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25 mins
Test Coverage
from functools import wraps
from packaging import version
from typing import List

import requests
from jose import jwt
from flask import g, request, current_app as app, Flask
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized, BadRequest, PreconditionFailed

from ..models import Users, UserSchema
from ..config.settings import AUTH0_DOMAIN, ALGORITHMS, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID
from ..config.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

### Main auth utility functions ###
def validate_api_auth(app: Flask):
    Assert that all URLs in `app`'s API are explicitly marked with either
    `requires_auth` or `public`.
    unmarked_endpoints = []
    for label, endpoint in app.view_functions.items():
        if not hasattr(endpoint, "is_protected"):

    assert len(unmarked_endpoints) == 0, (
        "All endpoints must use either the `requires_auth` or `public` decorator "
        "to explicitly specify their auth configuration. Missing from the following "
        "endpoints: " + ", ".join(unmarked_endpoints)

def requires_auth(resource: str, allowed_roles: list = []):
    A decorator that adds authentication and basic access to an endpoint.

    NOTE: leaving the `allowed_roles` argument empty allows any authenticated user to access
    the decorated endpoint.

        Unauthorized if unauthorized

    def decorator(endpoint):
        # Store metadata on this function stating that it is protected by authentication
        endpoint.is_protected = True

        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            is_authorized = check_auth(allowed_roles, resource, request.method)
            if not is_authorized:
                raise Unauthorized("Please provide proper credentials")
            return endpoint(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return decorator

def authenticate_and_get_user():
    Try to authenticate the user associated with this request. Return the user
    if authentication succeeds, or `None` if it fails.
    NOTE: this function bypasses RBAC. It's up to the caller to determine whether
    an authenticated user is authorized to take subsequent action.
        check_auth(None, None, None)
        return get_current_user()
    except (AssertionError, BadRequest, PreconditionFailed, Unauthorized):
        return None

def public(endpoint):
    """Declare an endpoint to be public, i.e., not requiring auth."""
    # Store metadata on this function stating that it is unprotected
    endpoint.is_protected = False

    return endpoint

def check_auth(allowed_roles: List[str], resource: str, method: str) -> bool:
    Perform authentication and authorization for the current request.

        allowed_roles: a list of CIDC user roles allowed to access this endpoint
        resource: the resource targeted by this request
        method: the HTTP method of this request
        Unauthorized if not authorized
        BadRequest if cannot parse User-Agent string
        PreconditionFailed if too low CLI version
        bool, `True` if authentication and authorization passed.
    user = authenticate()

        is_authorized = authorize(user, allowed_roles, resource, method)
    except Unauthorized:



    return is_authorized

### Current user management ###
CURRENT_USER_KEY = "current_user"

def _set_current_user(user: Users):
    """Store a user in the current request's context.
    Raises AssertionError if not given a `Users`"""
    assert isinstance(user, Users), "`user` must be an instance of the `Users` model"
    setattr(g, CURRENT_USER_KEY, user)

def get_current_user() -> Users:
    """Returns the authenticated user who made the current request.
    Raises AssertionError if no current user"""
    current_user = g.get(CURRENT_USER_KEY)

    assert current_user, (
        "There is no user associated with the current request.\n"
        "Note: `auth.get_current_user` can't be called by a request handler without authentication. "
        "Decorate your handler with `auth.requires_auth` to authenticate the requesting user before calling the handler."

    return current_user

### Authentication logic ###
_user_schema = UserSchema()

def authenticate() -> Users:
    id_token = _extract_token()
    public_key = _get_issuer_public_key(id_token)
    token_payload = _decode_id_token(id_token, public_key)
    profile = {"email": token_payload["email"]}
    return _user_schema.load(profile)

def _extract_token() -> str:
    """Extract an identity token from the current request's authorization header or from the request body.
    Raises Unauthorized if cannot find the token"""
    auth_header = request.headers.get("Authorization")

        if auth_header:
            bearer, id_token = auth_header.split(" ")
            assert bearer.lower() == "bearer"
            id_token = request.json["id_token"]
    except (AssertionError, AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        raise Unauthorized(
            "Either the 'Authorization' header must be set with structure 'Authorization: Bearer <id token>' "
            'or "id_token" must be present in the JSON body of the request.'

    return id_token

def _get_issuer_public_key(token: str) -> dict:
    Get the appropriate public key to check this token for authenticity.

        token: an encoded JWT.

        Unauthorized: if no public key can be found.

        str: the public key.
        header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
    except jwt.JWTError as e:
        raise Unauthorized(str(e))

    # Get public keys from our Auth0 domain
    jwks_url = f"https://{AUTH0_DOMAIN}/.well-known/jwks.json"
    jwks = requests.get(jwks_url).json()

    # Obtain the public key used to sign this token
    public_key = None
    for key in jwks["keys"]:
        if key["kid"] == header["kid"]:
            public_key = key

    # If no matching public key was found, we can't validate the token
    if not public_key:
        raise Unauthorized("Found no public key with id %s" % header["kid"])

    return public_key

def _decode_id_token(token: str, public_key: dict) -> dict:
    Decodes the token and checks it for validity.

        token: the JWT to validate and decode
        public_key: public_key

            - if token is expired
            - if token has invalid claims
            - if token signature is invalid in any way
            - if no `.email` field on token

        dict: the decoded token as a dictionary.
        payload = jwt.decode(
            options={"verify_at_hash": False},
    except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError as e:
        raise Unauthorized(
            f"{e} Token expired. Obtain a new login token from the CIDC Portal, then try logging in again."
    except jwt.JWTClaimsError as e:
        raise Unauthorized(str(e))
    except jwt.JWTError as e:
        raise Unauthorized(str(e))

    # Currently, only id_tokens are accepted for authentication.
    # Going forward, we could also accept access tokens that we
    # use to query the userinfo endpoint.
    if "email" not in payload:
        msg = "An id_token with an 'email' field is required to authenticate"
        raise Unauthorized(msg)

    return payload

### Authorization logic ###
def authorize(
    user: Users, allowed_roles: List[str], resource: str, method: str
) -> bool:
    """Check if the current user is authorized to act on the current request's resource.
    Raises Unauthorized
        - if user is not registered
        - if user is disabled
        - if user's registration is pending approval
        - if user.role is not in allowed_roles
    db_user = Users.find_by_email(

    # User hasn't registered yet.
    if not db_user:
        # Although the user doesn't exist in the database, we still
        # make the user's identity data available in the request context.

        # User is only authorized to create themself.
        if resource == "self" and method == "POST":
            return True

        raise Unauthorized(f"{} is not registered.")



    # User is registered but disabled.
    if db_user.disabled:
        # Disabled users are not authorized to do anything but access their
        # account info.
        if resource == "self" and method == "GET":
            return True

        raise Unauthorized(f"{}'s account is disabled.")

    # User is registered but not yet approved.
    if not db_user.approval_date:
        # Unapproved users are not authorized to do anything but access their
        # account info.
        if resource == "self" and method == "GET":
            return True

        raise Unauthorized(f"{}'s registration is pending approval")

    # User is approved and registered, so just check their role.
    if allowed_roles and db_user.role not in allowed_roles:
        raise Unauthorized(
            f"{} is not authorized to access this endpoint."

    return True

### Miscellaneous helpers ###
def _log_user_and_request_details(is_authorized: bool):
    """Log user and request info before every request"""
    log_msg = f"{'' if is_authorized else 'UN'}AUTHORIZED"

    # log request details
    log_msg += f" {request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']} {request.environ['RAW_URI']}"

    # log user details
    user = get_current_user()
    log_msg += f" (user:{}:{})"

    if is_authorized:

def _enforce_cli_version():
    If the current request appears to come from the CLI and not the Portal, enforce the configured
    minimum CLI version.

        BadRequest if could not parse the User-Agent string
        PreconditionFailed if too low CLI version
    user_agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent")

    # e.g., during testing no User-Agent header is supplied
    if not user_agent:

        client, client_version = user_agent.split("/", 1)
    except ValueError:
        logger.error(f"Unrecognized user-agent string format: {user_agent}")
        raise BadRequest("could not parse User-Agent string")

    # The CLI sets the User-Agent header to `cidc-cli/{version}`,
    # so we can assess whether the requester needs to update their CLI.
    is_old_cli = client == "cidc-cli" and version.parse(client_version) < version.parse(

    if is_old_cli:"cancelling request: detected outdated CLI")
        message = (
            "You appear to be using an out-of-date version of the CIDC CLI. "
            "Please upgrade to the most recent version:\n"
            "    pip3 install --upgrade cidc-cli"
        raise PreconditionFailed(message)