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documentation/Reference Code/Wedge/is4c/reloadlanes.php.ref


Test Coverage

function synctable($table) {
    $table = strtolower($table);
    $aLane = array("", "", "");

    $server = "";
    $serveruser = "root";
    $serverpass = "";

    $laneuser = "root";
    $lanepass = "";

    $outfile = "/pos/is4c/download/" . $table . ".out";

    $makeoutfile = "select * into outfile '" . $outfile . "' from " . $table;
    $load = "load data infile '" . $outfile . "' into table " . $table;
    $truncatelocal = "truncate table " . $table;
    $insertlocal = "insert into " . table . " select * from is4c_op." . $table;

    // establish connect to server
    $conn = mysql_connect($server, $serveruser, $serverpass)) or die("Unable to connect to server database");
    mysql_select_db("is4c_op", $conn) or die("unsable to connect to database is4c_op on server");

    if (file_exists($outfile)) {
        exec("rm ".$outfile);

    mysql_query($makeoutfile, $conn) or die ("Failed to create outfile from server table " . $table);

    if (file_exists($outfile)) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach($aLane as $lane) {
            $lanenum = "lane " . $i;
            $lane_conn = mysql_connect($lane, $laneuser, $lanepass) or die ("Failed to connect to "  .$lanenum);
            mysql_select_db("is4c_op", $lane_conn) or die ("Failed to connect to database is4c_op on " . $lanenum);
            mysql_query($load, $lane_conn) or die ("Failed to load data into is4c_op." . $table . " on " . $lanenum);
            mysql_query($truncatelocal, $lane_conn) or die ("Failed to truncate old table " . $table . " on " . $lanenum);
            mysql_query($insertlocal, $lane_conn) or die ("Failed to insert new data from is4c_op." . $table . " on " . $lanenum);
            echo $lanenum . " successfully synchronized";
    else {
        echo "<p>Outfile from server not found</p>";