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14Feb13 AT Doc first written
<br />as of: February 14, 2013
The ProductSearch module is used to look up products. 
The base class provides a single method that modules may implement:
array <b>search</b>(string $input)
The parameter <b>$input</b> is a string entered by the cashier. The return value
is an array of records keyed by UPC. Each record should contain entries for
upc, description, normal_price, and scale. An example return value:
  "0000000004011" => array(
      "upc" => "0000000004011",
      "description" => "BANANAS",
      "normal_price" => "0.99",
      "scale" => "1",
<b>Example</b>: this product search only checks certain departments:
class CustomDeptProductSearch extends ProductSearch {

    function search($input){
        /* get a database connect */
        $db = Database::pDataConnect();

        /* perform custom look up query */
        $query = "SELECT upc,description,normal_price,scale
            FROM products WHERE inUse=1 AND
            department BETWEEN 10 AND 25
            AND description like '%$input%'
            ORDER BY description";
        $results = $db->query($query);
        /* build a return value array */
        $return_value = array();
        while($row = $db->fetch_row($results)){
            $upc = $row['upc'];
            $return_value[$upc] = $row;

        /* finish up */
        return $return_value;
