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    Copyright 2014 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

    CORE-POS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


use COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\Store;

require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include_once(__DIR__ . '/../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class SignFromSearch extends \COREPOS\Fannie\API\FannieReadOnlyPage

    protected $title = 'Fannie - Signage';
    protected $header = 'Signage';

    public $description = '[Signage] is a tool to create sale signs or shelf tags
    for a set of advanced search items. Must be accessed via Advanced Search.';
    public $themed = true;

    protected $signage_mod;
    protected $selected_mod;
    protected $signage_obj;

    public function preprocess()
       $this->__routes[] = 'post<u>';
       $this->__routes[] = 'post<batch>';
       $this->__routes[] = 'get<batch>';
       $this->__routes[] = 'get<queueID>';
       return parent::preprocess();

    protected function get_queueID_handler()
        $dbc = $this->connection;
        $tags = new ShelftagsModel($dbc);
        $this->u = array();
        foreach ($tags->find() as $tag) {
            $this->u[] = $tag->upc();

        return $this->post_u_handler();

    protected function post_u_handler()
        if (!is_array($this->u)) {
            $this->u = array($this->u);
        $this->upcs = array();
        foreach($this->u as $postdata) {
            if (is_numeric($postdata)) {
                $this->upcs[] = BarcodeLib::padUPC($postdata);

        $dbc = $this->connection;
        $store = Store::getIdByIp();
        list($inStr, $args) = $dbc->safeInClause($this->upcs);
        $args[] = $store;
        $query = "SELECT upc, FROM FloorSectionProductMap AS f
            LEFT JOIN FloorSections AS fs ON f.floorSectionID=fs.floorSectionID
            WHERE f.upc IN ({$inStr}) AND fs.storeID = ? ORDER BY;";
        $prep = $dbc->prepare($query);
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep,$args);
        $locations = array();
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $locations[$row['upc']] = $row['name'];
        usort($this->upcs, function ($a, $b) use ($locations) {
            if (!isset($locations[$a]) || !isset($locations[$b])) return 0;
            if ($locations[$a] == $locations[$b]) return 0;
            return $locations[$a] < $locations[$b] ? -1 : 1;

        if (!$this->initModule()) {
            echo 'Error: no layouts available';
            return false;

        $class_name = $this->signage_mod;
        $item_mode = FormLib::get('item_mode', 0);

        if (empty($this->upcs)) {
            echo 'Error: no valid data';
            return false;

        $this->signage_obj = new $class_name($this->upcs, '', $item_mode);

          On item text update, kick out a mini form
          to re-POST the correct items to this page

          Need to prevent page refresh from re-updating
          items. That causes issues if jumping back
          and forth between this editor and the
          normal item editor.
        if (FormLib::get('update') == 'Save Text') {
            echo '<html><head></head>
                  <body onload="document.forms[0].submit();">
                  <form method="post" action="' . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF') . '">';
            foreach ($this->upcs as $u) {
                printf('<input type="hidden" name="u[]" value="%s" />', $u);
            echo '</form></body></html>';
            return false;
        } elseif (is_array(FormLib::get('update_upc'))) {
            $upc = FormLib::get('update_upc');
            $brand = FormLib::get('update_brand', array());
            $desc = FormLib::get('update_desc', array());
            $origin = FormLib::get('update_origin', array());
            $custom = FormLib::get('custom_origin', array());
            $repeats = FormLib::get('update_repeat', array());
            $knownOrigins = $this->signage_obj->getOrigins();
            for ($i=0; $i<count($upc); $i++) {
                if (isset($brand[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'brand', $brand[$i]);
                if (isset($desc[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'description', $desc[$i]);
                if (isset($custom[$i]) && !empty($custom[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'originName', $custom[$i]);
                } elseif (isset($origin[$i]) && isset($knownOrigins[$origin[$i]])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'originName', $knownOrigins[$origin[$i]]);
                if (isset($repeats[$i]) && $repeats[$i] != 1) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addRepeat($upc[$i], $repeats[$i]);
            $this->signage_obj->setRepeats(FormLib::get('repeats', 1));

        return $this->drawPdf();

    private function drawPdf()
        if (FormLib::get('pdf') == 'Print') {
            foreach (FormLib::get('exclude', array()) as $e) {
            $this->signage_obj->setInUseFilter(FormLib::get('store', 0));
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    protected function get_batch_handler()
        return $this->post_batch_handler();

    protected function post_batch_handler()
        if (!is_array($this->batch)) {
            $this->batch = array($this->batch);

        if (!$this->initModule()) {
            echo 'Error: no layouts available';
            return false;

        $class_name = $this->signage_mod;

        if (empty($this->batch)) {
            echo 'Error: no valid data';
            return false;

        $this->signage_obj = new $class_name(array(), 'batch', $this->batch);
        if (FormLib::get('update') == 'Save Text') {
            echo '<html><head></head>
                  <body onload="document.forms[0].submit();">
                  <form method="post" action="' . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF') . '">';
            foreach ($this->batch as $b) {
                printf('<input type="hidden" name="batch[]" value="%d" />', $b);
            echo '</form></body></html>';
            return false;
        } elseif (is_array(FormLib::get('update_upc'))) {
            $upc = FormLib::get('update_upc');
            $brand = FormLib::get('update_brand', array());
            $desc = FormLib::get('update_desc', array());
            $origin = FormLib::get('update_origin', array());
            $custom = FormLib::get('custom_origin', array());
            $repeats = FormLib::get('update_repeat', array());
            $knownOrigins = $this->signage_obj->getOrigins();
            for ($i=0; $i<count($upc); $i++) {
                if (isset($brand[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'brand', $brand[$i]);
                if (isset($desc[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'description', $desc[$i]);
                if (isset($custom[$i]) && !empty($custom[$i])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'originName', $custom[$i]);
                } elseif (isset($origin[$i]) && isset($knownOrigins[$origin[$i]])) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addOverride($upc[$i], 'originName', $knownOrigins[$origin[$i]]);
                if (isset($repeats[$i]) && $repeats[$i] != 1) {
                    $this->signage_obj->addRepeat($upc[$i], $repeats[$i]);
            $this->signage_obj->setRepeats(FormLib::get('repeats', 1));

        return $this->drawPdf();

      Detect selected or default layout module
      @return [boolean] success/failure
    protected function initModule()
        $mod = FormLib::get('signmod', false);
        if ($mod !== false) {
            $this->selected_mod = $mod;
            if (substr($mod, 0, 7) == 'Legacy:') {
                $this->signage_mod = 'COREPOS\\Fannie\\API\\item\\signage\\LegacyWrapper';
                COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\signage\LegacyWrapper::setWrapped(substr($mod, 7));
            } else {
                $this->signage_mod = $mod;
            return true;
        } else {
            $mods = FannieAPI::listModules('\COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\FannieSignage');
            $default = $this->config->get('DEFAULT_SIGNAGE');
            if (in_array($default, $mods)) {
                $this->signage_mod = $default;
                $this->selected_mod = $default;
                return true;
            } elseif (isset($mods[0])) {
                $this->signage_mod = $mods[0];
                $this->selected_mod = $mods[0];
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    protected function get_batch_view()
        return $this->post_batch_view();

    protected function post_batch_view()
        return $this->post_u_view();

    protected function get_queueID_view()
        return $this->post_u_view();

    private function userCanSave()
        $authorized = false;
        if (FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('admin')) {
            $authorized = true;
        } elseif (FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('signText')) {
            $authorized = true;

        return $authorized;

    protected function post_u_view()
        $ret = '';
        $ret .= '<form action="' . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF') . '" method="post" id="signform">';
        $mods = FannieAPI::listModules('\COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\FannieSignage');
        $enabled = $this->config->get('ENABLED_SIGNAGE');
        if (count($enabled) > 0) {
            $mods = array_filter($mods, function ($i) use ($enabled) {
                return in_array($i, $enabled) || in_array(str_replace('\\', '-', $i), $enabled);
        $tagEnabled = $this->config->get('ENABLED_TAGS');
        foreach (COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\signage\LegacyWrapper::getLayouts() as $l) {
            if (in_array($l, $tagEnabled) && count($tagEnabled) > 0) {
                $mods[] = 'Legacy:' . $l;

        if (FannieConfig::config('COOP_ID') == 'WFC_Duluth') {
            $ret .= SignsLib::visualSignSelectHTML();
            $visualSelectJS = SignsLib::visualSignSelectJS();

        $ret .= '<div class="form-group form-inline">';
        $ret .= '<label>Layout</label>:
            <select name="signmod" id="signmod" class="form-control" onchange="$(\'#signform\').submit()">';
        foreach ($mods as $m) {
            $name = $m;
            if (strstr($m, '\\')) {
                $pts = explode('\\', $m);
                $name = $pts[count($pts)-1];
            if ($name === 'LegacyWrapper') continue;
            $ret .= sprintf('<option %s value="%s">%s</option>',
                    ($m == $this->selected_mod ? 'selected' : ''), $m, $name);
        $ret .= '</select>';

        if (isset($this->upcs)) {
            foreach ($this->upcs as $u) {
                $ret .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="u[]" value="%s" />', $u);
            $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            $item_mode = FormLib::get('item_mode', 0);
            $modes = array('Current Retail', 'Upcoming Retail', 'Current Sale', 'Upcoming Sale');
            $ret .= '<select name="item_mode" class="form-control"
            foreach ($modes as $id => $label) {
                $ret .= sprintf('<option %s value="%d">%s</option>',
                            ($id == $item_mode ? 'selected' : ''),
                            $id, $label);
            $ret .= '</select>';
        } else if (isset($this->batch)) {
            foreach ($this->batch as $b) {
                $ret .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="batch[]" value="%d" />', $b);
        $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

        $stores = new StoresModel($this->connection);
        $ret .= '<select class="form-control" name="store">
                <option value="0">Any Store</option>';
        foreach ($stores->find() as $s) {
            $store_selected = (FormLib::get('store') == $s->storeID()) ? ' SELECTED ' : '';
            $ret .= sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
                $s->storeID(), $store_selected, $s->description());
        $ret .= '</select>';
        $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $ret .= '<input type="number" title="Number of copies" style="width: 6em;" name="repeats" class="form-control" value="1" />';

        $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        $ret .= '<button type="submit" name="pdf" value="Print"
                    class="btn btn-default">Print</button>';
        $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label title="If supported"><input type="checkbox" name="offset" value="1" /> Offset</label>';
        if (FormLib::get('batch', false) != false) {
            $ret .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label title="If supported"><input type="checkbox" name="altViewCheckbox" id="altViewCheckbox" value="1" /> Show Extended Info </label>';

        $darkExtendOnly = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label title="If supported"><input type="checkbox" name="showPrice" value="1" checked />Show Price</label>';
        $signmod = FormLib::get('signmod');
        if (FormLib::get('signmod') == 'Legacy:WFC Dark Extended 24UP') 
            $ret .= $darkExtendOnly;
        if (FormLib::get('signmod') == 'Legacy:WFC MEAT 14UP') 
            $ret .= $darkExtendOnly;
        if (FormLib::get('signmod') == 'Legacy:WFC Dark ServiceCase 12UP') 
            $ret .= $darkExtendOnly;
        $ret .= '</div>';
        $ret .= '<hr />';

        $ret .= $this->signage_obj->listItems();

        if ($this->userCanSave()) {
            $ret .= '<div id="signHiddenInput"></div>
            <p><a onClick="updateSigninfo();"
                class="btn btn-default">[Admin] Save Sign Info</a></p>';

        $this->add_onload_command('$(".FannieSignageField").keydown(function(event) {
            if (event.which == 13) {

        $ret .= '</form>';

        return $ret;

    protected function get_view()
        $dbc = $this->connection;

        $batchQ = 'SELECT batchID,
                   FROM batches AS b
                    (b.startDate <= ? AND b.endDate >= ?)
                    OR b.startDate >=?
                   ORDER BY b.startDate DESC';
        $batchP = $dbc->prepare($batchQ);
        $today = date('Y-m-d');
        $batchR = $dbc->execute($batchP, array($today, $today, $today));

        $ret = '<b>Select batch(es)</b>:';
        $ret .= '<form action="' . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF') . '" method="post">';
        $ret .= '<select name="batch[]" multiple size="15">';
        while ($batchW = $dbc->fetch_row($batchR)) {
            $ret .= sprintf('<option value="%d">%s (%s - %s)</option>',
                        date('Y-m-d', strtotime($batchW['startDate'])),
                        date('Y-m-d', strtotime($batchW['endDate']))
        $ret .= '</select>';
        $ret .= '<br /><br />';
        $ret .= '<input type="submit" value="Make Signs" />';
        $ret .= '</form>';

        return $ret;

    public function css_content()
        $visualSelectCSS = SignsLib::visualSignSelectCSS();

        return <<<HTML
.altView {
    display: none;

    public function javascriptContent()
        return <<<JAVASCRIPT
        var text = $(this).text();
        if (text == text.toUpperCase()) {
    $('textarea').on('change', function(){
    $('input').on('change', function(){
        var name = $(this).attr('name');
        var text = $(this).val();
        var place = $(this).attr('placeholder');
        if (text == text.toUpperCase() && place != 'Custom origin...' && name != "repeats" && name != "update_repeat[]") {
    function updateSigninfo()
        var c = confirm("Permanently change sign info?");
        if (c == true) {
            $('#signHiddenInput').html('<input type="hidden" name="update" id="updateBtn" value="Save Text">');

var lastChecked = null;
var i = 0;
var indexCheckboxes = function(){
        $(this).attr('data-index', i);
$(':checkbox').on("click", function(e){
    if(lastChecked && e.shiftKey) {
        var i = parseInt(lastChecked.attr('data-index'));
        var j = parseInt($(this).attr('data-index'));
        var checked = $(this).is(":checked");

        var low = i;
        var high = j;
        if (i>j){
            var low = j;
            var high = i;

        for(var c = low; c < high; c++) {
            if (c != low && c!= high) {
                var check = checked ? true : false;
                $('input[data-index="'+c+'"').prop("checked", check);
    lastChecked = $(this);

    let checked = $(this).is(":checked");
    if (checked) {
    } else {


    public function helpContent()
        return '<p>
            Create signs and/or tags. First select a layout
            that controls how the tags look. Then select which
            prices to use: current or upcoming, retail or sale/promo.
            Text for each item can be overriden in the
            list of items below.
            <label>Layouts</label> <ul>
                <li>Themed Price/Sale Sign Templates</li>
                    <li><b>Giganto1UpL - 4UpP</b>
                        print to prepared paper, sale signs with larger than average font for prices. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#GigantoSignImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="GigantoSignImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Giganto 4Up Single.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>Signage12UpL - 4UpL</b>
                        sale sign, general, needs formated paper. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#SignageImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="SignageImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Signage12Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>ItemList2UpP & 4UpP</b>
                        print entire list of items onto one 2Up or 4Up paper. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ListImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="ListImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/ItemList4Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>WfcSmartSigns12UpP - 4UpP</b>
                        sale & general signs, printed on white paper, this layout includes thematic formatting. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#SmartImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="SmartImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/SmartSigns.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        full size paper 4up, for printing a 4Up on a fourth of a sheet of paper. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#GigantoSingleImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="GigantoSingleImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Giganto 4Up Single.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        same as Giganto4UpSingle. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#Produce4Img" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="Produce4Img" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Produce 4Up Single.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                <li>Shelf Tags, White With Black Text</li>
                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Hybrid</b>
                        standard white shelf tags. Automatically prints tags in either the full or compact (narrow) format based on how they are set up in POS, automatically calculated and includes movement in upper right hand corner. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#HybridImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="HybridImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Hybrid.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        shelf tags that have 2 barcodes on them. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#DoubleImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="DoubleImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/TagsDoubleBarcode.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        shelf tags with upc & sku barcodes. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#NoPriceImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="NoPriceImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/TagsNoPrice.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                <li>Shelf Tags, Black With White Text</li>
                    <li><b> Legacy: WFC Dark Extended 24UP</b>
                        Black rail shelf-tags for deli vendors items. Includes brand, description and price (price optional). Tags are double sided. Back side of tags includes upc, brand, pos description, vendor, size. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ExtImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="ExtImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Dark Extended 24Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Dark ServiceCase 12UP</b>
                        black square signs for deli service case. Front includes name of product and price, back includes PLU, pos description & allergens. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ServiceCaseImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
<img class="collapse" id="ServiceCaseImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Dark ServiceCase 12Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>

                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Dark Simple 24UP</b>
                        black rail shelf-tags, same as Extended 24UP except the only text on the front of the tag is the description; brand & price are omitted. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#DarkSimpleImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Hybrid</b>
                        standard white shelf tags. Automatically prints tags in either the full or compact (narrow) format based on how they are set up in POS, automatically calculated and includes movement in upper right hand corner. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#HybridImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="HybridImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Hybrid.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        shelf tags that have 2 barcodes on them. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#DoubleImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="DoubleImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/TagsDoubleBarcode.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                        shelf tags with upc & sku barcodes. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#NoPriceImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="NoPriceImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/TagsNoPrice.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                <li>Shelf Tags, Black With White Text</li>
                    <li><b> Legacy: WFC Dark Extended 24UP</b>
                        Black rail shelf-tags for deli vendors items. Includes brand, description and price (price optional). Tags are double sided. Back side of tags includes upc, brand, pos description, vendor, size. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ExtImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="ExtImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Dark Extended 24Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Dark ServiceCase 12UP</b>
                        black square signs for deli service case. Front includes name of product and price, back includes PLU, pos description & allergens. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ServiceCaseImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
<img class="collapse" id="ServiceCaseImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Dark ServiceCase 12Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>

                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Dark Simple 24UP</b>
                        black rail shelf-tags, same as Extended 24UP except the only text on the front of the tag is the description; brand & price are omitted. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#DarkSimpleImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="DarkSimpleImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Dark Simple 24Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/>
                    <li><b>Legacy: WFC Meat 14UP</b>
                        black rail shelf tags primarily used for meat cases. include brand, description & price (price is optional). 2 sided; back includes upc, brand, description,  vendor, sku, size, date printed and movement. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#meatImg" href="#">View Sign</a></li>
                        <img class="collapse" id="meatImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy WFC Meat 14UP.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;" /></li>
                <li>Deli Department Specific Signs</li>
                    <li><b>Legacy: Deli Big Special Signs 1UP</b>
                        Full sheet of paper sign for deli meals, lists entire ingredients list.<a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#BigSpecImg" href="#">View Sign</a>
                        <img class="collapse" id="BigSpecImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy Deli Big Special Signs.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;" /></li>
                    <li><b>Legacy: Soup Signs 4Up</b>
                        Prints description and list of ingredients on a 4UP sign. <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#SoupSignImg" href="#">View Sign</a>
                        <img class="collapse" id="SoupSignImg" src="pdf_layouts/noauto/Legacy Soup Signs 4Up.png" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;"/></li>


    public function unitTest($phpunit)
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->get_view()));
        $this->u = array(BarcodeLib::padUPC('4011'));
        $phpunit->assertEquals(true, $this->post_u_handler());
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->post_u_view()));
        $this->batch = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(true, $this->get_batch_handler());
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->get_batch_view()));

