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        <h1>CIDC Documentation</h1>

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            Documentation for CIDC concepts, assays, and manifests.
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                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header" id="concepts">
                            <h2 class="mb-0">
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                        <div id="concepts_card" class="collapse " aria-labelledby="concepts" data-parent="#index_accordion">
                            <div class="card-body">
                                <table class="table table-striped">
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='shipping_core.html'>
                                                        Core Shipping Details
                                                    Core shipping details for a manifest.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='sample.html'>
                                                    Any material sample taken from a biological entity for testing, diagnostic, propagation, treatment or research purposes, including a sample obtained from a living organism or taken from the biological object after halting of all its life functions. Biospecimen can contain one or more components including but not limited to cellular molecules, cells, tissues, organs, body fluids, embryos, and body excretory products.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='participant.html'>
                                                    The collection of all data related to a specific participant in the context of a specific clinical trial.

                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='clinical_trial.html'>
                                                        Clinical Trial
                                                    Encapsulates information regarding a clinical trial.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='available_assays.html'>
                                                        Assays available in the network
                                                    Reference for every available assay in network.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='available_analyses.html'>
                                                        Analysis outputs for this trial.
                                                    Reference for every available assay in network.

                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header" id="assays">
                            <h2 class="mb-0">
                                <button class="btn btn-link" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#assays_card" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="assays_card">
                        <div id="assays_card" class="collapse show" aria-labelledby="assays" data-parent="#index_accordion">
                            <div class="card-body">
                                <table class="table table-striped">
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.atacseq.html'>
                                                            ATACseq Assay
                                                        Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin by Sequencing
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.clinical_data.html'>
                                                            Clinical data Assay
                                                        Clinical data recorded for a clinical trial
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.ctdna.html'>
                                                            Circulating Tumor DNA Assay
                                                        Circulating Tumor DNA Assay.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.cytof.html'>
                                                            CYTOF Assay
                                                        Information about the acquisition and analysis CyTOF data.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.elisa.html'>
                                                            ELISA Assay
                                                        Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.hande.html'>
                                                            H&E Assay
                                                        H & E assay
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.ihc.html'>
                                                            IHC Assay
                                                        Immunohistochemical analysis.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.mibi.html'>
                                                            MIBI Assay
                                                        Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) assay
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.microbiome.html'>
                                                            Microbiome Assay
                                                        Microbiome Assay.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.mif.html'>
                                                            mIF Assay
                                                        Multiplex immunofluorescence.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.misc_data.html'>
                                                            Miscellaneous data
                                                        Miscellaneous data not supported directly by any other assay.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.nanostring.html'>
                                                            Nanostring Assay
                                                        A microarray assay for expression levels, suitable for smaller samples than RNA-seq
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.olink.html'>
                                                            Olink Assay
                                                        High-throughput multiplexed assays for protein biomarker discovery.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.rna.html'>
                                                            RNAseq Gene Expression Assay
                                                        An RNA assay for expression analysis.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.tcr.html'>
                                                            TCRseq Assay
                                                        Additional properties to describe a TCR assay for expression analysis.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.wes.html'>
                                                            WES Assay
                                                        Information about the acquisition and analysis of Whole Exome Sequencing data.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.wes_analysis.html'>
                                                            WES analysis combined files
                                                        Combined analysis files for the whole WES assay.
                                                    <td width=25%>
                                                        <a href='assays.wes_tumor_only_analysis.html'>
                                                            WES tumor-only analysis
                                                        Combined analysis files for the whole WES assay.

                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header" id="manifests">
                            <h2 class="mb-0">
                                <button class="btn btn-link" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#manifests_card" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="manifests_card">
                        <div id="manifests_card" class="collapse " aria-labelledby="manifests" data-parent="#index_accordion">
                            <div class="card-body">
                                <table class="table table-striped">
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.tumor_tissue_dna_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for tumor tissue DNA
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring tissue DNA extracted from tumor tissue samples.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.pbmc_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for PBMC samples
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) samples.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.h_and_e_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for H&E
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring Hematoxylin and Eosin stained slides.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.tumor_tissue_rna_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for tumor tissue RNA
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring tissue RNA extracted from tumor tissue samples.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.tissue_slide_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for tissue slides
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring tissue slides.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.normal_blood_dna_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for normal blood DNA
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring DNA extracted from normal blood samples.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.microbiome_dna_template.html'>
                                                        Shipping manifest for microbiome DNA extracted from stool samples
                                                    Shipping / receiving manifest for transferring microbiome DNA extracted from stool samples.

                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.plasma_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for plasma samples
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring blood plasma samples.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.tumor_normal_pairing_template.html'>
                                                        Metadata manifest for WES analysis pairing
                                                    Metadata manifest for tumor / normal pairing for WES assay analysis.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='manifests.normal_tissue_dna_template.html'>
                                                        Biospecimen manifest for normal tissue DNA
                                                    Biospecimen manifest for transferring DNA extracted from normal tissue samples.

                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header" id="files">
                            <h2 class="mb-0">
                                <button class="btn btn-link" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#files_card" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="files_card">
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                            <div class="card-body">
                                <table class="table table-striped">
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.clinical_csv.html'>
                                                        Generic clinical data CSV artifact
                                                    An comma-separated file containing clinical information.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.bed.html'>
                                                        BED Artifact
                                                    Information about a BED file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.junction.html'>
                                                        JUNCTION Artifact
                                                    Information about a JUNCTION file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.fastq_gz.html'>
                                                        Gzipped FastQ Artifact
                                                    Information about a Gzipped FASTQ file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.pdf.html'>
                                                        PDF Artifact
                                                    Information about a Portable Document Format file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.elisa_xlsx.html'>
                                                        ELISA results artifact
                                                    Information about an ELISA file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.bigwig.html'>
                                                        BIGWIG Artifact
                                                    Information about a BIGWIG file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.image.html'>
                                                        Image Artifact
                                                    Information about an image file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.bam.html'>
                                                        BAM Artifact
                                                    Information about a BAM file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.rcc.html'>
                                                        RCC Artifact
                                                    Information about a Nanostring output file. XML-formatted comma-separated tables
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.jpg.html'>
                                                        JPG Artifact
                                                    Information about a JPG file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.log.html'>
                                                        LOG Artifact
                                                    Information about a log file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.gz.html'>
                                                        GZ Artifact
                                                    Information about a GZ file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.text.html'>
                                                        Text Artifact
                                                    Information about a text file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.npx.html'>
                                                        NPX Artifact
                                                    Information about an NPX file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.cncf.html'>
                                                        CNCF Artifact
                                                    Information about a CNCF file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.tsv.html'>
                                                        TSV Artifact
                                                    Information about a tab Separated file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.bam_bai.html'>
                                                        BAM.BAI Artifact
                                                    Information about a Bam index file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.xlsx.html'>
                                                        Excel Artifact
                                                    Information about an XLSX file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.binary.html'>
                                                        Binary Artifact
                                                    Information about a binary file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.core.html'>
                                                        Artifact Core
                                                    Any file artifact associated with a clinical trial.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.narrowPeak.html'>
                                                        narrowPeak Artifact
                                                    Information about a narrowPeak file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.clinical_docx.html'>
                                                        Generic clinical data DOCX artifact
                                                    An Excel file containing clinical information.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.file.html'>
                                                        Generic Artifact
                                                    Information about a generic file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.csv.html'>
                                                        CSV Artifact
                                                    Information about a comma separated file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.vcf_gz.html'>
                                                        Gzipped VCF Artifact
                                                    Information about a Gzipped VCF file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.cns.html'>
                                                        CNS Artifact
                                                    Information about a CNS file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.png.html'>
                                                        PNG Artifact
                                                    Information about a PNG file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href=''>
                                                        ZIP Artifact
                                                    Information about a ZIP file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.json.html'>
                                                        JSON Artifact
                                                    Information about a JSON file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.fcs.html'>
                                                        FCS Artifact
                                                    Information about a FCS file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.clinical_xlsx.html'>
                                                        Generic clinical data XLSX artifact
                                                    An Excel file containing clinical information.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.yaml.html'>
                                                        YAML Artifact
                                                    Information about a YAML file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.maf.html'>
                                                        MAF Artifact
                                                    Information about a MAF file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.tbi.html'>
                                                        TBI Artifact
                                                    Information about a Tabix index file.
                                                <td width=25%>
                                                    <a href='files.vcf.html'>
                                                        VCF Artifact
                                                    Information about a VCF file.

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