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Test Coverage
File `netatmo.js` has 579 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
/* MagicMirror²
* Module: MMM-Netatmo
* By Christopher Fenner
* MIT Licensed.
/* global Module */
`` has 30 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Module.register('netatmo', {
// default config
defaults: {
initialDelay: 0,
updateInterval: 3, // every 3 minutes, refresh interval on netatmo is 10 minutes
animationSpeed: 1000,
design: 'classic', // or bubbles
horizontal: true,
lastMessageThreshold: 600, // in seconds (10 minutes)
showLastMessage: true,
showBattery: true,
showRadio: true,
showWiFi: true,
showTrend: true,
showMeasurementIcon: true,
showMeasurementLabel: true,
showStationName: true,
showModuleNameOnTop: false,
apiBase: '',
authEndpoint: '/oauth2/token',
dataEndpoint: '/api/getstationsdata',
fontClassModuleName: 'xsmall',
fontClassPrimary: 'large',
fontClassSecondary: 'xsmall',
fontClassMeasurement: 'xsmall',
thresholdCO2Average: 800,
thresholdCO2Bad: 1800,
unitOfMeasurement: '',
unitOfMeasurementPressure: '',
unitOfMeasurementWind: '',
mockData: false,
notifications: {
moduleType: {
MAIN: 'NAMain',
INDOOR: 'NAModule4',
OUTDOOR: 'NAModule1',
RAIN: 'NAModule3',
WIND: 'NAModule2',
measurement: {
CO2: 'CO2',
HUMIDITY: 'Humidity',
TEMPERATURE: 'Temperature',
TEMPERATURE_TREND: 'temp_trend',
PRESSURE: 'Pressure',
PRESSURE_TREND: 'pressure_trend',
NOISE: 'Noise',
WIND_STRENGTH: 'WindStrength',
WIND_ANGLE: 'WindAngle',
GUST_STRENGTH: 'GustStrength',
GUST_ANGLE: 'GustAngle',
RAIN: 'Rain',
RAIN_PER_HOUR: 'sum_rain_1',
RAIN_PER_DAY: 'sum_rain_24',
// init method
start () {`Starting module: ${}`)
this.loaded = false
this.moduleList = []
// get a new token at start-up.
setTimeout(() => {
// best way is using initialize at start and if auth OK --> fetch data
this.sendSocketNotification('INIT', this.config)
}, this.config.initialDelay * 1000)
// set auto-update
setInterval(() => {
}, this.config.updateInterval * 60 * 1000 + this.config.initialDelay * 1000)
updateUnitOfMeasurements (userPreferences) {
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (this.config.unitOfMeasurement === '') {
this.config.unitOfMeasurement = this.convertNetatmoUnit(userPreferences.unit)
console.log('Using user-preferred unit of measurement for temp/rain values %o', this.config.unitOfMeasurement)
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (this.config.unitOfMeasurementPressure === '') {
this.config.unitOfMeasurementPressure = this.convertNetatmoPressureUnit(userPreferences.pressureunit)
console.log('Using user-preferred unit of measurement for pressure values %o', this.config.unitOfMeasurementPressure)
Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (this.config.unitOfMeasurementWind === '') {
this.config.unitOfMeasurementWind = this.convertNetatmoWindUnit(userPreferences.windunit)
console.log('Using user-preferred unit of measurement for wind values %o', this.config.unitOfMeasurementWind)
Function `updateModuleList` has a Cognitive Complexity of 15 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
updateModuleList (stationList) {
let moduleList = []
for (const station of stationList) {
moduleList.push(this.getModule(station, station.home_name))
station.modules.forEach(function (module) {
moduleList.push(this.getModule(module, station.home_name))
if (station.reachable) { this.lastUpdate = station.dashboard_data.time_utc }
this.loaded = true
if (JSON.stringify(this.moduleList) === JSON.stringify(moduleList)) {
// reorder modules
if (this.config.moduleOrder && this.config.moduleOrder.length > 0) {
const reorderedModuleList = []
for (const moduleName of this.config.moduleOrder) {
for (const module of moduleList) {
if ( === moduleName) {
moduleList = reorderedModuleList
this.moduleList = moduleList
Function `getModule` has a Cognitive Complexity of 50 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `getModule` has 119 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
getModule (module, stationName) {
const result = {} = module.module_name
if (this.config.showStationName) { = `${stationName} - ${}`
result.measurementList = []
if (!module.reachable) {
let measurement = ''
if (module.type === this.moduleType.MAIN) {
measurement = 'wifi'
} else {
measurement = 'radio'
name: measurement,
value: this.getValue(measurement, 0),
unit: this.getUnit(measurement),
icon: `${this.getIcon(measurement, 0)} flash red`,
label: this.translate(measurement.toUpperCase()),
return result
TODO found
// TODO check module.reachable
let primaryType = ''
let primaryValue = ''
let secondaryType = ''
let secondaryValue = ''
// add module sensor measurements
switch (module.type) {
case this.moduleType.MAIN:
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.PRESSURE))
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (this.config.showTrend) { result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.PRESSURE_TREND)) }
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.NOISE))
// break; fallthrough
case this.moduleType.INDOOR:
if ( === 'bubbles') {
secondaryType = this.measurement.CO2
secondaryValue = module.dashboard_data[secondaryType]
result.secondary = {
value: this.getValue(secondaryType, secondaryValue),
unit: this.getUnit(secondaryType),
class: this.kebabCase(secondaryType),
visualClass: this.getCO2Status(secondaryValue),
} else {
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.CO2))
// break; fallthrough
case this.moduleType.OUTDOOR:
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ( === 'bubbles') {
primaryType = this.measurement.TEMPERATURE
primaryValue = module.dashboard_data ? module.dashboard_data[primaryType] : ''
result.primary = {
value: this.getValue(primaryType, primaryValue),
unit: this.getUnit(primaryType),
class: this.kebabCase(primaryType),
} else {
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.TEMPERATURE))
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if (this.config.showTrend) { result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.TEMPERATURE_TREND)) }
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.HUMIDITY))
case this.moduleType.WIND:
if ( === 'bubbles') {
primaryType = this.measurement.WIND_STRENGTH
primaryValue = module.dashboard_data ? module.dashboard_data[primaryType] : ''
result.primary = {
value: this.getValue(primaryType, primaryValue),
unit: this.getUnit(primaryType),
class: this.kebabCase(primaryType),
secondaryType = this.measurement.WIND_ANGLE
secondaryValue = module.dashboard_data[secondaryType]
result.secondary = {
value: this.getValue(secondaryType, secondaryValue),
unit: this.getUnit(secondaryType),
class: this.kebabCase(secondaryType),
visualClass: 'xlarge wi wi-direction-up',
} else {
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.WIND_STRENGTH))
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.WIND_ANGLE))
// $('<div/>').addClass('visual xlarge wi wi-direction-up').css('transform', 'rotate(' + value + 'deg)')
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.GUST_STRENGTH))
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.GUST_ANGLE))
case this.moduleType.RAIN:
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ( === 'bubbles') {
primaryType = this.measurement.RAIN
primaryValue = module.dashboard_data ? module.dashboard_data[primaryType] : ''
result.primary = {
value: this.getValue(primaryType, primaryValue),
unit: this.getUnit(primaryType),
class: this.kebabCase(primaryType),
} else {
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.RAIN))
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.RAIN_PER_HOUR))
result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, this.measurement.RAIN_PER_DAY))
// add module specific measurements
if (module.type === this.moduleType.MAIN) {
if (this.config.showWiFi) { result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, 'wifi', module.wifi_status)) }
} else {
if (this.config.showRadio) { result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, 'radio', module.rf_status)) }
if (this.config.showBattery) { result.measurementList.push(this.getMeasurement(module, 'battery', module.battery_percent)) }
// reorder measurements
if (this.config.dataOrder && this.config.dataOrder.length > 0) {
const reorderedMeasurementList = []
for (const measurementName of this.config.dataOrder) {
for (const measurement of result.measurementList) {
if ( === measurementName) {
result.measurementList = reorderedMeasurementList
return result
getMeasurement (module, measurement, value) {
value = value || module.dashboard_data[measurement]
if (measurement === this.measurement.TEMPERATURE_TREND || measurement === this.measurement.PRESSURE_TREND) {
value = value || 'undefined'
return {
name: measurement,
value: this.getValue(measurement, value),
unit: this.getUnit(measurement),
icon: this.getIcon(measurement, value),
label: this.translate(measurement.toUpperCase()),
kebabCase (name) {
return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2')
.replace(/[\s_]+/g, '-')
Function `getValue` has 31 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
getValue (measurement, value) {
if (!value) { return value }
switch (measurement) {
case this.measurement.CO2:
return value.toFixed(0)// + '&nbsp;ppm'
case this.measurement.NOISE:
return value.toFixed(0)// + '&nbsp;dB'
case this.measurement.HUMIDITY:
case 'battery':
case 'wifi':
case 'radio':
return value.toFixed(0)// + '%'
case this.measurement.PRESSURE:
return this.convertPressureValue(value, this.config.unitOfMeasurementPressure)
case this.measurement.TEMPERATURE:
return this.convertTemperatureValue(value, this.config.unitOfMeasurement)
case this.measurement.RAIN:
case this.measurement.RAIN_PER_HOUR:
case this.measurement.RAIN_PER_DAY:
return this.convertRainValue(value, this.config.unitOfMeasurement)
case this.measurement.WIND_STRENGTH:
case this.measurement.GUST_STRENGTH:
return this.convertWindValue(value, this.config.unitOfMeasurementWind)
case this.measurement.WIND_ANGLE:
case this.measurement.GUST_ANGLE:
return `${this.getDirection(value)}&nbsp;|&nbsp;${value}`// + '°'
case this.measurement.TEMPERATURE_TREND:
case this.measurement.PRESSURE_TREND:
return this.translate(value.toUpperCase())
return value
convertTemperatureValue (value, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'IMPERIAL':
return (value * 1.8 + 32).toFixed(1)
case 'METRIC':
return value.toFixed(1)
convertRainValue (value, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'IMPERIAL':
return (value / 25.4).toFixed(1)
case 'METRIC':
return value.toFixed(1)
convertPressureValue (value, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'MMHG':
return (value / 1.333).toFixed(1)
case 'INHG':
return (value / 33.864).toFixed(1)
case 'MBAR':
return value.toFixed(0)
convertWindValue (value, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'MPH':
return (value / 1.609).toFixed(1)
case 'MS':
return (value / 3.6).toFixed(1)
case 'BFT':
return this.convertToBeaufort(value)
case 'KT':
return (value / 1.852).toFixed(1)
case 'KPH':
return value.toFixed(1)
Function `convertToBeaufort` has a Cognitive Complexity of 12 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
convertToBeaufort (value) {
if (value < 1) return 0
if (value <= 5) return 1
if (value <= 11) return 2
if (value <= 19) return 3
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 28) return 4
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 38) return 5
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 49) return 6
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 61) return 7
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 74) return 8
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 88) return 9
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 102) return 10
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value <= 117) return 11
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return 12
convertNetatmoUnit (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 1:
return 'IMPERIAL'
case 0:
return 'METRIC'
convertNetatmoPressureUnit (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 2:
return 'MMHG'
case 1:
return 'INHG'
case 0:
return 'MBAR'
convertNetatmoWindUnit (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 4:
return 'KT'
case 3:
return 'BFT'
case 2:
return 'MS'
case 1:
return 'MPH'
case 0:
return 'KPH'
Function `getUnit` has 27 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
getUnit (measurement) {
switch (measurement) {
case this.measurement.CO2:
return 'ppm'
case this.measurement.NOISE:
return 'dB'
case this.measurement.HUMIDITY:
case 'battery':
case 'wifi':
case 'radio':
return '%'
case this.measurement.PRESSURE:
return this.getPressureUnitLabel(this.config.unitOfMeasurementPressure)
case this.measurement.TEMPERATURE:
return this.getTemperatureUnitLabel(this.config.unitOfMeasurement)
case this.measurement.RAIN:
case this.measurement.RAIN_PER_HOUR:
case this.measurement.RAIN_PER_DAY:
return this.getRainUnitLabel(this.config.unitOfMeasurement)
case this.measurement.WIND_STRENGTH:
case this.measurement.GUST_STRENGTH:
return this.getWindUnitLabel(this.config.unitOfMeasurementWind)
case this.measurement.WIND_ANGLE:
case this.measurement.GUST_ANGLE:
return '°'
return ''
getTemperatureUnitLabel (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'IMPERIAL':
return '°F'
case 'METRIC':
return '°C'
getRainUnitLabel (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'IMPERIAL':
return 'in/h'
case 'METRIC':
return 'mm/h'
getPressureUnitLabel (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'MMHG':
return 'mmHg'
case 'INHG':
return 'inHg'
case 'MBAR':
return 'mbar'
getWindUnitLabel (unit) {
switch (unit) {
case 'MPH':
return 'mph'
case 'MS':
return 'm/s'
case 'BFT':
return 'Bft'
case 'KT':
return 'kt'
case 'KPH':
return 'km/h'
Function `getDirection` has a Cognitive Complexity of 16 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
getDirection (value) {
if (value < 11.25) return 'N'
if (value < 33.75) return 'NNE'
if (value < 56.25) return 'NE'
if (value < 78.75) return 'ENE'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 101.25) return 'E'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 123.75) return 'ESE'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 146.25) return 'SE'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 168.75) return 'SSE'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 191.25) return 'S'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 213.75) return 'SSW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 236.25) return 'SW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 258.75) return 'WSW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 281.25) return 'W'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 303.75) return 'WNW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 326.25) return 'NW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
if (value < 348.75) return 'NNW'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return 'N'
getCO2Status (value) {
if (!value || value === 'undefined' || value < 0) return 'undefined'
if (value >= this.config.thresholdCO2Bad) return 'bad'
if (value >= this.config.thresholdCO2Average) return 'average'
return 'good'
getIcon (dataType, value) {
switch (dataType) {
// case this.measurement.CO2:
// return 'fa-lungs'
case this.measurement.NOISE:
return 'fa-volume-up'
case this.measurement.HUMIDITY:
return 'fa-tint'
case this.measurement.PRESSURE:
return 'fa-tachometer-alt'
case this.measurement.GUST_STRENGTH:
case this.measurement.WIND_STRENGTH:
return 'fa-wind'
// case this.measurement.GUST_ANGLE:
// case this.measurement.WIND_ANGLE:
case this.measurement.PRESSURE_TREND:
case this.measurement.TEMPERATURE_TREND:
return this.getTrendIcon(value)
case 'wifi':
return 'fa-wifi'
case 'radio':
return 'fa-broadcast-tower'
case 'battery':
return this.getBatteryIcon(value)
return ''
getTrendIcon (value) {
if (value === 'stable') return 'fa-chevron-circle-right'
if (value === 'down') return 'fa-chevron-circle-down'
if (value === 'up') return 'fa-chevron-circle-up'
if (value === 'undefined') return 'fa-times-circle'
getBatteryIcon (value) {
if (value > 80) return 'fa-battery-full'
if (value > 60) return 'fa-battery-three-quarters'
if (value > 40) return 'fa-battery-half'
if (value > 20) return 'fa-battery-quarter'
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return 'fa-battery-empty flash red'
getStyles () {
return [`${}.${}.css`]
getTemplate () {
return `${}.${}.njk`
getTemplateData () {
return {
loaded: this.loaded,
showLastMessage: this.config.showLastMessage,
showBattery: this.config.showBattery,
showRadio: this.config.showRadio,
showWiFi: this.config.showWiFi,
showTrend: this.config.showTrend,
showMeasurementIcon: this.config.showMeasurementIcon,
showMeasurementLabel: this.config.showMeasurementLabel,
showModuleNameOnTop: this.config.showModuleNameOnTop,
horizontal: this.config.horizontal,
moduleList: this.moduleList,
fontClassModuleName: this.config.fontClassModuleName,
fontClassPrimary: this.config.fontClassPrimary,
fontClassSecondary: this.config.fontClassSecondary,
fontClassMeasurement: this.config.fontClassMeasurement,
labelLoading: this.translate('LOADING'),
getTranslations () {
return {
en: 'l10n/en.json', // fallback language
cs: 'l10n/cs.json',
de: 'l10n/de.json',
fr: 'l10n/fr.json',
hu: 'l10n/hu.json',
nb: 'l10n/nb.json',
nn: 'l10n/nn.json',
ru: 'l10n/ru.json',
sv: 'l10n/sv.json',
Function `socketNotificationReceived` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
socketNotificationReceived (notification, payload) {
Log.debug(`Netatmo: received ${notification}`)
switch (notification) {
case this.notifications.AUTH_RESPONSE:
if (payload.status === 'OK') {
console.log('Netatmo: AUTH OK')
} else {
console.error(`Netatmo: AUTH FAILED ${payload.message}`)
case this.notifications.DATA_RESPONSE:
if (payload.status === 'OK') {
console.log('Devices %o', payload.payloadReturn.devices)
const stationList = payload.payloadReturn.devices
const userPreferences = payload.payloadReturn.user.administrative
} else if (payload.status === 'INVALID_TOKEN') {
// node_module has no valid token, reauthenticate
console.error('DATA FAILED, refreshing token')
// i'm not agree with this... can have error 403 loop
// --> managed with node_helper
// this.sendSocketNotification(this.notifications.AUTH)
} else {
console.error(`Netatmo: DATA FAILED ${payload.message}`)