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"""Merge CIDC schemas metadata dictionaries."""

import logging
from typing import BinaryIO, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple

import jsonschema
from jsonmerge import Merger, strategies
from deepdiff import DeepSearch

from ..json_validation import load_and_validate_schema, _Validator
from ..util import get_path, get_source
from .extra_metadata import EXTRA_METADATA_PARSERS
from .constants import PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

def merge_artifact(
    ct: dict,
    artifact_uuid: str,
    object_url: str,
    assay_type: str,
    file_size_bytes: int,
    uploaded_timestamp: str,
    crc32c_hash: Optional[str] = None,
    md5_hash: Optional[str] = None,
    uuid_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]:
    create and merge an artifact into the metadata blob
    for a clinical trial. The merging process is automatically
    determined by inspecting the gs url path.
        ct: clinical_trial object to be searched
        artifact_uuid: artifact identifier
        object_url: the gs url pointing to the object being added
        file_size_bytes: integer specifying the number of bytes in the file
        uploaded_timestamp: time stamp associated with this object
        md5_hash: md5 hash of the uploaded object, provided by GCS for non-composite objects
        crc32c_hash: crc32c hash of the uploaded object, provided by GCS for all objects
        uuid_path: optional `deepdiff`-style path to the artifact in the `ct` dictionary
        ct: updated clinical trial object
        artifact: updated artifact
        additional_artifact_metadata: relevant metadata collected while updating artifact
    assert (
        crc32c_hash or md5_hash
    ), f"Either crc32c_hash or md5_hash must be provided for artifact: {object_url}"

    artifact_patch = {
        # TODO 1. this artifact_category should be filled out during prismify
        "artifact_category": "Assay Artifact from CIMAC",
        "object_url": object_url,
        "file_size_bytes": file_size_bytes,
        "uploaded_timestamp": uploaded_timestamp,

    if crc32c_hash:
        artifact_patch["crc32c_hash"] = crc32c_hash
    if md5_hash:
        artifact_patch["md5_hash"] = md5_hash

    return _update_artifact(ct, artifact_patch, artifact_uuid, uuid_path=uuid_path)

class ArtifactInfo(NamedTuple):
    artifact_uuid: str
    object_url: str
    upload_type: str
    file_size_bytes: int
    uploaded_timestamp: str
    crc32c_hash: Optional[str] = None
    md5_hash: Optional[str] = None

def merge_artifacts(
    ct, artifacts: List[ArtifactInfo]
) -> Tuple[dict, List[Tuple[dict, dict]]]:
    Insert metadata for a batch of `artifacts` into `ct`, returning the modified `ct` dictionary
    and array of merged artifacts.
    # Make no modifications to `ct` if no artifacts are passed
    if len(artifacts) == 0:
        return ct, []

    # Pre-compute the mapping from artifact UUIDs to metadata paths.
    uuid_path_map = _get_uuid_path_map(ct)
    merged_artifacts = []
    for artifact in artifacts:
        uuid_path = uuid_path_map[artifact.artifact_uuid]
        ct, *merged_artifact = merge_artifact(ct, *artifact, uuid_path=uuid_path)
    return ct, merged_artifacts

def _get_uuid_path_map(ct: dict) -> dict:
    Build a dictionary mapping upload placeholder UUIDs to a `deepdiff`-style
    path to that artifact in the `ct` clinical trial metadata dictionary. This
    will look something like:
        "uuuu-uuuu-iiii-dddd": "root['path']['to']['upload_placeholder']",

    def get_uuid_for_path(path: str):
        # Spooky stuff: `exec` executes the string provided as its first argument as
        # python code in a context populated with the global variables defined by
        # the dictionary passed as its second argument. Since `path` looks like
        # "root['path']['to']['upload_placeholder']", the following code looks up
        # the UUID associated with `path` in the `ct` dict, whose value is assigned
        # to "root" in the scope provided to `exec`, and stores that UUID in `scope['uuid']`.
        scope = {"root": ct}
        exec(f"uuid = {path}", scope)
        return scope["uuid"]

    return {
        get_uuid_for_path(path): path
        for path in DeepSearch(ct, "upload_placeholder")["matched_paths"]

class InvalidMergeTargetException(ValueError):
    """Exception raised for target of merge_clinical_trial_metadata being non schema compliant."""

def merge_artifact_extra_metadata(
    ct: dict, artifact_uuid: str, assay_hint: str, extra_metadata_file: BinaryIO
) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]:
    Merges parsed extra metadata returned by extra_metadata_parsing to
    corresponding artifact objects within the patch.
        ct: preliminary patch from upload_assay
        artifact_uuid: passed from upload assay
        assay_hint: assay type
        extra_metadata_file: extra metadata file in BinaryIO
        ct: updated clinical trial object
        artifact: updated artifact
        additional_artifact_metadata: relevant metadata collected while updating artifact
            if doesn't support metadata parsing or file cannot be parsed
            from _update_artifact

    if assay_hint not in EXTRA_METADATA_PARSERS:
        raise ValueError(f"Assay {assay_hint} does not support extra metadata parsing")
    extract_metadata = EXTRA_METADATA_PARSERS[assay_hint]

        artifact_extra_md_patch = extract_metadata(extra_metadata_file)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Assay {artifact_uuid} cannot be parsed for {assay_hint} metadata"
        ) from e
        return _update_artifact(ct, artifact_extra_md_patch, artifact_uuid)

def _update_artifact(
    ct: dict, artifact_patch: dict, artifact_uuid: str, uuid_path: Optional[str] = None
) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]:
    """Updates the artifact with uuid `artifact_uuid` in `ct`,
    and return the updated clinical trial and artifact objects
        ct: clinical trial object
        artifact_patch: artifact object patch
        artifact_uuid: artifact identifier
        ct: updated clinical trial object
        artifact: updated artifact
        additional_artifact_metadata: relevant metadata collected while updating artifact
    # `uuid_path` won't be defined if the user of this module called
    # `merge_artifact` directly instead of using `merge_artifacts`,
    # so we need this fallback.
    uuid_field_path = uuid_path or get_path(ct, artifact_uuid)

    # As "uuid_field_path" contains path to a field with uuid,
    # we're looking for an artifact that contains it, not the "string" field itself
    # That's why we need skip_last=1, to get 1 "level" higher
    # from 'uuid_field_path' field to it's parent - existing_artifact obj
    artifact, additional_artifact_metadata = get_source(
        ct, uuid_field_path, skip_last=1

    # TODO this might be better with merger:
    # artifact_schema = load_and_validate_schema(f"artifacts/{artifact_type}.json")
    # artifact_parent[file_name] = Merger(artifact_schema).merge(existing_artifact, artifact)

    # return the artifact that was merged and the new object
    return ct, artifact, additional_artifact_metadata

class MergeCollisionException(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, prop_name, base_val, head_val, context=None):
        self.prop_name = prop_name
        self.base_val = base_val
        self.head_val = head_val
        self.context = context or dict()
        self.object_context = None

    def __str__(self):
        res = f"Detected mismatch of {self.prop_name}={self.base_val!r} and {self.prop_name}={self.head_val!r}"
        if self.context:
            res += " in " + " ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self.context.items())
        return res

    def set_object_context(self, object_context):
        self.object_context = object_context
        return self

    def with_context(self, **add_context):
        self.context = dict(self.context, **add_context)
        return self

class ThrowOnOverwrite(strategies.Strategy):
    Similar to the jsonmerge's built in 'discard' strategy,
    but throws an error if the value already exists. This is
    used to prevent updates in `merge_clinical_trial_metadata`.

    def merge(self, walk, base, head, schema, meta, **kwargs):
        if base.is_undef():
            return head
        if base.val != head.val:
            prop_name = base.ref.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
            raise MergeCollisionException(prop_name, base.val, head.val)
        return base

    def get_schema(self, walk, schema, **kwargs):
        return schema

class ObjectMergeWithContextForMergeCollision(strategies.ObjectMerge):
    def merge(self, walk, base, head, schema, meta, **kwargs):
            return super().merge(walk, base, head, schema, meta, **kwargs)
        except MergeCollisionException as e:
            # Swaping base and head in exception for current objects'
            # so in the parent container/array we will have context of current object
            # and not context of only one property of this object
            raise e.set_object_context(head)
            # Passes `head` as context, but might as well pass `base`,
            # as the intended use it to do `.get_key(walk, head|base, idRef)
            # in the parent ArrayMergeById strategy

class ArrayMergeByIdWithContextForMergeCollision(strategies.ArrayMergeById):
    def merge(self, walk, base, head, schema, meta, idRef="id", **kwargs):
            return super().merge(walk, base, head, schema, meta, idRef=idRef, **kwargs)
        except MergeCollisionException as e:
                # Adding context from MergeById
                ctx_val = self.get_key(walk, e.object_context, idRef)
                ctx_key = idRef.split("/")[-1]
                raise e.with_context(**{ctx_key: ctx_val})
            except jsonschema.exceptions.RefResolutionError:
                # self.get_key failed, nothing to do but re-raise MergeCollision as is
                raise e.merge_collision

    # This overwrites the default jsonmerge merge strategy for literal values.
    "overwrite": ThrowOnOverwrite(),
    # This adds context to MergeCollisions
    "arrayMergeById": ArrayMergeByIdWithContextForMergeCollision(),
    "objectMerge": ObjectMergeWithContextForMergeCollision(),
    # Alias the builtin jsonmerge overwrite strategy
    "overwriteAny": strategies.Overwrite(),

def merge_clinical_trial_metadata(patch: dict, target: dict) -> Tuple[dict, List[str]]:
    Merges two clinical trial metadata objects together
        patch: the metadata object to add
        target: the existing metadata object
        arg1: the merged metadata object
        arg2: list of validation errors

    validator: _Validator = load_and_validate_schema(
        "clinical_trial.json", return_validator=True

    # uncomment to assert original object is valid
    # try:
    #     validator.validate(target)
    # except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
    #     raise InvalidMergeTargetException(
    #         f"Merge target is invalid: {target}\n{e}"
    #     ) from e

    # assert the un-mutable fields are equal
    # these fields are required in the schema
    # so previous validation assert they exist
    if patch.get(PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME) != target.get(PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME):
        raise InvalidMergeTargetException(
            "Unable to merge trials with different " + PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME

    # merge the two documents
    merger = Merger(validator.schema, strategies=PRISM_MERGE_STRATEGIES)
    merged = merger.merge(target, patch)

    return merged, list(validator.iter_error_messages(merged))