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Test Coverage
"","Legend for tab 'ctDNA Analysis'"
"","Protocol identifier","String","Trial identifier used by lead organization, ie. Center for Experimental Therapeutics Program (CTEP) ID or Industry Sponsored ID.  This is usually a short identifier. Example: E4412."
"","Batch id","String","ctDNA batch identification number. Unique to every batch."
"","Assay creator","Enum","Indicates what site is filling out the assay.","E.g. 'DFCI'"
"","Summary plots","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Section 'ichorCNA Runs' of tab 'ctDNA Analysis'"
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Genome-wide plots","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Bias qc plots","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Fraction cna subclonal","Number","Fraction of copy number altered bins that are subclonal. (0-1)"
"","Fraction genome subclonal","Number","Fraction of all (genomic) bins that are subclonal. (0-1)"
"","Gc map correction mad","Number","Measure of the noise in the data following GC-content bias correction. Computed as the median absolute deviation of differences between adjacent bins."
"","Optimal solution","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Other solutions","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Tumor ploidy","Number","Average number of copies of the tumor-derived genome. Note that the overall sample ploidy is 2 * (1 - tumor.fraction) + tumor.fraction * tumor.ploidy."
"","Subclone fraction","Number","Fraction of tumor-derived DNA that is subclonal. (0-1)"
"","Tumor fraction","Number","Estimated fraction of tumor-derived DNA. Equivalent to purity in bulk tumor analysis. (0-1)"