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HealthCheck.setup do |config|

    # uri prefix (no leading slash)
    config.uri = 'admin/health_check'
    # Text output upon success
    config.success = 'success'
    # Timeout in seconds used when checking smtp server
    config.smtp_timeout = 30.0
    # http status code used when plain text error message is output
    # Set to 200 if you want your want to distinguish between partial (text does not include success) and
    # total failure of rails application (http status of 500 etc)
    config.http_status_for_error_text = 500
    # http status code used when an error object is output (json or xml)
    # Set to 200 if you want your want to distinguish between partial (healthy property == false) and
    # total failure of rails application (http status of 500 etc)
    config.http_status_for_error_object = 500
    # bucket names to test connectivity - required only if s3 check used, access permissions can be mixed
    #config.buckets = {}
    # You can customize which checks happen on a standard health check, eg to set an explicit list use:
    config.standard_checks = [ 'database', 'migrations', 'site' ]
    # Or to exclude one check:
    #config.standard_checks -= [ 'emailconf' ]
    # You can set what tests are run with the 'full' or 'all' parameter
    config.full_checks = [ 'database', 'migrations', 'site' ]
    # Add one or more custom checks that return a blank string if ok, or an error message if there is an error
  #   config.add_custom_check do
  #     CustomHealthCheck.perform_check # any code that returns blank on success and non blank string upon failure
  #   end
    # Add another custom check with a name, so you can call just specific custom checks. This can also be run using
    # the standard 'custom' check.
    # You can define multiple tests under the same name - they will be run one after the other.
  #   config.add_custom_check('sometest') do
  #     CustomHealthCheck.perform_another_check # any code that returns blank on success and non blank string upon failure
  #   end
    # max-age of response in seconds
    # cache-control is public when max_age > 1 and basic_auth_username is not set
    # You can force private without authentication for longer max_age by
    # setting basic_auth_username but not basic_auth_password
    config.max_age = 1
    # Protect health endpoints with basic auth
    # These default to nil and the endpoint is not protected
  #   config.basic_auth_username = 'my_username'
  #   config.basic_auth_password = 'my_password'
    # Whitelist requesting IPs
    # Defaults to blank and allows any IP
  #   config.origin_ip_whitelist = %w(
    # http status code used when the ip is not allowed for the request
  #   config.http_status_for_ip_whitelist_error = 403
    # When redis url is non-standard
  #   config.redis_url = 'redis_url'