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Test Coverage
    <title>Data Loading</title>
    <div style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:80%;">
    updated as of: March 30, 2015<br />
    last author: Andy Theuninck
    <div style="border: solid 1px black; font-size: 115%; padding: 1em;">
    The latest documentation can be found on the <a href="">Project Wiki</a>.
    The information below may be out of date. 
The install process creates a skeleton database. This guide will
take you through the minimaly required data population. In the process,
you'll walk through a few basic tools.
IS4C and Fannie are designed around co-ops, so the idea of membership
is integral. Every transaction must be associated with a member. To start,
we're going to create a new membership type and at least one member.
<li>Choose Admin =&gt; Member Management from fannie's left-hand menu, then
<i>Manage Member Types</i>
    <li>Click create a new member type. Assign a different ID number if you'd
    like, then click Create New Type</li>
    <li>Optionally, you can now edit the type your just created.
        <li>Description is used primarily for reporting purposes</li>
        <li>The member check box denotes whether this type of member
        should receive member-related benefits. If you sell to non-members,
        it's useful to have a default account number to associate with
        those sales (again, every transaction must be associated with
        a "member").
        <li>Discount is a percentage discount applied to an entire transaction.
        Use integer numbers - i.e., 10% = 10, not 0.10.</li>
        <li>Staff denotes an employee. Mostly for reporting currently.</li>
        <li>SSI is historically for senior citizens. I don't think it does anything
        any more</li>
<li>Return to Admin =&gt; Member Management and this time choose <i>Create New Members</i>.
    <li>Specify what type of member you'd like to create as well as how many and 
    click Create Members</li>
    <li>Members are created in order. If you're starting from scratch and ask for
    10 new accounts, they'll be numbered one through ten.</li>
    <li>For minimal testing purposes, you'll need at least one membership.</li>
    <li>Migrating existing memberships into fannie with account numbers intact
    <b>is possible</b>, but beyond the scope of this document.</li>
The other people involved in a transaction are cashiers. You need at least one
cashier to login and run a live transaction (a testing cashier, 9999, is built in
if you're only doing test transactions).
<li>Select Admin =&gt; Cashier Management from fannie's left hand menu, then
<i>Add a new cashier</i>.</li>
<li>Specify a first and/or last name (note: this shows up on screen at the checkouts,
so using full names is a bad idea from a staff privacy standpoint).</li>
<li>Select privileges. The only current difference is a <i>Manager</i> can
override anyone's login (including another manager's). If someone leaves a screen
locked, forgets to sign out, or otherwise puts a lane in a weird, unworkable state,
manager-level accounts will still work.</li>
<li>If you want to change the automatically-generated password, return to
Admin =&gt; Cashier Management and choose the other option, <i>View/edit cashiers</i>.</li>
Tenders are the various forms of payments your store accepts. The simplest option
is to load up the defaults provided. You can remove ones you don't want later.
<li>Go to the fannie configuration page (http://your-server/fannie/install/) and
click the <i>Sample Data</i> link at the top.</li>
<li>Click the <i>Load default tenders</i></li> button.</li>
To make adjustments to your tenders, select Admin =&gt; Tenders from fannie's
left hand menu. Options are as follows:
<li><i>Code</i> is the key sequence used to enter a tender at the front end. It's
recommended you don't edit these. Doing so may cause incompatibilities with
the mainstream front end code.</li>
<li><i>Name</i> and <i>Change Msg</i> are what will show up on screen as well
as on receipts when a tender is used.</li>
<li><i>Min</i> and <i>Max</i> are soft limits for a tender type. If an entry is
outside this range, the cashier is promted to confirm the amount was not a miskey.</li>
<li><i>Type</i> and <i>Refund Limit</i> don't really do anything.</li>
Options to add and remove tenders are at the bottom of the page.
<h2>Tax Rates</h2>
This doesn't have a menu entry yet, but the tools if found at
http://your-server/fannie/admin/TaxRates/. A "NoTax" rate is included
automatically. Add rates as decimal numbers, not percentages - e.g.,
5% sales tax is 0.05.