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    <title>The AutoLoader</title>
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<h1>The AutoLoader</h1>
14Feb13 AT Doc first written
<br />as of: February 14, 2013
The AutoLoader is the backbone of the POS module system.
It's responsible for discovering and including all the
available modules. There are a few things to be aware of
when interacting with this system:
    <li>The name of your module's class <b>must</b> match the file's name. If
    you create a class named <b>MyNewModule</b> it needs to go in a file named
    <b>MyNewModule.php</b>. The AutoLoader will not find the module correctly
    if the class and file names do not correspond.</li>
    <li>Modules are identified via inheritence. If your module's class does not
    <b>extend</b> one of the base module AutoLoader won't find it.</li>
    <li>Modules located inside plugins are only loaded if that plugin is enabled.</li>
    <li>AutoLoader::ListModules($base_class) will return a list of all modules that
    implement a specified base class. This list is ordered such that all
    plugin-provided modules are at the front of the list before any of the modules
    that are included by default. Plugins can often use this fact to override
    default behavior.</li>