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Test Coverage
"","Legend for tab 'CyTOF Analysis'"
"","Assay run id","String","User defined unique identifier for this assay run. Not necessarily unique across batches."
"","Protocol identifier","String","Trial identifier used by lead organization, ie. Center for Experimental Therapeutics Program (CTEP) ID or Industry Sponsored ID.  This is usually a short identifier. Example: E4412."
"","Batch id","String","CyTOF batch identification number. Unique to every batch."
"","Astrolabe reports","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Astrolabe analysis","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Control files package","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Section 'Astrolabe Runs' of tab 'CyTOF Analysis'"
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Fcs file","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Assignment","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Compartment","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Profiling","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Cell counts assignment","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Cell counts compartment","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Cell counts profiling","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Legend for tab 'Excluded Samples'"
"","Section 'Samples Excluded From Analysis' of tab 'Excluded Samples'"
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Reason","String","A comment describing why this sample is missing from the pipeline output."