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<h2>Installing NewMagellan Scanner/Scale Driver</h2>

    <div style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:80%;">
    updated as of: November 8, 2012<br />
    original author: Eric Lee


<p>This describes setting up (installing, configuring), under Linux,
the software that
supports a Magellan scanner/scale
that IS4C is communicating with through the <tt>NewMagellan</tt> driver.
It assumes the physical installation is done and also the lane level
port and driver (NewMagellan) choices at <tt></tt>
have been made.

<p>If, after that is done, everything is fine,
that is both scanned barcodes and weights are appearing in your PoS transactions,
then you need read no further.

However, if this is a new installation,
you need to learn about compiling and starting the driver,
which is not started by default,
and, for a production (not test) environment, about running it in the background
and starting it at bootup.

This document describes how to do those things and offers some tips about solving
problems at this level.
<!--But if things are not working, try the following.-->

    <li>Open a terminal window and go to where the NewMagellan driver resides, possibly:
    <br /><tt>$ cd /var/www/IS4C/pos/is4c-nf/scale-drivers/drivers/NewMagellan</tt>

    <li>Make sure the serial port you named can be written to by the driver and Apache/PHP.
    <br /><tt>$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0</tt>

    <li>See that data is getting from the scanner-scale to the serial port:
    <br /><tt>$ cat /dev/ttyS0</tt>
    <br />Then scan a barcode.  The number should appear, with a prefix e.g. <tt>S08A</tt>
    if the scanner has been programmed to supply them.  The whole string might then be:
    <br /><tt>S08A03120044618</tt>, with checkdigit already removed.
    <br />If nothing appears then check that the scanner-scale is connected to the correct
    serial port and that your configuration names that port.
    <br />If you want to get a weight response at this level
    you first have to send the scale a weigh-request.  In another terminal window:
    <br /><tt>$ echo -e "S11\r" > /dev/ttyS0</tt>
    <br />and then put something on the scale.
    If it weighs 0.23 lb you will see something like:
    <br /><tt>S110023
    <br />It will be superimposed on the previous output if you are under Linux
    and the scanner-scale terminates its output with a Carriage Return (<tt>\r</tt>):
    <br /><tt>S11002320044618</tt>
    <br />Type <tt>Ctrl-C</tt> to stop display from the serial port.
    Note that the driver will not have access to what the scanner-scale is sending as long
    as this <tt>cat</tt> is getting it first.

    <li>You can do further experiments at the level of communicating directly with the
    serial port using this utility:
    <br /><tt>$</tt>
    <br />(that is still a work in progress).

    <li>Make sure the directory ss-output and everthing in it is writable by the driver:
    <br /><tt>$ sudo chmod -R 777 ss-output</tt>

    <li>Check the assignment of MAGELLAN_OUTPUT_DIR in SPH_Magellan_Scales.cs
    <br /><tt>$ grep MAGELLAN_OUTPUT_DIR SPH_Magellan_Scales.cs
    <br />
It should be <tt>ss-output/</tt>, the same as the directory above.

If it isn't, open SPH_Magellan_Scales.cs in a text editor and change it. Note the trailing slash.

    <li>Compile the driver, <tt>pos.exe</tt>:
<br /><tt>
$ make clean
<br />
$ make
    This has to be done once for any Linux installation even if <tt>pos.exe</tt> already exists
    and you haven't changed any of the source <tt>(*.cs)</tt> files.

    <li>Check that the <tt>mono</tt> program is available:
    <br /><tt>$ which mono
    <br /># Should report something like
    <br />/usr/bin/mono
    <br />If <tt>which</tt> finds nothing, then install <tt>mono</tt>:
    <br /><tt>
    $ sudo apt-get install mono-devel
    <br /># or
    <br />$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

    <li>Run the driver in the foreground:
    <br /><tt>
$ sudo mono pos.exe
    <br />If it starts OK it will immediately write to the terminal:
    <br /><tt>Reading serial data
    <br />and there may be another line of scale or scanner data such as
    <br /><tt>

Now scan a barcode. It should be echoed to the window running pos.exe. E.g.:
    <br /><tt>

Then put something on the scale. Expect to see something like:
    <br /><tt>
    <br />
where "23" is the weight, 23/100ths of a pound in this case.
    <br /> Remove the thing from the scale and two more lines will probably appear:
    <br /><tt>
    <br />
<br />the second indicating the scale is back to zero.
<br />(These "S" codes are from an SL384 but I'm pretty sure they are the same for
other Magellan-series scanner/scales.)

To stop the driver: type <tt>Ctrl-C</tt>

    <li>You can run the driver in the foreground and use the PoS at the same time.
The items you scan and weigh will appear
in the transaction in the usual way as well as being written to the screen.

    <li>Still no joy? Try searching the techhub forum for <tt>NewMagellan</tt>
    <br />If that doesn't help post to the forum yourself.

A second attempt to run the driver in the foreground may get a message like:
    <pre>$ sudo mono pos.exe

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at System.TermInfoDriver.CheckWindowDimensions () [0x00000] 
  at System.TermInfoDriver.get_WindowWidth () [0x00000] 
  at System.TermInfoDriver.IncrementX () [0x00000] 
  at System.TermInfoDriver.IsSpecialKey (ConsoleKeyInfo key) [0x00000] 
  at System.TermInfoDriver.IsSpecialKey (Char c) [0x00000] 
  at System.IO.CStreamWriter.Write (System.Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count) [0x00000] 
  at System.IO.CStreamWriter.Write (System.Char[] val) [0x00000] 
  at System.IO.CStreamWriter.Write (System.String val) [0x00000] 
  at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine (System.String value) [0x00000] 
  at System.IO.SynchronizedWriter.WriteLine (System.String value) [0x00000] 
  at System.Console.WriteLine (System.String value) [0x00000] 
  at SPH.SPH_Magellan_Scale.Read () [0x00000]</pre>
I don't know what to do about this.
Running it again gets the same message.
<br />
You can try: Start the driver in the background (see below), do a couple scans, stop it;
then running it in foreground may work again.

    <li>Running the driver in the background.
In order to not have a terminal window open while the lane is running
you can run the driver in the background<!--with the output going to a log file-->.
In Linux this is called running as a daemon.
You will also likely want the convenience of having the daemon started
automatically when the computer boots and stopped when it is shut down.

There are two wrapper scripts for this in the NewMagellan directory:
<ul class="inner">
    <li class="inner"><tt>posdriver-sph-debian</tt><br />for Ubuntu and other Debian-derived Linuxes
    <li class="inner"><tt>posdriver-sph</tt><br />for other flavours

    <!-- br />
Each of these scripts has a Linux Standard Base Specification (LSB) header
that contains the details of startup/shutdown behaviour.

The script needs to be copied to <tt>/etc/init.d</tt>
so the startup and shutdown processes will be able to find it.
    <br /><tt>$ sudo cp <em>script-name</em> /etc/init.d

    <br />After that, tell startup/shutdown about it:
    <br /><tt>$ sudo update-rc.d <em>script-name</em> defaults
    <br />A daemon installed this way is called a service.

    <li>The script <tt></tt> can be used to manage the service,
    including installing, starting, stopping and installing new versions
    and cleaning up after crashes or failures.
    <br /><tt>$ -h
    <br />Usage: stop|start|restart|status|clean|swap|remove|install
    <br />Edit its variable <tt>POSD</tt> to refer to the service script you are using:
    <br /><tt>
<br /># or
<br />POSD=posdriver-sph
    <br />If you change the driver <tt>(pos.exe)</tt> you need to
    stop and start the service.
    <br /><tt>


<h4>Some notes on what the driver is doing behind the scenes:</h4>

    <li>Open another terminal window and cd to the ss-ouput directory.
    <br /><tt>$ls -l</tt> will show something like:
    <pre>-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody   nogroup     8 2012-10-27 17:14 13930410
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root        8 2012-10-27 17:34 15184740
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root       12 2012-10-27 17:35 15206202
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root       12 2012-10-27 17:35 15210526
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root        8 2012-10-27 17:35 15216206
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root        5 2012-10-27 17:35 15217402</pre>
Each file contains output like that echoed to the screen
when the driver is running in the foreground.

    <li>While the driver is running in the background,
scan and scale events are also logged to
a file named in the driver start script, e.g. posdriver-sph, for example:
    <br /><tt>
    <br />
You can watch this as it accumulates with:
    <br /><pre>
$ tail -f /var/run/posdriver-sph/sph.log
Reading serial data
Received: rePoll
Received: goodBeep
Received: goodBeep
85794100187 </pre>
<tt>Ctrl-C</tt> to stop the display.
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