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    <title>Requesting Information</title>
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<h1>Requesting Information from the User</h1>
13Aug13 AT Doc first written
<br />as of: August 13, 2013
If you want to prompt the cashier to enter some text, you
can use the built-in <i>requestInfo.php</i> gui-module rather
than writing a separate page. This is well-suited for cases 
where you simply want to show a text entry box and get the
result. To use this functionality, pass the name of an 
appropriate class to requestInfo.php as the URL parameter
<i>class</i>. The class does not have to inherit from any
particular base class; it merely has to provide the methods
and properties that requestInfo.php needs (i.e., <i>duck typing</i>).
This structure lets you attach an information request to another
static string <b>requestInfoHeader</b><br />
static string <b>requestInfoMsg</b><br />
static mixed <b>requestInfoCallback</b>(string $info)<br />
The strings properties are prompts displayed for the cashier.
<b>requestInfoHeader</b> appears above the input box;
<b>requestInfoMsg</b> appears below the input box. When the cashier
enters information, that string is passed to <b>requestInfoCallback</b>.
If the string is not a valid entry, return boolean False to prompt
the cashier to re-enter. If the string is valid, do whatever processing
is necessary then return a URL indicating which page to go to next.
If you want to return to the main POS screen, returning boolean True
will be interpretted as that URL.
<b>Example</b>: Add member's phone number to the transaction
class GetMemPhone extends Parser {
    function check($str){
        if ($str == 'GETPH') return True;
        else return False;

    function parse($str){
        $ret = $this->default_json();
        // redirect to the prompt page
        $ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url().'gui-modules/requestInfo.php?class=GetMemPhone';
        return $ret;

    public static $requestInfoHeader = 'member phone #';

    public static $requestInfoMsg = 'type phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX';

    public static function requestInfoCallback($info){
        // if the entry is valid, add a comment to
        // the transaction
        if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/',trim($info)) == 1){
            TransRecord::addcomment('PH: '.trim($info));
            return True;
            return False;