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Test Coverage
"","Legend for tab 'ATACseq'"
"","Protocol identifier","String","Trial identifier used by lead organization, ie. Center for Experimental Therapeutics Program (CTEP) ID or Industry Sponsored ID.  This is usually a short identifier. Example: E4412."
"","Assay creator","Enum","Indicates what site is filling out the assay.","E.g. 'DFCI'"
"","Sequencing protocol","String","Protocol and version used for the sequencing."
"","Library kit","String","The library construction kit."
"","Sequencer platform","Enum","Sequencer Model, e.g. HiSeq 2500, NextSeq, NovaSeq.","E.g. 'Illumina - HiSeq 2500'"
"","Paired end reads","Enum","Indicates if the sequencing was performed paired or single ended.","E.g. 'Paired'"
"","Read length","Integer","Number of cycles for each sequencing read."
"","Bait set","String","Bait set ID."
"","Section 'Samples' of tab 'ATACseq'"
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Replicate number","Integer","A unique number specifying the replicate."
"","Forward fastq","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Reverse fastq","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Sequencing date","String: date ","Date of sequencing."
"","%q30","Number","One quantitative measure of the sequencing accuracy."
"","Quality flag","Number","Flag used for quality."