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Test Coverage
"","Legend for tab 'Shipment'"
"","Manifest id","String","Filename of the manifest used to ship this sample. Example: E4412_PBMC."
"","Protocol identifier","String","Trial identifier used by lead organization, ie. Center for Experimental Therapeutics Program (CTEP) ID or Industry Sponsored ID.  This is usually a short identifier. Example: E4412."
"","Assay priority","Enum","Priority of the assay as it appears on the intake form.","E.g. '1'"
"","Assay type","Enum","Assay and sample type used.","E.g. 'Olink'"
"","Receiving party","Enum","Site where sample was shipped to be assayed.","E.g. 'MDA_Wistuba'"
"","Courier","Enum","Courier utilized for shipment.","E.g. 'FEDEX'"
"","Tracking number","String","Air bill number assigned to shipment. Example: 4567788343."
"","Account number","String","Courier account number to pay for shipping if available. Example: 45465732."
"","Shipping condition","Enum","Type of shipment made.","E.g. 'Frozen_Dry_Ice'"
"","Date shipped","String: date ","Date of shipment."
"","Date received","String: date ","Date of receipt."
"","Quality of shipment","Enum","Indication that specimens were received in good condition.","E.g. 'Specimen shipment received in good condition'"
"","Ship from","String","Contact information for shipment."
"","Ship to","String","Physical shipping address of the destination."
"","Legend for tab 'Samples'"
"","Section 'IDs' of tab 'Samples'"
"","Entry (#)","Integer","Provides a numbered identifier for patient (sample) entry in a shipment manifest."
"","Collection event name","String","Categorical description of timepoint at which the sample was taken."
"","Cohort name","String","Categorical description of cohorts, arms, and treatment groups.","E.g. 'Arm_Z'"
"","Participant id","String","Trial Participant Identifier. Crypto-hashed after upload."
"","Parent sample id","String","Sample identifier assigned by the biorepository site. Crypto-hashed after upload."
"","Processed sample id","String","Aliquot identifier assigned by the biorepository site. Crypto-hashed after upload."
"","Cimac id","String: regex ^C[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$ ","Specimen identifier assigned by the CIMAC-CIDC Network. Formatted as C????????.??","E.g. 'CTTTP01A1.00'"
"","Section 'Specimen Info Filled by Biorepository' of tab 'Samples'"
"","Box number","String","Identifier if sample shipment container includes multiple boxes for each assay."
"","Sample location","String","Sample location within the shipping container. Example: A1."
"","Type of sample","Enum","Type of sample sent.","E.g. 'Tumor Tissue'"
"","Sample collection procedure","Enum","Indicates the specimen source of the sample shipped. Example: Na Heparin blood draw aliquots (2 of three), FFPE block #52","E.g. 'Blood Draw'"
"","Processed sample type","Enum","The type of processing that was performed on the collected specimen by the Biobank for storage.","E.g. 'Whole Blood'"
"","Processed sample quantity","Number","Quantity of the processed sample (e.g. number of slides cut for DNA extraction)."
"","Processed sample derivative","Enum","The type of derivative or analyte extracted from the specimen to be shipped for testing.","E.g. 'Tumor DNA'"
"","Sample derivative volume","Number","Volume of the analyte or derivative shipped."
"","Sample derivative volume units","Enum","Volume units of each analyte or derivative shipped.","E.g. 'Microliters'"
"","Sample derivative concentration","Number","The concentration of analyte or derivative shipped."
"","Sample derivative concentration units","Enum","The concentration units for the analyte or derivative shipped.","E.g. 'Nanogram per Microliter'"
"","Section 'Filled by CIMAC Lab' of tab 'Samples'"
"","Material used","Number","Receiving site indicates how much material was used for assay purposes."
"","Material used units","Enum","Units for the amount of material used; should be the same value as Specimen Analyte units.","E.g. 'Microliters'"
"","Material remaining","Number","Receiving site indicates how much material remains after assay use."
"","Material remaining units","Enum","Units for the amount of material remaining.","E.g. 'Microliters'"
"","Material storage condition","Enum","Storage condition of the material once it was received.","E.g. 'RT'"
"","Quality of sample","Enum","Final status of sample after QC and pathology review.","E.g. 'Pass'"
"","Sample replacement","Enum","Indication if sample replacement is/was requested.","E.g. 'Replacement Not Requested'"
"","Residual sample use","Enum","Indication if sample was sent to another location or returned back to biorepository.","E.g. 'Sample Returned'"
"","Comments","String","Comments on sample testing."