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1 wk
Test Coverage
use COREPOS\Fannie\API\FanniePlugin;
if (!class_exists('FpdfWithBarcode')) {
    include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../FpdfWithBarcode.php');
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include(__DIR__ . '/../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class Cheftec_Signs_4UP_PDF extends FpdfWithBarcode { }

function Cheftec_Signs_4UP($data,$offset=0)
    $pdf = new Cheftec_Signs_4UP_PDF('L','mm','Letter');
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);

    define('FPDF_FONTPATH', __DIR__. '/../../../modules/plugins2.0/CoopDealsSigns/noauto/fonts/');
    $pdf->AddFont('Gill', '', 'GillSansMTPro-Medium.php');
    $pdf->AddFont('Gill', 'B', 'GillSansMTPro-Heavy.php');
    $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 16);

    $width = 68;
    $height = 34;
    $left = 3;  
    $top = 3;
    $guide = 0.3;

    $x = $left+$guide; $y = $top+$guide;


    $i = 0;
    foreach($data as $k => $row){
        if ($i % 4 == 0 && $i != 0) {
            $x = $left;
            $y = $top;
            $i = 0;
        if ($i == 0) {
            $pdf = generateChefTag($x, $y, $guide, $width*2, $height*3, $pdf, $row, $dbc);
        } else if ($i % 2 == 0 && $i != 0) {
            $x = $left*2+$guide -3;
            $y += $height*3+$guide;
        } else {
            $x += $width*2+$guide;
        $pdf = generateChefTag($x, $y, $guide, $width*2, $height*3, $pdf, $row, $dbc);

    $pdf = $pdf->Output();

function generateChefTag($x, $y, $guide, $width, $height, $pdf, $row, $dbc)
    if (!class_exists('CTDB')) {
        return false;

    $dbc = CTDB::get();
    if (!$dbc->isConnected()) {
        return false;
    $recipeID = $row['recipeID'];

    $CTR = new CTRecipesStandalone();
    $desc = $CTR->getIngredientList($dbc, $recipeID);
    $desc = str_replace("((", "(", $desc);
    $desc = str_replace("))", ")", $desc);

    $allergens = $CTR->getAllergens($dbc, $recipeID);

    $nameP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT RecipeName, Instructions FROM Recipe WHERE RecipeID=?");
    $recipe = $dbc->getRow($nameP, array($recipeID));
    $name = $CTR->fixName($recipe['RecipeName']);

        Add Product Name (where brand usually goes) Text
    $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 16);
    $pdf->Cell($width, 8, $name, 0, 1, 'C', true); 

        Add Description Text
    $pdf->SetFont('Gill','', 10);
    $wrap = wordwrap($desc, 68, "\n");
    $exp = explode("\n", $wrap);

    //$x = 5; $y = 8;
    $y = $y+40;
    $x = $x+10;
    foreach ($exp as $k => $str) {
        $str = strtolower($str);
        $str = ucwords($str);
        $str = preg_replace( "/\r|\n/", "", $str);
        $mod = 4.3 * $k;
        $pdf->SetXY($x+5, $y+$mod);
        $pdf->Cell(110, 5, $str, 0, 1, 'C', true);

        Add Allergen Text
    $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 10);
    $pdf->Cell($width, 8, $allergens, 0, 1, 'C', true); 

        Create Guide-Lines
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    // vertical 
    $pdf->SetXY($width+$x, $y);
    $pdf->Cell($guide, $height+$guide, '', 0, 1, 'C', true);

    $pdf->SetXY($x-$guide, $y-$guide); 
    $pdf->Cell($guide, $height+$guide, '', 0, 1, 'C', true);

    // horizontal
    $pdf->SetXY($x, $y-$guide); 
    $pdf->Cell($width+$guide, $guide, '', 0, 1, 'C', true);

    $pdf->SetXY($x, $y+$height); 
    $pdf->Cell($width+$guide, $guide, '', 0, 1, 'C', true);

    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);

    return $pdf;

class CTRecipesStandalone
    protected $header = 'CT Recipes';
    protected $title = 'CT Recipes';

     * Convert RTF formatted text to HTML
     * Uses "unrtf" command line utility
    public function rtfToHtml($rtf)
        $temp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'rtf');
        file_put_contents($temp, $rtf);
        exec("unrtf {$temp}", $output);

        $html = implode("\n", $output);
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
        $ret = '';
        foreach ($body->childNodes as $childNode) {
            $ret .= $dom->saveHTML($childNode);

        return $ret;

     * Get proper ingredient list for the item
    public function getIngredientList($dbc, $id)
         * Query notes:
         * Joining on ConvUnit gives possible conversions to
         * other units. UnitKind 1 is weight, 2 is volume
         * Items with zero quantity are normally filler text
         * Non-food items like packaging can be flagged to ignore
         * via IgnoreNutr
        $query = "SELECT i.ItemID, i.ItemName, i.Ingredients,
                v.Quantity1, u.UnitSing, u.UnitKind,
                z.UnitSing AS conv, z.UnitKind AS convKind,
                c.Quantity1 AS amtIn, c.Quantity2 AS amtOut,
            FROM Recipe AS r
                INNER JOIN RecpItems AS m ON r.RecipeID=m.RecipeID
                INNER JOIN Inv AS i ON m.ItemID=i.ItemID
                LEFT JOIN RecpInv AS v ON r.RecipeID=v.RecipeID AND m.ItemID=v.ItemID
                LEFT JOIN Units AS u ON v.UnitID1=u.UnitID
                LEFT JOIN ConvUnit AS c ON u.UnitID=c.UnitID1 AND i.ItemID=c.ItemID
                LEFT JOIN Units AS z ON z.UnitID=c.UnitID2
            WHERE r.RecipeID=?
                and v.Quantity1 > 0
                and i.IgnoreNutr = 0
            ORDER BY v.RecordID";
        $prep = $dbc->prepare($query);
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($id));

         * Build the initial list with item name, weight, and volume.
         * RecordID is used as a key because the join against possible conversions
         * could result in multile rows to a given item
        $list = array();
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $rID = $row['RecordID'];

             * Initialize record if needed with name and null weight, volume
            if (!isset($list[$rID])) {
                $name = $this->fixName($row['ItemName']);
                if ($row['Ingredients']) {
                    $name .= ' (' . $row['Ingredients'] . ')';
                $list[$rID] = array('name' => $name, 'weight' => null, 'volume' => null);

             * If it's a volume and none is registered for this item yet,
             * get the volume in fl oz then check for a weight conversion
            if ($row['UnitKind'] == 2 && $list[$rID]['volume'] === null) {
                $floz = $this->volToFlOz($row['Quantity1'], $row['UnitSing']);
                $list[$rID]['volume'] = $floz;
                if ($row['convKind'] == 1) {
                    $convOz = $this->weightToOz($row['amtOut'], $row['conv']);
                    $list[$rID]['weight'] = ($row['Quantity1'] / $row['amtIn']) * $convOz;

             * If it's a weight and none is registered for this item yet,
             * get the weight in oz then check for a volume conversion
            if ($row['UnitKind'] == 1 && $list[$rID]['weight'] === null) {
                $oz = $this->weightToOz($row['Quantity1'], $row['UnitSing']);
                $list[$rID]['weight'] = $oz;
                if ($row['convKind'] == 2) {
                    $convFz = $this->volToFlOz($row['amtOut'], $row['conv']);
                    $list[$rID]['volume'] = ($row['Quantity1'] / $row['amtIn']) * $convOz;

         * Fill in missing weight or volume values by 
         * assuming 1 oz == 1 fl oz
        for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++) {
            $cur = $list[$i];
            if ($cur['volume'] !== null && $cur['weight'] === null) {
                $list[$i]['weight'] = $cur['volume'];
            if ($cur['weight'] !== null && $cur['volume'] === null) {
                $list[$i]['volume'] = $cur['weight'];

        $list = $this->sortIngredients($list);

        $ret = '';
        $names = array();
        $temp = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
            $name = $v['name'];
            if (!in_array($name, $names)) {
                $names[] = $name;
                $temp[$i] = $v;
            if (strpos($temp[$i]['name'], "*") !== false) {
                $temp[$i]['name'] = str_replace("*", "", $name);
                $temp[$i]['name'] .= "*";
        $list = $temp;
        foreach ($list as $i) {
            $ret .= $i['name'] . ', ';
        if ($ret != '') {
            $ret = substr($ret, 0, strlen($ret) - 2);

        return $ret;

     * Sort by volume first, in reverse (largest => smallest)
     * then sort alphabetically
    public function sortIngredients($ing)
        $compare = function($a, $b) {
            if ($a['volume'] < $b['volume']) {
                return 1;
            } elseif ($a['volume'] > $b['volume']) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                if ($a['name'] < $b['name']) {
                    return -1;
                } elseif ($a['name'] > $b['name']) {
                    return 1;

            return 0;

        usort($ing, $compare);

        return $ing;

     * Remove commas and re-order the string
     * e.g., "chiles, ancho, drived" becomes
     * "dried ancho chiles"
    public function fixName($name)
        if (!strstr($name, ',')) {
            return $name;
        $parts = explode(',', $name);
        $parts = array_reverse($parts);

        return implode(' ', $parts);

     * Convert given amount & unit to fl oz
    public function volToFlOz($amt, $unit)
        switch (trim(strtolower($unit))) {
            case 'qt':
                return 32 * $amt;
            case 'cup':
                return 8 * $amt;
            case 'tsp':
                return 0.17 * $amt;

        return $amt;

     * Convert given amount & unit to oz
    public function weightToOz($amt, $unit)
        switch (trim(strtolower($unit))) {
            case 'lb':
                return 16 * $amt;
            case 'kg':
                return 35.274 * $amt;
            case 'g':
                return 0.35274 * $amt;
        return $amt;

    public function getAllergens($dbc, $id)
        $query = "SELECT a.AllergenName
            FROM Recipe AS r
                INNER JOIN RecpItems AS m ON r.RecipeID=m.RecipeID
                INNER JOIN InvAllergens AS g ON m.ItemID=g.ItemID
                INNER JOIN Allergens AS a ON g.AllergenID=a.AllergenID
            WHERE r.RecipeID=?
            GROUP BY a.AllergenName
            ORDER BY a.AllergenName";
        $prep = $dbc->prepare($query);
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($id));
        if ($dbc->numRows($res) == 0) {
            return '';

        $ret = 'Contains: ';
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $ret .= $row['AllergenName'] . ', ';

        return substr($ret, 0, strlen($ret) - 2);

    protected function get_id_view()
        $dbc = CTDB::get();
        $nameP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT RecipeName, Instructions FROM Recipe WHERE RecipeID=?");
        $recipe= $dbc->getRow($nameP, array($this->id));
        $recipe['Instructions'] = $this->rtfToHtml($recipe['Instructions']);

        $prep = $dbc->prepare("SELECT i.ItemID, i.ItemName,
                v.Quantity1, v.PreInstr, v.PostInstr, u.UnitSing
            FROM Recipe AS r
                INNER JOIN RecpItems AS m ON r.RecipeID=m.RecipeID
                INNER JOIN Inv AS i ON m.ItemID=i.ItemID
                LEFT JOIN RecpInv AS v ON r.RecipeID=v.RecipeID AND m.ItemID=v.ItemID
                LEFT JOIN Units AS u ON v.UnitID1=u.UnitID
            WHERE r.RecipeID=?
            ORDER BY v.RecordID"); 
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($this->id));
        $list = '<ul>';
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            if (!$row['Quantity1']) {
                $row['Quantity1'] = '';
                $row['UnitSing'] = '';
            if (strstr($row['Quantity1'], '.')) {
                $row['Quantity1'] = sprintf('%.2f', $row['Quantity1']);
            $list .= sprintf('<li>%s %s %s %s %s</li>',
                $row['Quantity1'], $row['UnitSing'], $row['PreInstr'], $row['ItemName'], $row['PostInstr']);
        $list .= '</ul>';

        $ing = $this->getIngredientList($dbc, $this->id);
        $allergens = $this->getAllergens($dbc, $this->id);

        return <<<HTML
<b>{$recipe['RecipeName']}</b><br />
<b>Ingredients</b>: {$ing}
<br />$allergens

    protected function get_view()
        $dbc = CTDB::get();
        $res = $dbc->query("SELECT RecipeID, RecipeName FROM Recipe ORDER BY RecipeName");
        $list = '';
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $list .= sprintf('<a href="CTRecipes.php?id=%d">%s</a>', $row['RecipeID'], $row['RecipeName']);
            $list .= '<br />';

        return <<<HTML