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Test Coverage
// "Live Clock Advanced" script - Version 1.0
// By Mark Plachetta (
// Get the latest version at:
// Based on the original script: "Upper Corner Live Clock"
// available at:
// - Dynamic Drive (
// - Website Abstraction (
// ========================================================
// - Gave more flexibility in positioning of clock
// - Added date construct (Advanced version only)
// - User configurable
// ========================================================
// Both "Advanced" and "Lite" versions are available free
// of charge, see the website for more information on the
// two scripts.

/////////////// CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////

    // Set the clock's font face:
    var myfont_face = "Verdana";

    // Set the clock's font size (in point):
    var myfont_size = "10";

    // Set the clock's font color:
    var myfont_color = "#000000";
    // Set the clock's background color:
    var myback_color = "#FFFFFF";

    // Set the text to display before the clock:
    var mypre_text = "The time is: ";

    // Set the width of the clock (in pixels):
    var mywidth = 300;

    // Display the time in 24 or 12 hour time?
    // 0 = 24, 1 = 12
    var my12_hour = 1;

    // How often do you want the clock updated?
    // 0 = Never, 1 = Every Second, 2 = Every Minute
    // If you pick 0 or 2, the seconds will not be displayed
    var myupdate = 1;

    // Display the date?
    // 0 = No, 1 = Yes
    var DisplayDate = 0;

/////////////// END CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////

    // Browser detect code
    var ie4=document.all;
    var ns4=document.layers;
    var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all;

// Global varibale definitions:

    var dn = "";
    var mn = "th";
    var old = "";

// The following arrays contain data which is used in the clock's
// date function. Feel free to change values for Days and Months
// if needed (if you wanted abbreviated names for example).
    var DaysOfWeek = new Array(7);
    DaysOfWeek[0] = "Sunday";
    DaysOfWeek[1] = "Monday";
    DaysOfWeek[2] = "Tuesday";
    DaysOfWeek[3] = "Wednesday";
    DaysOfWeek[4] = "Thursday";
    DaysOfWeek[5] = "Friday";
    DaysOfWeek[6] = "Saturday";

    var MonthsOfYear = new Array(12);
    MonthsOfYear[0] = "January";
    MonthsOfYear[1] = "February";
    MonthsOfYear[2] = "March";
    MonthsOfYear[3] = "April";
    MonthsOfYear[4] = "May";
    MonthsOfYear[5] = "June";
    MonthsOfYear[6] = "July";
    MonthsOfYear[7] = "August";
    MonthsOfYear[8] = "September";
    MonthsOfYear[9] = "October";
    MonthsOfYear[10] = "November";
    MonthsOfYear[11] = "December";

// This array controls how often the clock is updated,
// based on your selection in the configuration.
    var ClockUpdate = new Array(3);
    ClockUpdate[0] = 0;
    ClockUpdate[1] = 1000;
    ClockUpdate[2] = 60000;

    // The main part of the script:
    function show_clock() {
        if (old == "die") {
        //show clock in NS 4
        if (ns4) {
        // Get all our date variables:
        var Digital = new Date();
        var day = Digital.getDay();
        var mday = Digital.getDate();
        var month = Digital.getMonth();
        var hours = Digital.getHours();

        var minutes = Digital.getMinutes();
        var seconds = Digital.getSeconds();

        // Fix the "mn" variable if needed:
        if (mday == 1) {
            mn = "st";
        else if (mday == 2) {
            mn = "nd";
        else if (mday == 3) {
            mn = "rd";
        else if (mday == 21) {
            mn = "st";
        else if (mday == 22) {
            mn = "nd";
        else if (mday == 23) {
            mn = "rd";
        else if (mday == 31) {
            mn = "st";

        // Set up the hours for either 24 or 12 hour display:
        if (my12_hour) {
            dn = "AM";
            if (hours > 12) {
                dn = "PM"; hours = hours - 12;
            if (hours === 0) {
                hours = 12;
        else {
            dn = "";
        if (minutes <= 9) {
            minutes = "0"+minutes;
        if (seconds <= 9) {
            seconds = "0"+seconds;

        // This is the actual HTML of the clock. If you're going to play around
        // with this, be careful to keep all your quotations in tact.
        myclock = '';
        myclock += '<font style="color: ' + myfont_color + '; font-family: ' + myfont_face + '; font-size: ' + myfont_size + 'pt;">';
        myclock += hours + ':' + minutes;
        if ((myupdate < 2) || (myupdate === 0)) {
            myclock += ':'+seconds;
        myclock += ' '+dn;
        if (DisplayDate) {
            myclock += ' on '+DaysOfWeek[day]+', '+mday+mn+' '+MonthsOfYear[month];
        myclock += '</font>';

        if (old == "true") {
            old = "die";

        // Write the clock to the layer:
        if (ns4) {
            clockpos = document.ClockPosNS;
            liveclock = clockpos.document.LiveClockNS;
        else if (ie4) {
            LiveClockIE.innerHTML = myclock;
        else if (ns6){
            document.getElementById("LiveClockIE").innerHTML = myclock;

        if (myupdate !== 0) {

// For Version 4+ browsers, write the appropriate HTML to the
// page for the clock, otherwise, attempt to write a static
// date to the page.
    if (ie4||ns6) {
        document.write('<span id="LiveClockIE" style="width: ' + mywidth + 'px; background-color: ' + myback_color+'"></span>');
    else if (document.layers) {
        document.write('<ilayer bgColor="' + myback_color + '" id="ClockPosNS" visibility="hide"><layer width="' + mywidth + '" id="LiveClockNS"></layer></ilayer>');
    else {
        old = "true"; show_clock();