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Test Coverage

    Copyright 2011 Whole Foods Co-op
    Copyright 2013 West End Food Co-op, Toronto

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

    CORE-POS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


if (!defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) {
if (!class_exists('FPDF')) {
    require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../src/fpdf/fpdf.php');

class WEFC_No_Barcode_PDF extends FPDF {}

/* Based on No_Barcode.
 * 2-up on 8.5x11" stock.
 * 9 rows, each ~1 1/8" (~30mm) high.
 * What is the top margin for?
function WEFC_No_Barcode($data,$offset=0) {

    global $FANNIE_OP_DB;
    global $FANNIE_COOP_ID;
    $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB);

    $pdf=new WEFC_No_Barcode_PDF('P','mm','Letter'); //start new instance of PDF
    $pdf->SetTitle("WEFC No Barcode Shelf Labels",1); // Title, UTF-8 EL+
    // See $SRC/fpdf/font

    // Set initial cursor position.
    //  Later X,Y settings are absolute, NOT relative to these.
    // Manage page breaks yourself
    // Start the first page

    /* x axis is horizontal, y is vertical
     * x=0,y=0 is top-left
    // depth (height) of label, y-offset to the next label.
    //  i.e. the distance to the same element on the next label down
    $down = 30.5;
    //  i.e. the distance to the same element on the next label across
    // width of label, x-offset to the next label.
    $across = 103.0;

    // Distance from the edge of the paper to the first printable character.
    // This varies by printer.
    $printerMargin = 3;
    /* You may not need to change anything in the rest of this block
     *  once down, across and printerMargin above are defined.
    $pageWidth = (8.5 * 25.4)-(2*$printerMargin); //209.9 For 8.5"
    $pageDepth = (11.0 * 25.4)-(2*$printerMargin); //273.4 For 11"
    $leftMargin = $pdf->GetX();
    $left = $leftMargin;
    $topMargin = $pdf->GetY();
    $top = $topMargin;
    $labelsPerRow = 1;
        while ( (($labelsPerRow+1) * $across) <= ($pageWidth-$leftMargin) )
    $rowsPerPage = 1;
        while ( (($rowsPerPage+1) * $down) <= ($pageDepth-$topMargin) )
    $labelsPerPage = $rowsPerPage*$labelsPerRow;
    // Right-most x of a field.  Larger offset implies need for a new line.
    $maxLeft = $left + (($labelsPerRow - 1)*$across);
    // Bottom-most y of a field.  Larger offset implies need for a new page.
    $maxTop = $top + (($rowsPerPage - 1)*$down);
    // End of definitions you may not need to change.

    /* Each '.' in the diagram below is starting place of a cell, i.e.
     *  the bottom-left, or base-line of the text.
     *  Letters are built to the right and up from this point.
     *  Text placed at 0,0 is not visible, but at 0,5 is at least partly visible.
     * Give it a name and assign its left=x=horizontal and top=y=vertical
     *  coordinates as offsets
     *  relative to the upper-left corner of the page as 0,0.
     * Not all of these may actually be used.
     * They are incremented to establish coordinates for the cell
     *  in subsequent labels in the row and in succeeding rows.
     * All initial left=x-coordinates are relative to the left edge of the page, not SetLeftMargin()
     * All initial top=y-coordinates are relative to the top edge of the page, not SetTopMargin()
     * These are in addition to the margins required by the printer.
     * To specify a differnt style of label:
     * - draw a diagram
     * - change the values in the coords array to the starting point for each element
     .Brand - Flags                    .Vendor  |
     .Description                               |
                PRICE                        .Pkg     |
     .    PRICE / lb                   .  Order#|
     .PPU                              .   d/m/y|
    $coords = array();
    $coords['brand'] = array('left'=>$left, 'top'=>$top);
    $coords['desc'] = array('left'=>$left, 'top'=>$top+7);
    $coords['price'] = array('left'=>$left, 'top'=>$top+17);
    $coords['ppu'] = array('left'=>$left, 'top'=>$top+23);

    $coords['vendor'] = array('left'=>$left+68, 'top'=>$top+0);
    $coords['pkg'] = array('left'=>$left+68, 'top'=>$top+13);
    $coords['order'] = array('left'=>$left+68, 'top'=>$top+18);
    $coords['today'] = array('left'=>$left+68, 'top'=>$top+23);

    /* Find the name of the top, left cell in the label,
     *  lowest left and lowest top values.
     * You don't need to change this.
    $firstCell = ""; $lastCell = "";
    $fi = 99999;
    $fj = 0; $fk = 0;
    foreach(array_keys($coords) as $key) {
        $fj = $coords["$key"]['left'] + $coords["$key"]['top'];
        if ( $fj < $fi ) {
            $fi = $fj;
            $firstCell = $key;
        if ( $fj > $fk ) {
            $fk = $fj;
            $lastCell = $key;

    /* 'o If not starting to print on the first label of the page
     * move the cursor to the starting point.
    if ( $offset > 0 ) {
        $offsetRows = $offset / $labelsPerRow;
        $offsetRows = (int)$offsetRows;
        $offsetCols = $offset % $labelsPerRow;
        foreach(array_keys($coords) as $key) {
            $coords["$key"]['top'] += ($down*$offsetRows);
            $coords["$key"]['left'] += ($across*$offsetCols);

    // Make a local array of Product Flags
    $productFlags = array();
    $pQ = "SELECT bit_number, description FROM prodFlags";
    $pR = $dbc->execute($pQ,array());
    if ( $pR ) {
        while($pf = $dbc->fetch_row($pR)){
            $productFlags[$pf['bit_number']] = $pf['description'];
    } else {
        $dbc->logger("Failed: $pQ");

    /* 'h Page heading
    // Is this placed at the initial settings of LeftMargin and TopMargin?
    //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)
    $pdf->Cell(0,5, "offset: $offset offsetRows: $offsetRows offsetCols: $offsetCols ", 0);
    //$pdf->Cell(0,5, "rowsPerPage: $rowsPerPage maxTop: $maxTop ", 0);
    //$pdf->Cell(0,5, "firstCell: $firstCell fi: $fi lastCell: $lastCell fk: $fk ",0);
    //$pdf->Cell(0,5,"Top Left of Page maxLeft: $maxLeft maxLeft2: $maxLeft2 maxTop: $maxTop maxTop2: $maxTop2 ",1);
    //$pdf->Cell(0,0,"Top Left of Page leftMargin: $leftMargin from earlier GetX  topMargin: $topMargin from earlier GetY",1);

    // Cycle through result array of query
    // There is one row for each label
    foreach($data as $row) {

        // If there's not room for this label in the row
        //  start another row.
        if($coords["$firstCell"]['left'] > $maxLeft){
            foreach(array_keys($coords) as $key) {
                $coords["$key"]['top'] += $down;
                $coords["$key"]['left'] -= ($across*$labelsPerRow);
            // If there's not room on the page for the new row,
            //  start another page, at the top.
            if($coords["$firstCell"]['top'] > $maxTop) {
                foreach(array_keys($coords) as $key) {
                    $coords["$key"]['top'] -= ($down*$rowsPerPage);

        // Prepare the data.
        $scale = $row['scale'];
        $price = '$'.$row['normal_price'];
            $price .= ($scale==1)?" / lb":"";
        // Why is it in caps to begin with?
        $desc = ucwords(strtolower($row['description']));
        // Remove "(BULK)", remove 1st char if "^[PB][A-Z][a-z]"
        $brand = $row['brand'];
        $pkg = $row['size'];
        // units is #/case, we don't want to display that.
        //$size = $row['units'] . "-" . $row['size'];
        $sku = $row['sku'];
        $ppu = $row['pricePerUnit'];
        $upc = ltrim($row['upc'],0);
        $tagdate = date('jMy');
        $vendor = $row['vendor'];
        // A string of Product Flags.
        $flagSet = "";
        $numflag = (int)$row['numflag'];
        if ( $numflag !== 0 ) {
            $flags = array();
            for($fpt=0;$fpt<30;$fpt++) {
                if ( (1<<$fpt) & $numflag ) {
                    $bit_number = $fpt + 1;
                    $flags[] = $productFlags[$bit_number];
            $flagSet = ' - ' . implode(' ',$flags);
        $orderCode = '';
        if ( isset($FANNIE_COOP_ID) && $FANNIE_COOP_ID == 'WEFC_Toronto' ) {
         $oQ = "SELECT order_code, description
                        FROM products_$FANNIE_COOP_ID WHERE upc = ?";
         $oV = array($row['upc']);
         $oR = $dbc->execute($oQ,$oV);
         if ( $oR ) {
            while ( $oRow = $dbc->fetch_row($oR) ) {
                // Override the one from products.
                if ( $oRow['description'] != '' )
                    $desc = $oRow['description'];
                if ( ctype_digit($oRow['order_code']) ) {
                    $orderCode = 'ORDER #'.$oRow['order_code'];
         } else {
            $dbc->logger("Failed: $oQ with {$oV[0]}");
         if ( $orderCode == '' && $upc != '' )
            $orderCode = "UPC $upc";
        // Further massaging.
        $brand .= $flagSet;
        $maxBrandWidth = 90; // If Vendor on same line: 65
        while ( $i<10 && $pdf->GetStringWidth($brand) > $maxBrandWidth && strlen($brand) > 20 ) {
            $brand = substr($brand,0,-1);

        $maxDescWidth = 90;
        while ( $i<10 && $pdf->GetStringWidth($desc) > $maxDescWidth && strlen($desc) > 20 ) {
            $desc = substr($desc,0,-1);

        /* Start putting out a label 
        * For each element:
        *  1. Define the font if different than the current one.
        *  2. Move the cursor to the x,y starting point,
        *      unless it continues after the previous element.
        *     The elements can be put out in any order.
        *  3. Set attributes such as border, text alignment
        *  4. Stream the text. The command may include #2 and #3.

        $cell = 'brand';
        // A line above
        $pdf->Cell(($across-3),0," ",'T',0,'L');
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'desc';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'price';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'ppu';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'vendor';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'pkg';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'order';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        $cell = 'today';
        //    Cell(width, line-height,content,no-border,cursor-position-after,text-align)

        // Increment the cursor coordinates for each cell to the next label to the right.
        //  The need to move down the page is handled later.
        foreach(array_keys($coords) as $key) {
            $coords["$key"]['left'] += $across;

    // each label

    $pdf->Output();  //Output PDF file to browser PDF handler.

// WEFC_No_Barcode()