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Test Coverage
<p class="ds-text--lead ds-u-measure--wide ds-u-margin-top--2">
  Welcome to the Data at the Point of Care Sandbox. You have been assigned to the organizations below to start using the APIs in a synthetic, or test, sandbox. <strong>Remember</strong>, do NOT add any real patient information to the sandbox environment.

<div class="ds-l-row--12">

  <% @user.organizations.each do |organization| %>
    <div class="portal-section-header">
          <h2 class="portal-section-heading ds-u-font-size--h1"><%= %></h2>
          <% if  organization.reg_org.present? && organization.reg_org.enabled == true %>
            <strong>ID:</strong> <%= organization.registered_organization.api_id %>
          <% end %>

      <% if organization.prod_sbx? %>
          <span class="ds-u-color--muted"><strong>NPI:</strong> (auto-generated) <%= organization.npi %></span>
      <% else %>
          <strong>NPI:</strong> <%= npi_text(organization) %> | <strong>Vendor(s):</strong> <%= vendor_text(organization) %>
        <%= link_to "Edit", edit_organization_url(organization), class: "ds-c-button ds-c-button--outline ds-c-button--small", data: { test: "edit-link" } %>
      <%end %>
    <% if organization.reg_org.present? && organization.reg_org.enabled == true %>
      <section class="box">
        <div class="box__content">
          <div class="box__header">
            <h3 class="box__heading">Client tokens</h3>
            <div class="box__header__actions">
              <%= link_to new_organization_client_token_path(organization_id:, class: "ds-c-button ds-c-button--primary", data: { test: "new-client-token" } do %>
                <svg class="icon ds-u-margin-right--1" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
                  <use xlink:href="/assets/solid.svg#plus"></use>
                New token
              <% end %>
          <% if organization.reg_org.client_tokens.count != 0 %>
            <table class="usa-table" data-toggle="table" id="client-token-table">
              <caption aria-hidden="true" hidden>Client Token Table</caption>
              <div class="ds-l-col--12">
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader">
                      Token Name
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader" aria-sort="descending">
                      Creation Date
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader">
                      Expiration Date
              <tbody style="width: 100%">
                <% @client_tokens.each_with_index do |token, index| %>
                  <tr class="credentials">                        
                    <%= data: { sortable_value: token['label']} do %> 
                      <h3 class="credential__name">
                        <%= token['label'] %> 
                    <% end %>
                    <%= data: {sortable_value: token['createdAt']} do %>
                      Created: <%= formatted_datestr(token['createdAt']) %>
                    <% end %>
                    <%= data: {sortable_value: token['expiresAt']} do %>
                      Expires: <%= formatted_datestr(token['expiresAt']) %>
                    <% end %>
                    <td data-sortable="false">
                      <div class="usa-accordion">
                        <button id="button<%= index +1 %>" class="usa-accordion__button credential__delete_button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse<%= index +1 %>">
                        <div id="collapse<%= index +1 %>" class="credential__btn_container usa-accordion__content" hidden>
                          <div class="credential__text">
                            Delete Client Token?
                          <div class="credential__actions">
                            <button class="credential__cancel_btn" onclick="collapseButtons('button<%= index +1 %>', 'collapse<%= index +1 %>')">
                            <%= button_to "Delete Token", organization_client_token_path(id: token['id'], organization_id:, method: :delete, class: "ds-c-button ds-c-button--danger ds-u-float--right" %>
                <% end %>
              class="usa-sr-only usa-table__announcement-region"
            <%= paginate @client_tokens, window: 1, outer_window: 1, param_name: :token_page %>
          <% else %>
            <p class="ds-u-color--muted">
              Before you can start testing in the sandbox, you must create a unique client token for each application or vendor that will have access to the sandbox on your behalf. <%= link_to "Create a client token", new_organization_client_token_path(organization_id: %>.
          <% end %>
      <section class="box">
        <div class="box__content">
          <div class="box__header">
            <h3 class="box__heading">Public Keys</h3>
            <div class="box__header__actions">
              <%= link_to new_organization_public_key_path(organization_id:, class: "ds-c-button ds-c-button--primary", data: { test: "new-public-key" } do %>
                <svg class="icon ds-u-margin-right--1" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
                  <use xlink:href="/assets/solid.svg#plus"></use>
                Add key
              <% end %>
          <% if organization.reg_org.public_keys.count == 0 %>
            <p class="ds-u-color--muted">
              Before you can start testing in the sandbox, add your public keys to get a UUID that you will use when you authenticate access. <%= link_to "Add a public key", new_organization_public_key_path(organization_id: %>
          <% else %>
            <table class="usa-table" data-toggle="table" id="public-key-table">
              <caption aria-hidden="true" hidden>Public Key Table</caption>
              <div class="ds-l-col--12">
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader">
                      Key Name
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader">
                      Key ID
                    <th data-sortable="true" scope="col" role="columnheader" aria-sort="descending">
                      Creation Date
              <tbody style="width: 100%">
                <% @public_keys.each_with_index do |key, index| %>
                  <tr class="credentials">
                    <%= data: {sortable_value: key['label']} do %>
                      <div class="credential">
                        <svg class="icon icon--lg ds-u-margin-right--3" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
                          <use xlink:href="/assets/solid.svg#key"></use>
                        <h3 class="credential__name"><%= key['label'] %></h3>
                    <% end %>
                    <%= data: {sortable_value: key['id']} do %>
                      <p class="ds-u-color--base"><%= key['id'] %></p>
                    <% end %>
                    <%= data: {sortable_value: key['createdAt']} do %>
                      <p>Created: <%= formatted_datestr(key['createdAt']) %></p>
                    <% end %>
                    <td data-sortable="false">
                      <div class="credential__delete usa-accordion">
                        <button id="button<%= index +1 %>" class="usa-accordion__button credential__delete_button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse_key<%= index +1 %>">
                        <div id="collapse_key<%= index +1 %>" class="credential__btn_container usa-accordion__content" hidden>
                          <div class="credential__text">
                            Delete Public Key?
                          <div class="credential__actions">
                            <button class="credential__cancel_btn" onclick="collapseButtons('button<%= index +1 %>', 'collapse_key<%= index +1 %>')">
                            <%= button_to "Delete", organization_public_key_path(id: key['id'], organization_id:, method: :delete, class: "ds-c-button ds-c-button--danger ds-u-float--right"%>
                <% end %>
              class="usa-sr-only usa-table__announcement-region"
            <%= paginate @public_keys, window: 1, outer_window: 1, param_name: :key_page %>            
          <% end %>
        <p><svg class="icon ds-u-margin-right--1" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
          <use xlink:href="/assets/solid.svg#exclamation-triangle"></use>
        </svg> You will need <strong>both</strong> client tokens and public keys to use the API for this organization.</p>
    <% else %>
    <section class="box box--dashed ds-u-margin-bottom--7">
      <div class="box__content">
        <div class="box__header">
          <h3 class="box__heading"><%= %> is almost ready!</h3>
        <p class="ds-text--lead ds-u-measure--wide">
        <% if organization.prod_sbx? %>
          Before this organization can add credentials for sandbox testing, a CMS admin must enable sandbox access.
        <% elsif organization.npi.present? %>
          Before this organization can add credentials, a CMS admin must enable access.
        <% else %>
          Before this organization can add credentials for API access, you need to designate an organizational NPI and vendor by <%= link_to "editing the organization", edit_organization_url(organization) %>.
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

  <% end %>