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Test Coverage
package gov.cms.dpc.bluebutton.client;

import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import gov.cms.dpc.bluebutton.config.BBClientConfiguration;
import gov.cms.dpc.common.Constants;
import gov.cms.dpc.common.utils.MetricMaker;
import gov.cms.dpc.fhir.DPCIdentifierSystem;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.*;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class BlueButtonClientImpl implements BlueButtonClient {

    private static final String REQUEST_PATIENT_METRIC = "requestPatient";
    private static final String REQUEST_EOB_METRIC = "requestEOB";
    private static final String REQUEST_COVERAGE_METRIC = "requestCoverage";
    private static final String REQUEST_NEXT_METRIC = "requestNextBundle";
    private static final String REQUEST_CAPABILITIES_METRIC = "requestCapabilities";

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlueButtonClientImpl.class);

    private IGenericClient client;
    private BBClientConfiguration config;
    private Map<String, Timer> timers;
    private Map<String, Meter> exceptionMeters;
    private static final String HASH_ALGORITHM = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256";
    private byte[] bfdHashPepper;
    private int bfdHashIter;

    private static String formBeneficiaryID(String fromPatientID) {
        return "Patient/" + fromPatientID;

    public BlueButtonClientImpl(@Named("bbclient") IGenericClient client, BBClientConfiguration config, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
        this.client = client;
        this.config = config;
        final var metricMaker = new MetricMaker(metricRegistry, BlueButtonClientImpl.class);
        this.exceptionMeters = metricMaker.registerMeters(REQUEST_METRICS);
        this.timers = metricMaker.registerTimers(REQUEST_METRICS);

        bfdHashIter = config.getBfdHashIter();
        if (config.getBfdHashPepper() != null) {
            bfdHashPepper = Hex.decode(config.getBfdHashPepper());

     * Queries Blue Button server for patient data
     * @param patientId The {@link Patient} resource's id
     * @param headers
     * @return {@link Patient} A FHIR Patient resource
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when no such patient with the provided ID exists
    public Bundle requestPatientFromServer(String patientId, DateRangeParam lastUpdated, Map<String, String> headers) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        logger.debug("Attempting to fetch patient ID {} from baseURL: {}", patientId, client.getServerBase());
        ICriterion<ReferenceClientParam> criterion = new ReferenceClientParam(Patient.SP_RES_ID).hasId(patientId);
        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_PATIENT_METRIC, () ->
                fetchBundle(Patient.class, Collections.singletonList(criterion), patientId, lastUpdated, headers));

     * Hashes MBI and queries Blue Button server for patient data.
     * @param mbi The MBI
     * @param headers
     * @return {@link Bundle} A FHIR Bundle of Patient resources
    public Bundle requestPatientFromServerByMbi(String mbi, Map<String, String> headers) throws ResourceNotFoundException, GeneralSecurityException {
        String mbiHash = hashMbi(mbi.toUpperCase());
        return requestPatientFromServerByMbiHash(mbiHash, headers);

     * Queries Blue Button server for patient data by hashed Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI).
     * @param mbiHash The hashed MBI
     * @param headers
     * @return {@link Bundle} A FHIR Bundle of Patient resources
    public Bundle requestPatientFromServerByMbiHash(String mbiHash, Map<String, String> headers) throws ResourceNotFoundException {"Attempting to fetch patient with MBI hash {} from baseURL: {}", mbiHash, client.getServerBase());
        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_PATIENT_METRIC, () -> {
            IQuery<IBaseBundle> query = client
                    .where(Patient.IDENTIFIER.exactly().systemAndIdentifier(DPCIdentifierSystem.MBI_HASH.getSystem(), mbiHash));
            addBFDHeaders(query, headers);
            return query


     * Queries Blue Button server for Explanations of Benefit associated with a given patient
     * There are two edge cases to consider when pulling EoB data given a patientID:
     *  1. No patient with the given ID exists: if this is the case, BlueButton should return a Bundle with no
     *  entry, i.e. ret.hasEntry() will evaluate to false. For this case, the method will throw a
     *  {@link ResourceNotFoundException}
     *  2. A patient with the given ID exists, but has no associated EoB records: if this is the case, BlueButton should
     *  return a Bundle with an entry of size 0, i.e. ret.getEntry().size() == 0. For this case, the method simply
     *  returns the Bundle it received from BlueButton to the caller, and the caller is responsible for handling Bundles
     *  that contain no EoBs.
     * @param patientId The {@link Patient} resource's ID
     * @param headers
     * @return {@link Bundle} Containing a number (possibly 0) of {@link ExplanationOfBenefit} objects
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when the requested patient does not exist
    public Bundle requestEOBFromServer(String patientId, DateRangeParam lastUpdated, Map<String, String> headers) {
        logger.debug("Attempting to fetch EOBs for patient ID {} from baseURL: {}", patientId, client.getServerBase());

        List<ICriterion<? extends IParam>> criteria = new ArrayList<ICriterion<? extends IParam>>();
        criteria.add(new TokenClientParam("excludeSAMHSA").exactly().code("true"));

        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_EOB_METRIC, () ->

     * Queries Blue Button server for Coverage associated with a given patient
     * Like for the EOB resource, there are two edge cases to consider when pulling coverage data given a patientID:
     *  1. No patient with the given ID exists: if this is the case, BlueButton should return a Bundle with no
     *  entry, i.e. ret.hasEntry() will evaluate to false. For this case, the method will throw a
     *  {@link ResourceNotFoundException}
     *  2. A patient with the given ID exists, but has no associated Coverage records: if this is the case, BlueButton should
     *  return a Bundle with an entry of size 0, i.e. ret.getEntry().size() == 0. For this case, the method simply
     *  returns the Bundle it received from BlueButton to the caller, and the caller is responsible for handling Bundles
     *  that contain no coverage records.
     * @param patientId The requested {@link Patient} resource's ID
     * @param headers
     * @return {@link Bundle} Containing a number (possibly 0) of {@link ExplanationOfBenefit} objects
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when the requested patient does not exist
    public Bundle requestCoverageFromServer(String patientId, DateRangeParam lastUpdated, Map<String, String> headers) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        logger.debug("Attempting to fetch Coverage for patient ID {} from baseURL: {}", patientId, client.getServerBase());

        List<ICriterion<? extends IParam>> criteria = new ArrayList<ICriterion<? extends IParam>>();

        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_COVERAGE_METRIC, () ->
                fetchBundle(Coverage.class, criteria, patientId, lastUpdated, headers));

    public Bundle requestNextBundleFromServer(Bundle bundle, Map<String, String> headers) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_NEXT_METRIC, () -> {
            var nextURL = bundle.getLink(Bundle.LINK_NEXT).getUrl();
            logger.debug("Attempting to fetch next bundle from url: {}", nextURL);
            return client

    public CapabilityStatement requestCapabilityStatement() throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        return instrumentCall(REQUEST_CAPABILITIES_METRIC, () -> client

    public String hashMbi(String mbi) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(mbi)) {
            logger.error("Could not generate hash; provided MBI string was null or empty");
            return "";

        final SecretKeyFactory instance;
        try {
            instance = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(HASH_ALGORITHM);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            logger.error("Secret key factory could not be created due to invalid algorithm: {}", HASH_ALGORITHM);
            throw new GeneralSecurityException(e);

        KeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(mbi.toCharArray(), bfdHashPepper, bfdHashIter, 256);
        SecretKey secretKey = instance.generateSecret(keySpec);
        return Hex.toHexString(secretKey.getEncoded());

     * Read a FHIR Bundle from BlueButton. Limits the returned size by resourcesPerRequest.
     * @param resourceClass - FHIR Resource class
     * @param criteria - For the resource class the correct criteria that match the patientID
     * @param patientID - id of patient
     * @param lastUpdated - the lastUpdated date to search for
     * @return FHIR Bundle resource
    private <T extends IBaseResource> Bundle fetchBundle(Class<T> resourceClass,
                                                         List<ICriterion<? extends IParam>> criteria,
                                                         String patientID,
                                                         DateRangeParam lastUpdated,
                                                         Map<String, String> headers) {
        IQuery<IBaseBundle> query =

        for (ICriterion<? extends IParam> criterion : criteria.subList(1, criteria.size())) {
            query = query.and(criterion);

        IQuery<Bundle> iQuery = query
        addBFDHeaders(query, headers);

        final Bundle bundle = iQuery.execute();

        // Case where patientID does not exist at all
        if(!bundle.hasEntry() && lastUpdated == null) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("No patient found with ID: " + patientID);
        return bundle;

     * Instrument a call to Blue Button.
     * @param metricName - The name of the method
     * @param supplier - the call as lambda to instrumented
     * @param <T> - the type returned by the call
     * @return the value returned by the supplier (i.e. call)
    private <T> T instrumentCall(String metricName, Supplier<T> supplier) {
        final var timerContext = timers.get(metricName).time();
        try {
            return supplier.get();
        } catch(Exception ex) {
            final var exceptionMeter = exceptionMeters.get(metricName);
            throw ex;
        } finally {

    private void addBFDHeaders(IQuery<?> query, Map<String, String> headers) {
        query.withAdditionalHeader(Constants.INCLUDE_IDENTIFIERS_HEADER, "mbi");
        if (headers != null) {
                    .filter(e -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getValue()))
                    .forEach(e -> {
                        query.withAdditionalHeader(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
