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Test Coverage

    Copyright 2001, 2004 Wedge Community Co-op

    This file is part of IS4C.

    IS4C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IS4C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IS4C; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA



function local_inx() {
    $inx = $_SESSION["CashierNo"] . ".inx";
    return $inx;

function remote_inx() {
    $inx = $_SESSION["ccSharePath"] . $_SESSION["CashierNo"] . ".inx";
    return $inx;

function local_oux() {
    $oux = $_SESSION["CashierNo"] . ".oux";
    return $oux;

function remote_oux() {
    $oux = $_SESSION["ccSharePath"] . $_SESSION["CashierNo"] . ".oux";
    return $oux;

function ccTicket() {
    // simple concatenation might be ambiguous: trans 3, lane 4, cashier 56 = 3456, trans 34, lane 5, cashier 6 = 3456 also
    // so, pad each component to two digits with 0's --atf 5/18/07
    $ticket = str_pad($_SESSION["transno"], 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
        . str_pad($_SESSION["laneno"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
        . str_pad($_SESSION["CashierNo"], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
  return $ticket;

function merchantNum() {
    if( $_SESSION["ccLive"] != 1 || $_SESSION["training"] == 1 || $_SESSION["CashierNo"] == 9999){
      $merch = 123456;
    else {
      $merch = 508714;
    return $merch;

function delete_file($file) {
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        exec("del ".$file." /q", $aDelete);

function copy_file($source, $dest) {
    $copied = 0;
    if (file_exists($source)) {
        if (copy($source, $dest)) {
            $copied = 1;
    return $copied;

function ccName($enter) {
    $ccName = "Customer";
    $aName = explode('^', $enter);
    foreach ($aName as $name) {
        if (strlen($name) > 0 && strpos($name, "/")) {
            $ccName = $name;
            $aFullName = explode("/", $name);
            $ccName = $aFullName[1]." ".$aFullName[0];
    return $ccName;     

// rewritten --atf 5/16/07
// rewritten again --atf 5/24/07
function ccSwipe($enter) {
/* summary of ISO standards for credit card magnetic stripe data tracks:
(hex codes and character representations do not match ASCII - they are defined in the ISO spec)

  {S} start sentinel: 0x05 '%'
  {C} format code: varies
  {F} field seperator: 0x3F '^'
  {E} end sentinel: 0x1F '?'
  {V} checksum character
  format: {S}{C}data{F}data{F}data{E}{V}
  length: 79 characters

  {S} start sentinel: 0x0B ';'
  {F} field seperator: 0x0D '='
  {E} end sentinel: 0x0F '?'
  {V} checksum character
  format: {S}data{F}data{E}{V}
  length: 40 characters

  {S} start sentinel: 0x0B ';'
  {C} format code: varies
  {F} field seperator: 0x0D '='
  {E} end sentinel: 0x0F '?'
  {V} checksum character
  format: {S}{C}{C}data{F}data{E}{V}
  length: 107 characters

--atf 5/16/07 */
    $swipe = $enter;
    // replace test card string with Verifone's test Visa data, instead of TT's --atf 5/24/07
    if( substr($swipe,0,18) == ";9999999800000702=") {
        // only check beginning, we might get new test cards at some point with a different exp date
        $swipe = "%B4012000033330026^VERIFONE TEST 3^" . date('y') . "121011000 1111A123456789012?"
            . ";4012000033330026=" . date('y') . "121011000001234567?";
    // init
    $track1 = false;
    $track2 = false;
    $track3 = false;
    // parse
    $tracks = explode('?', $swipe);
    foreach( $tracks as $track) {
        if( substr($track,0,1) == '%') {
            // track1 start sentinel
            if( $track1 === false) {
                $track1 = substr($track,1);
            else {
                return "invalid";  // can't have more than one track1
        else if( substr($track,0,1) == ';') {
            // track2/3 start sentinel
            if( $track2 === false) {
                $track2 = substr($track,1);
            else if( $track3 === false) {
                $track3 = substr($track,1);
            else {
                return "invalid";  // just how many tracks are on this card, anyway?

  // some basic error checking:
  // if track1 is present, it must have 'B' format code
    if( $track1 !== false && substr($track1,0,1) !== 'B') {
        return "invalid";

    // track2 is required and must have two fields (separator is '=' for track2 data)
    if( $track2 === false || strpos($track2, '=') === false) {
        return "invalid";
    return $track2;

function ccType($CC) {
    // ***** CvR check to see if card is a valid CC type **** END 

    // ***** CvR 09/22/05 trim off F for testing card type if forced cc ***** END    
    // disabled; this function is called with the track2 swipe contents, which should never contain these characters anyway
    // to check F or V, it must be done on the original form input, in ccValid() or above --atf 5/24/07
    if (substr($CC,0,1) == 4) {
        //check for VISA
        $issuer = "VISA";
    elseif ( substr($CC,0,2) >= 50 && substr($CC,0,2) <= 59){
        //check for MC
        $issuer = "MasterCard";
    elseif ( substr($CC,0,2) == 34 || substr($CC,0,2) ==37){
        //check for AMEX
        // American Express unsupported
        $issuer = "Unsupported";
    elseif ( substr($CC,0,4) == 6011) {
        //check for Discover
        $issuer = "Discover Card";
    elseif ( substr($CC,0,4) == 9999) {
        //check for Concord test card added 6/23/05 CvR
        if($_SESSION["CashierNo"] == 9999){
            $issuer = "Concord Test";
            $issuer = "Unsupported";
    else {
        //other CC cards
        $issuer = "Unsupported";
    return $issuer;

function ccValid($enter) {
    $_SESSION["ccSwipe"] = ccSwipe($enter); // returns track2 magstripe data
    $_SESSION["ccName"] = ccName($enter); // scans track1 for cardholder name
    $_SESSION["ccType"] = ccType($_SESSION["ccSwipe"]); // determines card issuer from card number prefix

    if ($_SESSION["ccSwipe"] == "invalid" || $_SESSION["ccType"] == "Unsupported") {
        $valid = 0;
    else {
        $valid = 1;
    return $valid;

function parse_oux(){

    // Get a file into an array.  In this example we'll go through HTTP to get
    // the HTML source of a URL.
    // Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too.

    $lines = file(remote_oux());

    global $Result;
    global $User1;
    global $Auth;
    global $Reference;
    global $TroutD;
    global $Ticket;
    global $Trans_Date;
    global $Seq_Num;

    $Result = "";
    $User1 = "";
    $Auth = "";
    $Reference = "";
    $TroutD = "";
    $Ticket = "";
    $Trans_Date = "";
    $Seq_Num = "";

    foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
        $user1 = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),'USER_ID');
        $result = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),'RESULT');
        $troutd = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"TROUTD");
        $auth = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"AUTH_");
        $tdate = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"TRANS_DATE");
        $ticket = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"TICKET");
        $ref_num = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"REFERENCE");
        $seq_num = strstr(htmlspecialchars($line),"INTRN_");

            $User1 = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $User1 = strip_tags($User1);

            $Result = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Result = strip_tags($Result);

            $TroutD = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $TroutD = strip_tags($TroutD);

            $Auth = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Auth = strip_tags($Auth);

            $Trans_Date = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Trans_Date = strip_tags($Trans_Date);

            $Ticket = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Ticket = strip_tags($Ticket);

            $Reference = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Reference = strip_tags($Reference);

            $Seq_Num = trim($lines[$line_num]);
            $Seq_Num = strip_tags($Seq_Num);

        $TroutD = $Seq_Num;

    $_SESSION["troutd"] = $TroutD; // added 04/01/05   Tak and CvR

    return $Result;
    return $User1;
    return $Auth;
    return $Reference;
    return $TroutD;
    return $Seq_Num;
    return $Ticket;
    return $Trans_Date;

function sys_pcc() {
    $syspcc = $_SESSION["ccSharePath"]."sys.pcc";
    if (file_exists($syspcc)) {
        $problem = 1;
    else {
        $problem = 0;
    return $problem;
function ccXML() {
    $inxUploaded = 0;

    // cache filenames
    $remote_inx = remote_inx();
    $remote_oux = remote_oux();
    $local_inx = local_inx();

    // check if PCCharge has both #.inx and (for any #, not just CashierNo) -- stuck queue, alert FEC --atf 5/24/07
    // also note a new return value for ccXML(): -1 means stuck-queue, 0 means some other file copy error
    $testcmd = "for %f in (\\" . $_SESSION["ccServer"] . "\\" . $_SESSION["ccShare"]
        . "\\temp\\*.pro) do @if exist \"\\" . $_SESSION["ccServer"] . "\\" . $_SESSION["ccShare"]
        . "\\temp\\%%~nf.inx\" echo 1";
    $teststuck = shell_exec($testcmd);
    if( $teststuck != "") {
        return -1;
    // end stuck-queue-check

    $input = $_SESSION["ccSwipe"];
    $transno =  ccTicket();
    $amountIn = $_SESSION["ccAmt"];

    $aCCInput = explode("=", $input);

    // ***** CvR 09/22/05 test for forced transactions ***** END
    // $input comes from SESSION[ccSwipe] which has track2 data: these characters could not be there, and all digits up to '=' are the card num --atf 5/24/07
    $CC = $aCCInput[0];
    $expYear = substr($aCCInput[1], 0, 2);
    $expMonth = substr($aCCInput[1], 2, 2);

    //-----added 03/31/05 CvR
    if($amountIn > 0) {
       $command = "1"; //action code for transaction sale = 1
       $command = "2"; //action code for return = 2

    // in the PCCharge DevKit manual, 'MANUAL_FLAG' is defined as '0=manual, 1=swiped'  --atf 5/18/07
    $manual = 1;
    if ($_SESSION["ccManual"] <> 0) {
        $manual = 0;
        $_SESSION["ccManual"] = 0;
    $expDate = $expMonth.$expYear;         //set expDate 
    $present = 1;                     //card present
    $proc = 'BPAS';                     //processor (will be set to CCRD when done testing)
    $TID = merchantNum();                 //merchant ID for processor
    $user = $_SESSION["CashierNo"];

    $trackII = $_SESSION["ccSwipe"];
    $amount = truncate2(abs($amountIn));

    // $string_out creates the string that will be saved to the *.inx file
    // of the XML format that PC Charge expects
    // Note: ref to x-schema requires specific order sequence

    // could not resolve 'Incomplete Trans' errors; last resort, just turn off XML validation --atf 5/18/07
    //'<XML_FILE xmlns="x-schema:.\dtd\stnd.xdr">
    $string_out = 
                <USER_ID>' . $user . '</USER_ID>
                <COMMAND>' . $command . '</COMMAND>
                <PROCESSOR_ID>' . $proc . '</PROCESSOR_ID>
                <MERCH_NUM>' . $TID . '</MERCH_NUM>
                <ACCT_NUM>' . $CC . '</ACCT_NUM>
                <EXP_DATE>' . $expDate . '</EXP_DATE>
                <MANUAL_FLAG>' . $manual . '</MANUAL_FLAG>
                <TRANS_AMOUNT>' . $amount . '</TRANS_AMOUNT>';
    if( $manual == 1) {
        // counter-intuitive: manual==1 means swiped, not manual, so pass the track data --atf 5/24/07
      $string_out .= '<TRACK_DATA>' . $trackII . '</TRACK_DATA>';
    $string_out .=
        '<TICKET_NUM>' . $transno . '</TICKET_NUM> 

    //------added 04/01/05 Tak & CvR-----provide for voiding CC entry on receipt
    if(substr($input,0,1) == 'V'|| substr($input,0,1) == 'v'){
            $troutd = $getCCOutW[2];
            $command = 3;
            $string_out =
                '<XML_FILE xmlns="x-schema:.\dtd\stnd.xdr">
                        <USER_ID>' . $user . '</USER_ID>
                        <COMMAND>' . $command . '</COMMAND>
                        <TROUTD>' . $troutd . '</TROUTD>

    //below added to log .inx info. To be tested on lane9, etc 
    //added 07/07/05 CvR

    $trans_id = $_SESSION["LastID"] + 1;
    $lane = $_SESSION["laneno"];
    $trans_no = $_SESSION["transno"];
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $dbinx = tDataconnect();
    $inxQ = "INSERT INTO INX"
        . "VALUES('$user','$command','$proc','$TID','$CC','$expDate','$manual','$trackII',"
        . "'$transno',1,$amount,'','$now','$trans_id','$trans_no','$lane')";
    if (sql_query($inxQ,$dbinx)) {
        // changed all filename functions (remote_oux(), local_inx(), etc) to variables, cached up top --atf 5/24/07
        delete_file($local_inx);        // ***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 *****

        $fp = fopen($local_inx,'w');     // open the file with write permissions -- ***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 *****
        fwrite($fp, $string_out);     // write $string_out to the *.inx file
        fclose($fp);                 // close the file


        $inxUploaded = copy_file($local_inx, $remote_inx); //***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 *****

    return $inxUploaded;

function ccout($User1,$Result,$TroutD,$ccamt,$catTroutD){
    $ccIDQ = "SELECT top 1 trans_id FROM INX order by transdate desc";
    $dbCC = pDataconnect();
    $ccIDR = mssql_query($ccIDQ,$dbCC);
    $ccIDW = mssql_fetch_row($ccIDR);

    $lane = $_SESSION["laneno"];
    $trans = $_SESSION["transno"];
    $trans_id = $ccIDW[0];
    $pccharge = $_SESSION["ccServer"];
    $cn = mysql_connect($pccharge,'sa');

    $insCCOutQ = "INSERT INTO CC_OUT(user_id,result,troutd,amount,four,register_no,trans_no,trans_id)"
        . "VALUES('$User1', '$Result','$TroutD',$ccamt,$catTroutD,$lane,$trans,$trans_id)";
    $insCCOutR = mysql_query($insCCOutQ,$cn);

function addOux($user_id, $troutd, $result, $auth_code, $reference, $trans_date, $ticket, $intrn_seq_num) {
    $trans_id = $_SESSION["LastID"] + 1;
    $user_id = $_SESSION["CashierNo"];
    $register_no = $_SESSION["laneno"];
    $trans_no = $_SESSION["transno"];
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    $oux_connect = tDataconnect();
    $oux_Q = "INSERT INTO oux VALUES($user_id,'$troutd','$result','$auth_code','$reference',"
        . "'$trans_date','$ticket','$intrn_seq_num', $register_no, $trans_no, $trans_id, '$now')";

    sql_query($oux_Q, $oux_connect);