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Test Coverage
# Blue Button TLS Resources

This directory should contain a JKS keystore named bb.keystore that contains two entries:
- The client key and certificate used in mutual TLS authentication with the BlueButton server
- The BlueButton server's certificate, if self-signed

The keystore will primarily be used to by the BlueButtonClient to connect to the BlueButton sandbox backend during integration tests.

## Creating a Keystore from .pem

# convert client certificate/key pair to p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client-test-keypair.pem -out full-chain.keycert.p12 -name bb-dev-client -noiter -nomaciter

# import p12 to jks keystore (dest keystore doesn't necessarily have to exist)
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore full-chain.keycert.p12 -destkeystore bb.keystore

# Add the server certificate, if self-signed
keytool -import -keystore bb.keystore -storepass changeit -alias bb-dev-selfsigned -file server.crt


## Useful Keytool CMDs

- List the certs in a keystore/truststore
keytool -list -keystore ./bb.keystore

- Delete a certificate from a keystore/truststore by alias
keytool -delete -keystore ./bb.keystore -alias your-alias-here

## External Resources

The current bbclient private key can be obtained from one of two places:

- (bundled, requires EUA)
- (unbundled, public)