",
                  %w[title description]

  context "Index" do
    background do
      @banner1 = create(:banner, title: "Banner number one",
                  description:  "This is the text of banner number one and is not active yet",
                  target_url:  "http://www.url.com",
                  post_started_at: (Time.current + 4.days),
                  post_ended_at:   (Time.current + 10.days),
                  background_color: '#FF0000',
                  font_color: '#FFFFFF')

      @banner2 = create(:banner, title: "Banner number two",
                  description:  "This is the text of banner number two and is not longer active",
                  target_url:  "http://www.url.com",
                  post_started_at: (Time.current - 10.days),
                  post_ended_at:   (Time.current - 3.days),
                  background_color: '#00FF00',
                  font_color: '#FFFFFF')

      @banner3 = create(:banner, title: "Banner number three",
                  description:  "This is the text of banner number three and has style banner-three",
                  target_url:  "http://www.url.com",
                  post_started_at: (Time.current - 1.day),
                  post_ended_at:   (Time.current + 10.days),
                  background_color: '#0000FF',
                  font_color: '#FFFFFF')

      @banner4 = create(:banner, title: "Banner number four",
                  description:  "This is the text of banner number four and has style banner-one",
                  target_url:  "http://www.url.com",
                  post_started_at: (DateTime.current - 10.days),
                  post_ended_at:   (DateTime.current + 10.days),
                  background_color: '#FFF000',
                  font_color: '#FFFFFF')

      @banner5 = create(:banner, title: "Banner number five",
                  description:  "This is the text of banner number five and has style banner-two",
                  target_url:  "http://www.url.com",
                  post_started_at: (DateTime.current - 10.days),
                  post_ended_at:   (DateTime.current + 10.days),
                  background_color: '#FFFF00',
                  font_color: '#FFFFFF')

    scenario 'Index show active banners' do
      visit admin_banners_path(filter: 'with_active')
      expect(page).to have_content("There are 3 banners")

    scenario 'Index show inactive banners' do
      visit admin_banners_path(filter: 'with_inactive')
      expect(page).to have_content("There are 2 banners")

    scenario 'Index show all banners' do
      visit admin_banners_path
      expect(page).to have_content("There are 5 banners")

  scenario 'Banners publication is listed on admin menu' do
    visit admin_root_path

    within('#side_menu') do
      expect(page).to have_link "Manage banners"

  scenario 'Publish a banner' do
    section = create(:web_section, name: 'proposals')

    visit admin_root_path

    within('#side_menu') do
      click_link "Manage banners"

    click_link "Create banner"

    fill_in 'Title', with: 'Such banner'
    fill_in 'Description', with: 'many text wow link'
    fill_in 'banner_target_url', with: 'https://www.url.com'
    last_week = Time.current - 7.days
    next_week = Time.current + 7.days
    fill_in 'post_started_at', with: last_week.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    fill_in 'post_ended_at', with: next_week.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    fill_in 'banner_background_color', with: '#850000'
    fill_in 'banner_font_color', with: '#ffb2b2'
    check "banner_web_section_ids_#{section.id}"

    click_button 'Save changes'

    expect(page).to have_content 'Such banner'

    visit proposals_path

    expect(page).to have_content 'Such banner'
    expect(page).to have_link 'Such banner many text wow link', href: 'https://www.url.com'

  scenario "Publish a banner with a translation different than the current locale", :js do
    visit new_admin_banner_path

    expect(page).to have_link "English"

    click_link "Remove language"
    select "Français", from: "translation_locale"

    fill_in "Title", with: "En Français"
    fill_in "Description", with: "Link en Français"

    fill_in "Link", with: "https://www.url.com"

    last_week = Time.current - 1.week
    next_week = Time.current + 1.week

    fill_in "Post started at", with: last_week.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    fill_in "Post ended at", with: next_week.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")

    click_button "Save changes"
    click_link "Edit banner"

    expect(page).to have_link "Français"
    expect(page).not_to have_link "English"
    expect(page).to have_field "Title", with: "En Français"

  scenario "Update banner color when changing from color picker or text_field", :js do
    visit new_admin_banner_path

    fill_in 'banner_background_color', with: '#850000'
    fill_in 'banner_font_color', with: '#ffb2b2'
    fill_in 'Title', with: 'Fun with flags'

    # This last step simulates the blur event on the page. The color pickers and the text_fields
    # has onChange events that update each one when the other changes, but this is only fired when
    # the text_field loses the focus (color picker update when text_field changes). The first one
    # works because when the test fills in the second one, the first loses the focus
    # (so the onChange is fired). The second one never loses the focus, so the onChange is not been fired.
    # The `fill_in` action clicks out of the text_field and makes the field to lose the focus.

    expect(find("#banner_background_color_picker").value).to eq('#850000')
    expect(find("#banner_font_color_picker").value).to eq('#ffb2b2')

  scenario 'Edit banner with live refresh', :js do
    banner1 = create(:banner, title: 'Hello',
                              description: 'Wrong text',
                              target_url:  'http://www.url.com',
                              post_started_at: (Time.current + 4.days),
                              post_ended_at:   (Time.current + 10.days),
                              background_color: '#FF0000',
                              font_color: '#FFFFFF')

    visit admin_root_path

    within('#side_menu') do
      click_link "Site content"
      click_link "Manage banners"

    click_link "Edit banner"

    fill_in 'Title', with: 'Modified title'
    fill_in 'Description', with: 'Edited text'


    within('div#js-banner-background') do
      expect(page).to have_selector('h2', text: 'Modified title')
      expect(page).to have_selector('h3', text: 'Edited text')

    click_button 'Save changes'

    visit admin_banners_path
    expect(page).to have_content 'Modified title'
    expect(page).to have_content 'Edited text'

    expect(page).not_to have_content 'Hello'
    expect(page).not_to have_content 'Wrong text'

  scenario 'Delete a banner' do
    create(:banner, title: 'Ugly banner',
                    description: 'Bad text',
                    target_url:  'http://www.url.com',
                    post_started_at: (Time.current + 4.days),
                    post_ended_at:   (Time.current + 10.days),
                    background_color: '#FF0000',
                    font_color: '#FFFFFF')

    visit admin_root_path

    within("#side_menu") do
      click_link "Manage banners"

    expect(page).to have_content 'Ugly banner'

    click_link "Delete banner"

    visit admin_root_path
    expect(page).not_to have_content 'Ugly banner'