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<a href="#change_log">Revised: 10Apr2013</a>
<p>Tagging data is the forth step in building a receipt. Modules
implementing DefaultReceiptTag take the array of records from
the third step and add a <b>tag</b> field to each one. The tag
setting is used to route each record to the correct formatting
module for final display. A record tagged as <b>Item</b> will
be rendered using <b>ItemReceiptFormat</b>; a record tagged
as <b>Tender</b> will be rendered using <b>TenderReceiptFormat</b>;
etc. When applying tags, make sure a corresponding ReceiptFormat
module exists. Subclasses must implement the method <b>tag</b>
which takes an array of records and returns an array of 
records with the "tag" field added to each one.
class ExampleTag extends DefaultReceiptTag {
    function tag($rowset){
        $rowset = parent::tag($rowset);
            if($rowset[$i]['upc'] == '0000000004011')
                $rowset[$i]['tag'] = 'CustomBananas';
        return $rowset;
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<a name="change_log">Change Log:</a>

10Apr13 Andy Theuninck - Created document