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"""Shared utility functions for building CIDC API resource endpoints."""
from functools import wraps
from typing import Optional, Callable, Union

from flask import request, jsonify
from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
from marshmallow import validate
from werkzeug.exceptions import (
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError

from ..models import BaseModel, BaseSchema, ValidationMultiError

def delete_response():
    """Produce a Flask-friendly response for deletion requests."""
    return "deleted", 204

def unmarshal_request(schema: BaseSchema, kwarg_name: str, load_sqla: bool = True):
    Generate a decorator that will load and validate the JSON body of
    the current request object as an instance of `schema` and pass
    the loaded instance to the decorated function as a keyword argument
    with name `kwarg_name`. If `load_sqla` is False, then only validate the JSON
    body of the request, and pass it on to `kwarg_name` as a dictionary,
    not a SQLAlchemy model instance.

    def decorator(endpoint):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            if not request.json:
                raise BadRequest("expected JSON data in request body")

            body = request.json
                loaded_instance = schema.load(request.json)
                if load_sqla:
                    body = loaded_instance
                # Run any model-defined field validations
            # The many ways that validation errors might get raised...
            except ValueError as e:
                raise UnprocessableEntity(str(e))
            except ValidationError as e:
                raise UnprocessableEntity(e.messages)
            except ValidationMultiError as e:
                raise UnprocessableEntity({"errors": e.args[0]})

            kwargs[kwarg_name] = body

            return endpoint(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return decorator

def marshal_response(schema: BaseSchema, status_code: int = 200):
    Generate a decorator that will build a JSON representation of the
    SQLAlchemy model instance returned by the wrapped function, and return
    an HTTP response whose body contains that JSON representation.

    def decorator(endpoint):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            model_instance = endpoint(*args, **kwargs)

            # Dump the model to JSON
            json_result = schema.dump(model_instance)

            res = jsonify(json_result)
            res.status_code = status_code
            return res

        return wrapped

    return decorator

ETAG_HEADER = "if-match"

def with_lookup(
    model: BaseModel,
    url_param: str,
    check_etag: bool = False,
    find_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[int, str]], BaseModel]] = None,
    Given a route with a URL parameter (`url_param`) that will contain an id,
    search the `model` relation in the database for a record with that id. If `check_etag`
    is true, only proceed with the lookup if the client-provided etag matches the etag
    on the record if a record is found. Pass the record as a kwarg to the decorated function.

    @app.route('/<permission>', methods=['GET'])
    @with_lookup(Permissions, 'permission')
    def get_perm_record(permission):
        # Do something with the `permission` record here.
        # Without the @with_lookup decorator, `permission` would be a string
        # containing an identifier extracted from the URL, but with the decorator
        # it's a full SQLAlchemy model instance.

    def decorator(endpoint):
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            kwargs[url_param] = lookup(model, kwargs[url_param], check_etag, find_func)
            return endpoint(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return decorator

def lookup(
    model: BaseModel,
    record_id: Union[int, str],
    check_etag: bool = False,
    find_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[int, str]], BaseModel]] = None,
    Search the `model` relation in the database for a record with id `record_id`.
    If `check_etag` is true, only proceed with the lookup if the client-provided
    etag matches the etag on the record if a record is found.
    if not find_func:
        find_func = model.find_by_id

    if check_etag:
        etag = request.headers.get(ETAG_HEADER)
        if not etag:
            raise PreconditionRequired("request must provide an If-Match header")

    record = find_func(record_id)
    if not record:
        raise NotFound()

    if check_etag:
        if etag != record._etag:
            raise PreconditionFailed(
                "provided ETag does not match the stored ETag for this record"

    return record

def use_args_with_pagination(argmap: dict, model_schema: BaseSchema):
    Validate and parse query string arguments related to pagination and
    pass them as keyword arguments to the wrapped function:
        `page_num`, int: the page to start on
        `page_size`, int: the number of items per page
        `sort_field`, str: the table column to sort on
        `sort_direction`, 'asc' | 'desc': the direction of the sort
    validate_sort_field = validate.OneOf(model_schema.fields.keys())
    validate_sort_dir = validate.OneOf(["asc", "desc"])

    pagination_argmap = {
        "page_num": fields.Int(),
        "page_size": fields.Int(),
        "sort_field": fields.Str(validate=validate_sort_field),
        "sort_direction": fields.Str(validate=validate_sort_dir),

    # Ensure there are no collisions between argmaps
    for arg in argmap.keys():
        assert (
            arg not in pagination_argmap
        ), f"Provided arg `{arg}` collides with pagination args"

    full_argmap = {**pagination_argmap, **argmap}

    def get_user_args(args: dict):
        return {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in argmap.keys()}

    def get_pagination_args(args: dict):
        return {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in pagination_argmap.keys()}

    def decorator(endpoint):
        @use_args(full_argmap, location="query")
        def wrapped(args, *posargs, **kwargs):
            kwargs["args"] = get_user_args(args)
            kwargs["pagination_args"] = get_pagination_args(args)
            return endpoint(*posargs, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return decorator