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class FpdfLib 
    static function abbreviation_to_upper($text)
        $ABBREV= array('MN', 'WI', 'BBQ', 'TVP', 'TSP', 'RBST');
        $chunks = explode(' ', $text);
        $new_text = "";
        foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
            if (in_array(strtoupper($chunk), $ABBREV)) {
                $chunk = strtoupper($chunk);
            $new_text .= $chunk . " ";

        return $new_text;

     *  static method strtolower_inpara
     *  change all chars to lower case inside parenthesis
    static function strtolower_inpara($str)
        $newstr = '';
        preg_match_all('#\((.*?)\)#', $str, $match);
        foreach ($match as $k => $array) {
            if ($k == 0) {
                foreach ($array as $j => $line) {
                    $lower = strtolower($line);
                    $newstr = str_replace($line, $lower, $str);
                    $str = $newstr;
            } else {
                $newstr = $str;

        return $newstr;

     *  static method strtolower_inpara
     *  remove "contains" statments from 
     *  string then create g single contains
     *  line at end of string 
    static function simplify_contains($str)
        $newstr = '';
        $lines = explode("\n", $str);
        $removed = array();
        $tmp = '';
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (strpos($line, "Contains") != false) {
                $pos = strpos($line, "Contains");
                $len = strlen($line);
                $tmp = substr($line, $pos);
                $tmp = strtolower($tmp);
                $tmp = explode(",", $tmp);
                foreach ($tmp as $v) {
                    if (!in_array($v, $removed)) {
                        $v = str_replace(' ', '', $v);
                        $pos2 = strpos($v, ':');
                        $v = str_replace('.', '', $v);
                        $v = str_replace(':', '', $v);
                        $ret_str = substr($v, $pos2);
                        if ($ret_str != '')
                            $removed[] = $ret_str;
                $line = substr($line, 0, $pos - $len); 
            $newstr .= $line."\n";

        $tmp = 'Contains: ';
        $removed = array_unique($removed);
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($removed as $v) {
            if (strlen($v)  > 1 && !in_array(strtolower($v), $arr)) {
                $arr[] = strtolower($v);
        foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
            $tmp .= ucwords($v); 
            if (array_key_exists($k+1, $arr)) {
                $tmp .= ", ";

        return $newstr .  $tmp;

    static function getKeyByUpc($data, $upc)
        foreach ($data as $k => $row) {
            if ($row['upc'] == $upc)
                return $k;

        return rand();

    static function sortProductsByPhysicalLocation($dbc, $data, $storeID)

        $upcs = array();
        foreach ($data as $k => $row) {
            $upcs[] = $row['upc']; 
        list($inStr, $args) = $dbc->safeInClause($upcs);
        $args[] = $storeID;
        $query = "
SELECT f.upc, v.sections,
UPPER( CONCAT( SUBSTR(name, 1, 1), SUBSTR(name, 2, 1), SUBSTR(name, -1), '-', sub.SubSection)) AS location,
UPPER( CONCAT( SUBSTR(name, 1, 1), SUBSTR(name, 2, 1), SUBSTR(name, -1))) AS noSubLocation
FROM FloorSectionProductMap AS f
    LEFT JOIN FloorSections AS s ON f.floorSectionID=s.floorSectionID
    LEFT JOIN FloorSectionsListView AS v ON v.upc=f.upc
        AND v.storeID=s.storeID
    LEFT JOIN FloorSubSections AS sub ON f.floorSectionID=sub.floorSectionID
        AND sub.upc=f.upc
    WHERE f.upc IN ($inStr)
        AND s.storeID = ? 
ORDER BY SUBSTR(name, 1, 1), SUBSTR(name, 2, 1), SUBSTR(name, -1), sub.SubSection;

        $prep = $dbc->prepare($query);
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep, $args);

        $i = 0;
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $tmpKey = self::getKeyByUpc($data, $row['upc']);
            $data[$tmpKey]['order'] = $i;

        $newData = array();
        $i = 0;
        $endOfList = 9999;
        foreach ($data as $k => $row) {
            $order = isset($row['order']) ? $row['order'] : $endOfList;
            //$order = $i;
            foreach ($row as $name => $value){
                $newData[$order][$name] = $value;

        return $newData;

    static function organicToAsterisk($text)
        $newtext = str_replace("Organic", "*", $text);
        $newtext = str_replace("organic", "*", $newtext);
        $newtext = str_replace("Certified", "", $newtext);

        return $newtext;

     *  static method parseVendorName
     *  abbreviate string to desired length retaining
     *  as much of the first word as possible
     *  param $str str to parse
     *  param $len max length of string returned
    static function parseVendorName($str, $len)
        $str = preg_replace("#[[:punct:]]#", "", $str);
        if (strlen($str) <= $len) {
            // string is fine as-is
            return $str;
        } else {
            // string needs abbreviating
            $arr = explode(" ", $str);
            $newStr = $arr[0];
            $fwLen = strlen($newStr);
            if ($fwLen + count($arr) * 2 - 1 > $len) {
            $newStr = substr($newStr, 0, $len - ($fwLen + count($arr) * 2 - 1));
        while ($tmp = next($arr)) {
            $newStr .= ' '. substr($tmp,0,1);
            return $newStr;
