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import dash

# This HTML template overrides Dash's default to enable passing values
# (e.g., a user's identity token) in the JSON body of all Dash ajax requests
# via URL query params. For example, loading a Dash dashboard like so:
#   <iframe src="" />
# will automatically insert {"id_token": "foo", "some_param": "bar"} into the
# JSON body of every ajax request the dashboard makes after loading into the iframe.
# This is useful for a) performing user authentication and authorization and
# b) parameterizing dashboards (i.e., having a generic trial dashboard that takes
# a protocol identifier as a parameter to determine what to render).
# The operative code here is in the <script id="_dash-renderer">...</script> tag.
index_string = """
    <!DOCTYPE html>
                <script id="_dash-renderer">
                    // Inject parameters from the current URL's query string into
                    // the body of every data update request that Dash sends.
                    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
                    const renderer = new DashRenderer({
                        request_pre: (req) => {
                            for (const [param, value] of urlParams.entries()) {
                                req[param] = value;
                        request_post: (req, res) => {}

def create_new_dashboard(dashboard_name: str) -> dash.Dash:
    """Initialize a new Dash dashboard with CIDC configuration defaults."""
    return dash.Dash(
        url_base_pathname=f"/dashboards/{dashboard_name}/", index_string=index_string