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    Copyright 2013 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

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    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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  @class DTrans
  Helper class for generating useful bits of
  transaction SQL
class DTrans 

      Array of default values for dtransaction-style tables
      The column 'datetime' is omitted. Normally an SQL
      function like NOW() is used there and cannot be
      a parameter
    public static function defaults()
        $ret = self::$DEFAULTS;
        $ret['store_id'] = (int)FannieConfig::config('STORE_ID');

        return $ret;

    private static $DEFAULTS = array(

      Turn an key=>value array into useful SQL bits
      @param $arr array of column_name => column_value
      @param $datecol [optional] name of datetime column
      @param $datefunc [optional] string database function for current datetime
      @return keyed array
        - columnString => comma separated list of columns
        - valueString => comma separated list of ? placeholders
        - arguments => array of query parameters
    public static function parameterize($arr, $datecol='', $datefunc='')
        $columns = !empty($datecol) && !empty($datefunc) ? $datecol.',' : '';
        $values = !empty($datecol) && !empty($datefunc) ? $datefunc.',' : '';
        $args = array();
        $defaults = self::defaults();
        foreach($arr as $key => $val) {
            // validate column names
            if (!isset($defaults[$key])) {
            $columns .= $key.',';
            $values .= '?,';
            $args[] = $val;
        $columns = substr($columns,0,strlen($columns)-1);
        $values = substr($values,0,strlen($values)-1);

        return array(
            'columnString' => $columns,
            'valueString' => $values,
            'arguments' => $args

      Get SQL condition to select testing transactions
      @param $prefix [optional] table alias
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function isTesting($prefix='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';

        return ' (' . $prefix . 'register_no = 99 OR ' . $prefix . 'emp_no = 9999) ';

      Get SQL condition to select non-testing transactions
      @param $prefix [optional] table alias
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function isNotTesting($prefix='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';

        return ' (' . $prefix . 'register_no <> 99 AND ' . $prefix . 'emp_no <> 9999)' ;

      Get SQL condition to select canceled transactions
      @param $prefix [optional] table alias
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function isCanceled($prefix='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';

        return ' (' . $prefix . "trans_status IN ('X', 'Z')) ";

      Get SQL condition to select valid transactions
      This is essentially the opposite of "isCanceled" but
      excludes some additional informational rows that
      provide commentary but do not impact numeric totals
      @param $prefix [optional] table alias
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function isValid($prefix='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';

        return ' (' . $prefix . "trans_status NOT IN ('D', 'X', 'Z')) ";

      Get SQL condition to select transactions with
      the given store ID. Store ID must be passed to the
      resulting prepared statement as an argument
    public static function isStoreID($store_id, $prefix='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';
        if ($store_id == 0) {
            return ' (0 = ?) ';    
        } else {
            return ' (' . $prefix . 'store_id = ?) ';

      Get standard quantity sum. Member-discount line items
      are excluded and quasi-scalabe items with a unitPrice
      of a penny are counted as one instead of whatever value
      is in the quantity field.  
      @param $prefix [optional] table alias
      @param $scaleAsEaches [optional] calculate service-scale items as
        units instead of weights
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function sumQuantity($prefix='', $scaleAsEaches=false, $table='')
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix = $prefix . '.';
        if (strstr($table, 'sumRingSalesByDay')) {
            return "SUM({$prefix}quantity)";

        return ' SUM(CASE '
                . 'WHEN ' . $prefix . "trans_status = 'M' THEN 0 "
                . 'WHEN ' . $prefix . "trans_subtype = 'OG' THEN 0 "
                . 'WHEN ' . $prefix . "unitPrice = 0.01 THEN 1 "
                . ($scaleAsEaches ? "WHEN {$prefix}upc LIKE '002%' AND {$prefix}quantity >= 0 THEN 1 " : '')
                . ($scaleAsEaches ? "WHEN {$prefix}upc LIKE '002%' AND {$prefix}quantity < 0 THEN -1 " : '')
                . 'ELSE ' . $prefix . 'quantity '
                . 'END) ';

      Get join statement for products table
      @param $dlog_alias [optional] alias for the transaction table (default 't')
      @param $product_alias [optional] alias for the products table (default 'p')
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function joinProducts($dlog_alias='t', $product_alias='p', $join_type='left')
        $conf = FannieConfig::factory();
        $store_id = $conf->get('STORE_ID');
        $store_condition = '';
        if ($conf->get('STORE_MODE') == 'HQ') {
            $store_condition = ' AND ' . $product_alias . '.store_id=' . ((int)$store_id); 

        return ' ' . self::normalizeJoin($join_type) . ' JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('products', 'op')
                . ' AS ' . $product_alias
                . ' ON ' . $product_alias . '.upc = ' . $dlog_alias . '.upc ' . $store_condition;

    private static function normalizeJoin($join_type)
        switch (strtoupper($join_type)) {
            case 'RIGHT':
                return 'RIGHT';
            case 'INNER':
                return 'INNER';
            case 'LEFT':
                return 'LEFT';

      Get join statement for departments table
      @param $dlog_alias [optional] alias for the transaction table (default 't')
      @param $dept_alias [optional] alias for the departments table (default 'd')
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function joinDepartments($dlog_alias='t', $dept_alias='d')
        return ' LEFT JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('departments', 'op') . ' AS ' . $dept_alias
                . ' ON ' . $dept_alias . '.dept_no = ' . $dlog_alias . '.department ';

      Get join statement for custdata table
      @param $dlog_alias [optional] alias for the transaction table (default 't')
      @param $cust_alias [optional] alias for the custdata table (default 'c')
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function joinCustomerAccount($dlog_alias='t', $cust_alias='c')
        return ' LEFT JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('custdata', 'op') . ' AS ' . $cust_alias
                . ' ON ' . $cust_alias . '.CardNo = ' . $dlog_alias . '.card_no '
                . ' AND ' . $cust_alias . '.personNum = 1 ';

      Get join statement for tenders table
      @param $dlog_alias [optional] alias for the transaction table (default 't')
      @param $tender_alias [optional] alias for the tenders table (default 'n')
      @return string SQL snippet
    public static function joinTenders($dlog_alias='t', $tender_alias='n')
        return ' LEFT JOIN ' . FannieDB::fqn('tenders', 'op') . ' AS ' . $tender_alias
                . ' ON ' . $tender_alias . '.TenderCode = ' . $dlog_alias . '.trans_subtype ';

      Get an available dtransactions.trans_no value
      @param $connection [SQLManager] database connection
      @param $emp_no [int] employee number
      @param $register_no [int] register number
      @return [int] trans_no
    public static function getTransNo(SQLManager $connection, $emp_no=false, $register_no=false)
        $config = FannieConfig::factory();
        if ($emp_no === false) {
            $emp_no = $config->get('EMP_NO');
        if ($register_no === false) {
            $register_no = $config->get('REGISTER_NO');
        $prep = $connection->prepare('
            SELECT MAX(trans_no) AS trans
            FROM ' . $config->get('TRANS_DB') . $connection->sep() . 'dtransactions
            WHERE emp_no=?
                AND register_no=?');
        $result = $connection->execute($prep, array($emp_no, $register_no));
        if (!$result || $connection->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            $row = $connection->fetch_row($result);
            if ($row['trans'] == '') {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return $row['trans'] + 1;

      Add a transaction record directly to dtransactions on the backend
      @param $connection [SQLManager] database connection
      @param $trans_no [integer] transaction number (dtransactions.trans_no)
      @param $params [array] of column_name => value

      If emp_no and register_no values are not specified, the defaults
      are the configuration settings FANNIE_EMP_NO and FANNIE_REGISTER_NO.

      The following columns are always calculated by addItem() and values
      set in $params will be ignored:
      - datetime (always current)
      - trans_id (assigned based on existing records)
      Additionally, the following values are looked up if $params['card_no']
      is specified:
      - memType
      - staff
    public static function addItem(SQLManager $connection, $trans_no, $params)
        $config = FannieConfig::factory();
        $model = new DTransactionsModel($connection);
        if (isset($params['emp_no'])) {
        if (isset($params['register_no'])) {
        $current_records = $model->find('trans_id', true);
        if (count($current_records) == 0) {
        } else {
            $last = $current_records[0];
            $model->trans_id($last->trans_id() + 1);

        if (isset($params['card_no'])) {
            $account = \COREPOS\Fannie\API\member\MemberREST::get($params['card_no']);
            if ($account) {
                if (is_numeric($account['customerTypeID'])) {
                if (is_numeric($account['customers'][0]['staff'])) {

        $defaults = self::defaults();
        $skip = array('datetime', 'emp_no', 'register_no', 'trans_no', 'trans_id', 'memType');
        foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
            if (in_array($name, $skip)) {
            if (isset($params[$name])) {
            } else {
        $model->datetime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

        if ($model->save()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

      Add an open ring record to dtransactions on the backend
      @param $connection [SQLManager] database connection
      @param $department [integer] department number
      $param $amount [number] ring amount
      @param $trans_no [integer] transaction number (dtransactions.trans_no)
      @param $params [array] of column_name => value

      If emp_no and register_no values are not specified, the defaults
      are the configuration settings FANNIE_EMP_NO and FANNIE_REGISTER_NO.

      The following columns are automatically calculated based
      on department number and amount:
      - upc
      - description
      - trans_type
      - trans_status
      - unitPrice
      - total
      - regPrice
      - quantity
      - ItemQtty
      Negative amounts result in a refund trans_status

      This method calls DTrans::addItem() so columns datetime and trans_id are
      also automatically assigned.
    public static function addOpenRing(SQLManager $connection, $department, $amount, $trans_no, $params=array())
        $config = FannieConfig::factory();
        $model = new DepartmentsModel($connection);

        $params['trans_type'] = 'D';
        $params['department'] = $department;
        $params['unitPrice'] = $amount;
        $params['total'] = $amount;
        $params['regPrice'] = $amount;
        $params['quantity'] = 1;
        $params['ItemQtty'] = 1;
        if ($amount < 0) {
            $params['quantity'] = -1;
            $params['trans_status'] = 'R';
        $params['description'] = $model->dept_name();
        $params['upc'] = abs($amount) . 'DP' . $department;

        return self::addItem($connection, $trans_no, $params);

    public static function departmentClause($deptStart, $deptEnd, $deptMulti, $args, $alias='d')
        if (count($deptMulti) > 0) {
            $where = ' AND ' . $alias . '.department IN (';
            foreach ($deptMulti as $d) {
                $where .= '?,';
                $args[] = $d;
            $where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where)-1) . ')';
        } else {
            $where = ' AND ' . $alias . '.department BETWEEN ? AND ? ';
            $args[] = $deptStart;
            $args[] = $deptEnd;

        return array($where, $args);

    public static function getView($date1, $date2)
        $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($date1, $date2);
        $config = FannieConfig::config('PLUGIN_LIST');
        if (in_array('CoreWarehouse', $config) && substr($dlog, -5) != '.dlog' && substr($dlog, -7) != '.dlog_15') {
            return FannieDB::fqn('sumRingSalesByDay', 'plugin:WarehouseDatabase');

        return $dlog;

    public static function dateBetween($table, $date1, $date2)
        $ts1 = strtotime($date1);
        $ts2 = strtotime($date2);
        if ($ts1 === false) {
            $ts1 = time();
        if ($ts2 === false) {
            $ts2 = time();
        if (strstr($table, 'sumRingSalesByDay')) {
            return array(' date_id BETWEEN ? AND ? ', array(date('Ymd',$ts1), date('Ymd', $ts2)));
        $args = array(
            date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $ts1),
            date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $ts2),

        return array(' tdate BETWEEN ? AND ? ', $args);

    public static function extractYMD($table)
        if (strstr($table, 'sumRingSalesByDay')) {
            return '
                SUBSTRING(date_id, 1, 4),
                SUBSTRING(date_id, 5, 2),
                SUBSTRING(date_id, 7, 2)';

        return '

    public static function memTypeIgnore($dbc)
        $prep = $dbc->prepare("SELECT memtype FROM " . FannieDB::fqn('memtype', 'op') . " WHERE ignoreSales=1");
        $ignores = $dbc->getAllValues($prep, array());
        if ($ignores === false || count($ignores) == 0) {
            return '(-9999)';
        $ignores = array_map(function ($i) { return (int)$i; }, $ignores);

        return '(' . implode(',', $ignores) . ')';