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documentation/Reference Code/Wedge/is4c/reprint.php.ref


Test Coverage

    Copyright 2001, 2004 Wedge Community Co-op

    This file is part of IS4C.

    IS4C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IS4C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IS4C; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


// ----------------------------------------------------------- 
// reprint the specified receipt 
// -----------------------------------------------------------

if (!function_exists("pDataConnect")) include("connect.php");
if (!function_exists("tDataConnect")) include("connect.php");
if (!function_exists("gohome")) include("maindisplay.php");
if (!function_exists("writeLine")) include("printLib.php");
if (!function_exists("blueLine")) include("session.php");

if (isset($_POST["selectlist"])) {
    $reprnt = strtoupper(trim($_POST["selectlist"]));
else {
    $reprnt = "";

if ($reprnt && strlen($reprnt) >= 1) {

    $title = chr(27) . chr(33) . chr(5) . centerString("***    R E P R I N T    ***") . "\n\n\n";

    $arpspec = explode("::", $reprnt);
    $laneno = $arpspec[0];
    $cashierNo = $arpspec[1];
    $transno = $arpspec[2];

    $ref = trim($cashierNo) . "-" . trim($laneno) . "-" . trim($transno);

    $queryHeader = "select * from rp_receipt_header where register_no = " . $laneno . " and emp_no = " . $cashierNo . " and trans_no = " . $transno;
    $connect = tDataConnect();
    $header = sql_query($queryHeader, $connect);
    $headerRow = sql_fetch_array($header);

    $dateTimeStamp = $headerRow["dateTimeStamp"];
    $dateTimeStamp = strtotime($dateTimeStamp);

    $_SESSION["memberID"] = $headerRow["memberID"];
    $_SESSION["memCouponTLL"] = $headerRow["couponTotal"];
    $_SESSION["transDiscount"] = $headerRow["transDiscount"];
    $_SESSION["chargeTotal"] =  -1*$headerRow["chargeTotal"];

    if ($_SESSION["chargeTotal"] != 0) {        
        $_SESSION["chargetender"] = 1;
    else {
        $_SESSION["chargetender"] = 0;

    $_SESSION["discounttotal"] = $headerRow["discountTTL"];
    $_SESSION["memSpecial"] = $headerRow["memSpecial"];


    $queryID = "select * from custdata where CardNo = '" . $_SESSION["memberID"] . "'";

    $connID = pDataConnect();
    $result = sql_query($queryID, $connID);
    $row = sql_fetch_array($result);

    if ($row["Type"] == "PC") {
        $_SESSION["isMember"] = 1;
    else {
        $_SESSION["isMember"] = 0;
    $_SESSION["memMsg"] = blueLine($row);

    if ($_SESSION["isMember"] == 1) {
        $_SESSION["yousaved"] = number_format( $_SESSION["transDiscount"] + $_SESSION["discounttotal"] + $_SESSION["memSpecial"] + $_SESSION["memCouponTTL"], 2);
        $_SESSION["couldhavesaved"] = 0;
        $_SESSION["specials"] = number_format($_SESSION["discounttotal"] + $_SESSION["memSpecial"], 2);
    else {
        $dblyousaved = number_format($_SESSION["memSpecial"], 2);
        $_SESSION["yousaved"] = $_SESSION["discounttotal"];
        $_SESSION["couldhavesaved"] = number_format($_SESSION["memSpecial"], 2);
        $_SESSION["specials"] = $_SESSION["discounttotal"];

//    call to transLog, the body of the receipt comes from the view 'receipt'
    $query = "select * from rp_receipt where register_no = " . $laneno . " and emp_no = " . $cashierNo . " and trans_no = " . $transno . " order by trans_id";
    $db = tDataConnect();
    $result = sql_query($query, $db);
    $num_rows = sql_num_rows($result);

    $receipt = $title.printReceiptHeader($dateTimeStamp, $ref);
//    loop through the results to generate the items listing.
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
        $row = sql_fetch_array($result);
        $receipt .= $row["linetoprint"] . "\n";

    // The Nitty Gritty:
    $member = "Member " . trim($_SESSION["memberID"]);
    $your_discount = $_SESSION["transDiscount"] + $_SESSION["memCouponTTL"];

    if ($_SESSION["transDiscount"] + $_SESSION["memCouponTTL"] + $_SESSION["specials"] > 0) {
        $receipt .= "\n" . centerString("------------------ YOUR SAVINGS -------------------") . "\n";

        if ($your_discount > 0) {
            $receipt .= "    DISCOUNTS: $" . number_format($your_discount, 2) . "\n";

        if ($_SESSION["specials"] > 0) {
            $receipt .= "    SPECIALS: $" . number_format($_SESSION["specials"], 2) . "\n";

        $receipt .= centerString("---------------------------------------------------") . "\n";

    $receipt .= "\n";
    if (strlen(trim($_SESSION["memberID"])) != 99999) {
        $receipt .= centerString("Thank You - " . $member) . "\n";
    else {
        $receipt .= centerString("Thank You!") . "\n";

    if ($_SESSION["yousaved"] > 0) {
        $receipt .= centerString("You Saved $" . number_format($_SESSION["yousaved"]), 2) . "\n";

    if ($_SESSION["couldhavesaved"] > 0 && $_SESSION["yousaved"] > 0) {
        $receipt .= centerString("You could have saved an additional $"
                . number_format($_SESSION["couldhavesaved"], 2)) . "\n";
    elseif ($_SESSION["couldhavesaved"] > 0) {
        $receipt .= centerString("You could have saved $"
                . number_format($_SESSION["couldhavesaved"]), 2) . "\n";

    $receipt .= centerString($_SESSION["receiptFooter1"]) . "\n"
        . centerString($_SESSION["receiptFooter2"]) . "\n"
        . centerString($_SESSION["receiptFooter3"]) . "\n"
        . centerString($_SESSION["receiptFooter4"]) . "\n";

    if ($_SESSION["chargetender"] != 0 ) {            // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch
        $receipt = $receipt . printChargeFooterCust($dateTimeStamp, $ref);    // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch
        $receipt = $receipt . printChargeFooterStore($dateTimeStamp, $ref);    // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch
    }            // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch

    $receipt = $receipt . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";            // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch
    writeLine($receipt . chr(27) . chr(105));            // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch
    $receipt = "";            // apbw 03/10/05 Reprint patch

    $_SESSION["memMsg"] = "";
    $_SESSION["memberID"] = "0";
    $_SESSION["memType"] = 0;
    $_SESSION["percentDiscount"] = 0;


