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if (!class_exists('FpdfWithBarcode')) {
    include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../FpdfWithBarcode.php');
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include(__DIR__ . '/../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');
class FPDF_EditPage_PDF extends FpdfWithBarcode
    private $tagdate;

    function setTagDate($str){
        $this->tagdate = $str;

    function barcodeText($x, $y, $h, $barcode, $len)
        $this->Text($x,$y-$h+(17/$this->k),substr($barcode,-$len).' '.$this->tagdate);

$data = array();
$aisles[] = array('Meat FZ', 1, 'A', 'B');

foreach ($aisles as $arr) {
    $min = $arr[2];
    $max = $arr[3];
    foreach (range($min, $max) as $v) {
        $data[$i]['subsection'] = $arr[1]."$v";
        $data[$i]['aisle'] = $arr[0];
        $data[$i]['subsection'] = $arr[1]."$v";
        $data[$i]['aisle'] = $arr[0];

function FPDF_EditPage($data,$offset=0){

    $pdf=new FPDF_EditPage_PDF('P','mm','Letter'); //start new instance of PDF
    $pdf->Open(); //open new PDF Document

    //$width = 52; // tag width in mm
    $width = 30; // tag width in mm
    $height = 31; // tag height in mm
    $left = 5; // left margin
    $top = 15; // top margin

    // undo margin if offset is true
    if($offset) {
        $top = 32;
    $pdf->SetTopMargin($top);  //Set top margin of the page
    $pdf->SetLeftMargin($left);  //Set left margin of the page
    $pdf->SetRightMargin($left);  //Set the right margin of the page
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(False); // manage page breaks yourself
    $pdf->AddPage();  //Add page #1

    $num = 1; // count tags 
    $x = $left;
    $y = $top;

    $pdf->AddFont('Gill', '', 'GillSansMTPro-Medium.php');
    $pdf->AddFont('Gill', 'B', 'GillSansMTPro-Heavy.php');
    $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 48);

    foreach($data as $row){
       // extract & format data
       $price = $row['normal_price'];
       $desc = strtoupper(substr($row['description'],0,27));
       $brand = ucwords(strtolower(substr($row['brand'],0,13)));
       $pak = $row['units'];
       $size = $row['units'] . "-" . $row['size'];
       $sku = $row['sku'];
       $ppu = $row['pricePerUnit'];
       $upc = ltrim($row['upc'],0);
       $check = $pdf->GetCheckDigit($upc);
       $vendor = substr($row['vendor'],0,7);

       //$pdf->SetFont('Arial','',48);  //Set the font 

       // "yellow" top & bottom border
       $pdf->Rect($x, $y, $width, $height, 'F');

       //grey border 
       $pdf->Rect($x, $y, $width, $height);

       /* blue interior
       $pdf->Rect($x, $y+5, $width, $height-10, 'F');

       // black interior
       $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0);
       $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0);
       $pdf->Rect($x, $y+5, $width, $height-10, 'F');

       // print sub section text 
       $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 48);
       $pdf->SetXY($x+1, $y+6);
       //$subsection = $row;
       $pdf->Cell($width-2, $height-12, $row['subsection'], 0, 0, 'C');

       // aisle text
       $pdf->SetFont('Gill','B', 10);
       $pdf->SetXY($x+1, $y+0.75);
       $pdf->Cell($width-2, 4, $row['aisle'], 0, 0, 'C');
       $pdf->SetXY($x+1, $y+26.75);
       $pdf->Cell($width-2, 4, $row['aisle'], 0, 0, 'C');

            Testing adding icons
            glutenfree-icon.png  inclusive-icon.png   local-icon.png       new-icon.png         vegan-icon.png

        $IconImages = array(
             __DIR__ . '/noauto/glutenfree-icon.png',
             __DIR__ . '/noauto/inclusive-icon.png',
             __DIR__ . '/noauto/local-icon.png',
             __DIR__ . '/noauto/new-icon.png',
             __DIR__ . '/noauto/vegan-icon.png',
        //$IconImg = __DIR__ . '/noauto/inclusive-icon.png';
        $column = 4;
        $row = 1;
        $pdf->Image($IconImages[0], $x, $y, 15, 15);
        $pdf->Image($IconImages[1], $x+15, $y, 15, 15);
        $pdf->Image($IconImages[2], $x+15, $y+15, 15, 15);
        $pdf->Image($IconImages[3], $x, $y+15, 15, 15);

       // move right by tag width
       $x += $width;

       // if it's the end of a page, add a new
       // one and reset x/y top left margins
       // otherwise if it's the end of a line,
       // reset x and move y down by tag height
       if ($num % 56 == 0){
        $x = $left;
        $y = $top;
       else if ($num % 7 == 0){
        $x = $left;
        $y += $height;


    $pdf->Output($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/git/IS4C/fannie/admin/labels/noauto/Output.pdf', 'F');  //Output PDF to single rewritable file
