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Test Coverage
"","Legend for tab 'IHC'"
"","Protocol identifier","String","Trial identifier used by lead organization, ie. Center for Experimental Therapeutics Program (CTEP) ID or Industry Sponsored ID.  This is usually a short identifier. Example: E4412."
"","Assay creator","Enum","Indicates what site is filling out the assay.","E.g. 'DFCI'"
"","Slide scanner model","Enum","Model version of the slide scanner instrument.","E.g. 'Vectra 2.0'"
"","Staining platform","Enum","Staining platform used for tissue sample labeling.","E.g. 'auto'"
"","Autostainer model","Enum","Model version of the autostainer instrument.","E.g. 'Bond RX'"
"","Antibody name","String","Antibody type collected for this study."
"","Company","String","Company from which antibody sample was derived."
"","Clone","String","Resulting type of antibody clone from primary antibody sample."
"","Catalogue number","String","Antibody registry catalog number assigned to antibody sample."
"","Lot number","String","Identification number assigned to the particular quantity or lot of material from manufacturer."
"","Dilution","String","Concentration ratio for antibody dilution."
"","Incubation time","String: time ","Time duration of antibody incubation."
"","Incubation temperature","String","Temperature used for antibody incubation."
"","Section 'Sample' of tab 'IHC'"
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Ihc image","String","Path to a file on a user's computer."
"","Section 'Chromogenic IHC (please specify one score/metric)' of tab 'IHC'"
"","Marker positive","Enum","Indicates whether the marker is considered positive by clinical trial guidelines (if applicable).","E.g. 'positive'"
"","Tumor proportion score","Number","Tumor Proportion Score (TPS) is the percentage of viable tumor cells showing marker staining relative to all viable tumor cells. (0-1)"
"","Combined positive score","Number","Combined Positive Score (CPS) is the percentage of marker staining cells (tumor cells and cells that are non-tumor) relative to all viable tumor cells. (0-1)"
"","Inflammatory cells","Number","Percentage of inflammatory cells (non-tumor cells) showing marker staining relative to all inflammatory cells. (0-1)"
"","Positive inflammatory cell area","Number","Area of PD-L1+ Inflammatory Cells over the area of TSI + IT as a percentage. (0-1)"
"","Intensity","Number","A measure of the intensity or brightness of the protein. (0-3)"
"","% expression","Number","A percentage of the relevant cells considered positive. (0-100)"
"","H score","Integer","A summation of the percentage of area stained at each intensity level multiplied by the weighted intensity. (0-300)"
"","Comment","String","A text comment regarding this slide."