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5 days
Test Coverage

    Copyright 2011 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

    CORE-POS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/../config.php')){
    echo "Missing config file!<br />";
    echo "Create a file named config.php in ".realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'<br />';
    echo "and put this in it:<br />";
    echo "<div style=\"border: 1px solid black;padding: 5em;\">";
    echo '&lt;?php<br />';
    echo '</div>';  
    return false;   

if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');
if (!function_exists('confset')) {
if (!function_exists('duplicate_structure')) {

    @class InstallIndexPage
    Class for the System Necessities (Install Home) install and config options
class InstallIndexPage extends \COREPOS\Fannie\API\InstallPage {

    protected $title = 'Fannie install checks: Necessities';
    protected $header = 'Fannie install checks: Necessities';

    public $description = "
    Class for the System Necessities install and config options page.
    Tests for necessary system features.
    Creates databases and tables, creates and re-creates views.
    Should be run after every upgrade.

    // This replaces the __construct() in the parent.
    public function __construct() {

        // To set authentication.

                baseUrl: \'../src/javascript/syntax-highlighter\',
                prettifyBaseUrl: \'../src/javascript/syntax-highlighter/prettify\',
                wrapLines: false

    // __construct()

      Define any CSS needed
      @return A CSS string
    function css_content()
        return '
        pre.tailedLog {
            display: none;
            border: solid 1px black;
            background: #eee;
            padding: 1em;
            height: 200px;
            overflow: scroll;

    private function detectPath()
        $self = basename(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF'));
        // Path detection: Establish ../../
        $FILEPATH = rtrim(__FILE__,"$self");
        if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') {
            $FILEPATH = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $FILEPATH);
        $URL = rtrim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],"$self");
        $FILEPATH = rtrim($FILEPATH, '/');
        $URL = rtrim($URL,'/');
        $FILEPATH = rtrim($FILEPATH,'install');
        $URL = rtrim($URL,'install');

        return array($FILEPATH, $URL);

    private function runningAs()
        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
            $chk = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
            return "PHP is running as: ".$chk['name']."<br />";
        } else {
            return "PHP is (probably) running as: ".get_current_user()."<br />";


    private function canSave($FANNIE_ROOT, $FANNIE_URL)
        if (is_writable(__DIR__ . '/../config.php')) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\"><i>config.php</i> is writeable</div>";
            echo "<hr />";
            return true;
        } else {
            $path = realpath(__DIR__ . '/install/');
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><b>Error</b>: config.php is not writeable</div>";
            echo "<div class=\"well\">";
            echo "config.php ({$path}config.php) is Fannie's main configuration file.";
            echo "<ul>";
            echo "<li>If this file exists, ensure it is writable by the user running PHP (see above)";
            echo "<li>If the file does not exist, copy config.dist.php ({$path}config.dist.php) to config.php";
            echo "<li>If neither file exists, create a new config.php ({$path}config.php) containing:";
            echo "</ul>";
            echo "<pre>
            echo "</div>";
            echo '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Refresh this page</button>';
            echo "</form>";
            return false;

    private function checkComposer()
        if (!is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../vendor')) {
            $path = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../');
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><b>Warning</b>: dependencies appear to be missing.</div>";
            echo '<div class=\"well\">';
            echo 'Install <a href="">Composer</a> then run ';
            echo "<pre>";
            echo '$ cd "' . $path . "\"\n";
            echo '$ /path/to/composer.phar update';
            echo '</pre>';
            echo '<a href="">More info about Composer</a>';
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            $json = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../composer.json');
            $obj = json_decode($json);
            $missing = false;
            foreach (get_object_vars($obj->require) as $package => $version) {
                if (preg_match('/^corepos\/office-plugin-/', $package)) {
                    error_log("TODO: cannot confirm installation of CORE Office plugin: $package");
                } else {
                    if (!$this->isInstalled($package)) {
                        $missing = true;
                        echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><b>Warning</b>: package " . $package . " is not installed.</div>";
            if ($missing) {
                $path = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../');
                echo '<div class="well">Install dependencies by running <a href="">composer</a>';
                echo "<pre>";
                echo '$ cd "' . $path . "\"\n";
                echo '$ /path/to/composer.phar update';
                echo '</pre></div>';

    private function isInstalled($package) {

        // just do a basic existence check on the presumed package dir

        // components live in one place..
        if (substr($package, 0, 11) == 'components/') {
            $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/javascript/composer-components/' . explode('/', $package)[1];

        } else { // normal packages live elsewhere
            $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../vendor/' . $package;

        return is_dir($path);

    private function dbErrors($arr)
        return array_reduce(
            array_filter($arr, function($i) { return $i['error'] != 0; }),
            function ($carry, $item) { return $carry . $item['error_msg'] . '<br />'; }

    private function readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, $field, $prefix)
        if (FormLib::get($prefix . $i) !== '') {
            $FANNIE_LANES[$i][$field] = FormLib::get($prefix . $i);

        return $FANNIE_LANES;

    function body_content()

        echo showInstallTabs('Necessities');

        echo "<form method='post'>";
        if (!$this->themed) {
            echo "<h1 class='install'>{$this->header}</h1>";

        list($FANNIE_ROOT, $FANNIE_URL) = $this->detectPath();

        echo $this->runningAs();

        if (!$this->canSave($FANNIE_ROOT, $FANNIE_URL)) {
            return ob_get_clean();

        if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') || PHP_VERSION_ID < 50500) {
            echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">PHP version < 5.5 is not supported</div>';


            Detect databases that are supported
        $supportedTypes = \COREPOS\common\sql\Lib::getDrivers();

        if (count($supportedTypes) == 0) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><b>Error</b>: no database driver available</div>";
            echo "<div class=\"well\">";
            echo 'Install at least one of the following PHP extensions: pdo_mysql, mysqli, mysql,
                or mssql. If you installed one or more of these and are still seeing this
                error, make sure they are enabled in your PHP configuration and try 
                restarting your web server.';
            echo "</div>";
            return false;
        $db_keys = array_keys($supportedTypes);
        $defaultDbType = $db_keys[0];

        echo '<h4 class="install"><a href="" onclick="$(\'#serverConfTable\').toggle(); return false;">Main Server</a> +</h4>';
        echo '<table id="serverConfTable">'; 
        echo '<tr><td>Server Database Host</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_SERVER', $FANNIE_SERVER, '')
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Server Database Type</td>'
            . '<td>' . installSelectField('FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS', $FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS, $supportedTypes, $defaultDbType)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Server Database Username</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_SERVER_USER', $FANNIE_SERVER_USER, 'root')
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Server Database Password</td>'
            . '<td> ' . installTextField('FANNIE_SERVER_PW', $FANNIE_SERVER_PW, '', true, array('type'=>'password'))
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Server Operational DB name</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_OP_DB', $FANNIE_OP_DB, 'core_op')
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Server Transaction DB name</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_TRANS_DB', $FANNIE_TRANS_DB, 'core_trans')
            . '</td></tr>';;
        echo '</table>';

        $sql = db_test_connect($FANNIE_SERVER,$FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS,
        $createdOps = false;
        if (!is_object($sql)) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Testing Operational DB connection failed<br />{$sql}</div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">Testing Operational DB connection succeeded</div>";
            $msgs = $this->create_op_dbs($sql, $FANNIE_OP_DB);
            $createdOps = true;
            echo $this->dbErrors($msgs);

        $sql = db_test_connect($FANNIE_SERVER,$FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS,
        $createdTrans = false;
        if (!is_object($sql)) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Testing Transaction DB connection failed<br />{$sql}</div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">Testing Transaction DB connection succeeded</div>";
            $msgs = $this->create_trans_dbs($sql, $FANNIE_TRANS_DB, $FANNIE_OP_DB);
            echo $this->dbErrors($msgs);
            $createdTrans = true;
        if ($createdOps && $createdTrans) {
            // connected to both databases
            // collapse config fields
        <hr />
        echo '<h4 class="install"><a href="" onclick="$(\'#archiveConfTable\').toggle(); return false;">Transaction Archiving</a> +</h4>';
        echo '<table id="archiveConfTable">'; 

        echo '<tr><td>Archive DB name</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_ARCHIVE_DB', $FANNIE_ARCHIVE_DB, 'trans_archive')
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Archive Method</td>'
            . '<td>' . installSelectField('FANNIE_ARCHIVE_METHOD', $FANNIE_ARCHIVE_METHOD, array('partitions', 'tables'), 'partitions')
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '</table>';

        //local archiving - set up now
        $sql = db_test_connect($FANNIE_SERVER,$FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS,
        if (!is_object($sql)) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Testing Archive DB connection failed<br />{$sql}</div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">Testing Archive DB connection succeeded</div>";
            $msgs = $this->create_archive_dbs($sql, $FANNIE_ARCHIVE_DB, $FANNIE_ARCHIVE_METHOD);
            echo $this->dbErrors($msgs);
        <hr />
        <h4 class="install">Lanes</h4>
        Number of lanes
        if (!isset($FANNIE_NUM_LANES)) $FANNIE_NUM_LANES = 0;
        if (FormLib::get('FANNIE_NUM_LANES') !== '') {
            $FANNIE_NUM_LANES = FormLib::get('FANNIE_NUM_LANES');
        echo "<input type=text name=FANNIE_NUM_LANES value=\"$FANNIE_NUM_LANES\" size=3 />";
        <br />
        if ($FANNIE_NUM_LANES == 0) confset('FANNIE_LANES','array()');
        else {
        <script type=text/javascript>
        function showhide(i,num){
            for (var j=0; j<num; j++){
                if (j == i)
        echo "<select onchange=\"showhide(this.value,$FANNIE_NUM_LANES);\">";
        for($i=0; $i<$FANNIE_NUM_LANES;$i++){
            echo "<option value=$i>Lane ".($i+1)."</option>";
        echo "</select><br />";

        $conf = 'array(';
        for($i=0; $i<$FANNIE_NUM_LANES; $i++){
            $style = ($i == 0)?'':'class="collapse"';
            echo "<div id=\"lanedef$i\" $style>";
            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i] = array();
            $conf .= 'array(';

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['host'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['host'] = '';
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'host', 'LANE_HOST_');
            $conf .= "'host'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['host']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Database Host: <input type=text name=LANE_HOST_$i value=\"{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['host']}\" /><br />";
            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['type'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['type'] = $defaultDbType;
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'type', 'LANE_TYPE_');
            $conf .= "'type'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['type']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Database Type: <select name=LANE_TYPE_$i>";
            foreach ($supportedTypes as $val=>$label){
                printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
                    ($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['type'] == $val)?'selected':'',
            echo "</select><br />";

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['user'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['user'] = 'root';
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'user', 'LANE_USER_');
            $conf .= "'user'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['user']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Database Username: <input type=text name=LANE_USER_$i value=\"{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['user']}\" /><br />";

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['pw'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['pw'] = '';
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'pw', 'LANE_PW_');
            $conf .= "'pw'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['pw']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Database Password: <input type=password name=LANE_PW_$i value=\"{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['pw']}\" /><br />";

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op'] = 'opdata';
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'op', 'LANE_OP_');
            $conf .= "'op'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Operational DB: <input type=text name=LANE_OP_$i value=\"{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op']}\" /><br />";

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['trans'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['trans'] = 'translog';
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'trans', 'LANE_TRANS_');
            $conf .= "'trans'=>'{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['trans']}',";
            echo "Lane ".($i+1)." Transaction DB: <input type=text name=LANE_TRANS_$i value=\"{$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['trans']}\" /><br />";

            if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['offline'])) $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['offline'] = 0;
            $FANNIE_LANES = $this->readLaneForm($FANNIE_LANES, $i, 'offline', 'LANE_OFFLINE_');
            echo "Lane " .($i+1) . " Offline: <select name=\"LANE_OFFLINE_{$i}\">";
            foreach (array('No', 'Yes') as $k => $v) {
                printf('<option %s value="%d">%s</option>',
                    ($k == $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['offline'] ? 'selected' : ''), $k, $v);
            $conf .= "'offline'=>" . ((int)$FANNIE_LANES[$i]['offline']);
            echo '</select><br />';

            $conf .= ")";
            echo "</div>";  

            if ($i == $FANNIE_NUM_LANES - 1)
                $conf .= ")";
                $conf .= ",";

        <a href="LaneConfigPages/index.php">Edit Global Lane Configuration Page</a>
        <hr />
        <h4 class="install">Logs &amp; Debugging</h4>
        Fannie writes to the following log files:
        if (!class_exists('LogViewer')) {
            include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../logs/LogViewer.php');
        $log = new LogViewer();
        <li><?php check_writeable('../logs/fannie.log'); ?>
            <li>Contains info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, and emergency level messages.</li>
            <a href="" onclick="$('#dayendLogView').toggle(); return false;">See Recent Entries</a>
            <a href="../logs/LogViewer.php?logfile=<?php echo base64_encode('fannie.log'); ?>">View Entire Log</a>
            <?php $dayend = $log->getLogFile('../logs/fannie.log', 100); ?>
            <pre id="dayendLogView" class="tailedLog highlight"><?php echo $dayend; ?></pre>
            <li>If this file is missing, messages may be written to legacy log file dayend.log</li>
        <li><?php check_writeable('../logs/debug_fannie.log'); ?>
            <li>Contains debug level messages including failed queries and PHP notice/warning/error messages.</li>
            <a href="" onclick="$('#dayendLogView').toggle(); return false;">See Recent Entries</a>
            <a href="../logs/LogViewer.php?logfile=<?php echo base64_encode('debug_fannie.log'); ?>">View Entire Log</a>
            <?php $dayend = $log->getLogFile('../logs/debug_fannie.log', 100); ?>
            <pre id="dayendLogView" class="tailedLog highlight"><?php echo $dayend; ?></pre>
            <li>If this file is missing, messages may be written to legacy log file php_errors.log &amp; queries.log</li>

        echo '<div class="row form-group">
              <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Color-Highlighted Logs</label>
              <div class="col-sm-3">' . installSelectField('FANNIE_PRETTY_LOGS', $FANNIE_PRETTY_LOGS, array('true'=>'Yes', 'false'=>'No'), false, false)
            . '</div></div>';

        echo '<div class="row form-group">
                <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Log Rotation Count</label>
                <div class="col-sm-3">' . installTextField('FANNIE_LOG_COUNT', $FANNIE_LOG_COUNT, 5, false)
            . '</div></div>';

        $errorOpts = array(
            1 => 'Yes',
            0 => 'No',
        if ($FANNIE_CUSTOM_ERRORS > 1) {
            $FANNIE_CUSTOM_ERRORS = 1;
        echo '<div class="row form-group">
                <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Verbose Debug Messages</label>
                <div class="col-sm-3">' . installSelectField('FANNIE_CUSTOM_ERRORS', $FANNIE_CUSTOM_ERRORS, $errorOpts, false, false)
            . '</div></div>';

        $taskOpts = array(
            99 => 'Never email on error',
            0  => 'Emergency',
            1  => 'Alert',
            2  => 'Critical',
            3  => 'Error',
            4  => 'Warning',
            5  => 'Notice',
            6  => 'Info',
            7  => 'Debug',

        echo '<div class="row form-group">
                <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Task Error Severity resulting in emails</label>
                <div class="col-sm-3">' . installSelectField('FANNIE_TASK_THRESHOLD', $FANNIE_TASK_THRESHOLD, $taskOpts, 0, false)
            . '</div></div>';

        echo '<p>
            CORE can send logs to a remote syslog server if a host name or IP
            is provided.

        echo '<div class="row form-group">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Remote Syslog Host</label>
            <div class="col-sm-3">' . installTextField('FANNIE_SYSLOG_SERVER', $FANNIE_SYSLOG_SERVER) . '</div>
        echo '<div class="row form-group">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Remote Syslog Port</label>
            <div class="col-sm-3">' . installTextField('FANNIE_SYSLOG_PORT', $FANNIE_SYSLOG_PORT, 514) . '</div>
        echo '<div class="row form-group">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-2">Remote Syslog Protocol</label>
            <div class="col-sm-3">' . installSelectField('FANNIE_SYSLOG_PROTOCOL', $FANNIE_SYSLOG_PROTOCOL, array('tcp', 'udp'), 'udp') . '</div>

        <hr />
        <h4 class="install">Co-op</h4>
        Use this to identify code that is specific to your co-op.
        <br />Particularly important if you plan to contribute to the CORE IT code base.
        <br />Try to use a code that will not be confused with any other, e.g. "WEFC_Toronto" instead of "WEFC".
        <br />Co-op ID: 
        echo installTextField('FANNIE_COOP_ID', $FANNIE_COOP_ID);
        <br />Home Page (URL)
        <br />Normally the item editor is displayed by default but another page or site can
        be designated instead.
        echo installTextField('FANNIE_HOME_PAGE', $FANNIE_HOME_PAGE, 'item/ItemEditorPage.php');
        <br />Host name of this server
        <br />Used primarily to include links in email notifications. This can't always be autodetected
        in some environments and configurations.
        echo installTextField('FANNIE_HTTP_HOST', $FANNIE_HTTP_HOST, filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST'));
        <br />Adminsitrator email address
        echo installTextField('FANNIE_ADMIN_EMAIL', $FANNIE_ADMIN_EMAIL);
        <hr />
        <h4 class="install">Locale</h4>
        Set the Country and Language where Fannie will run.
        <br />If these are not set in Fannie configuration but are set in the Linux environment the environment values will be used as
        defaults that can be overridden by settings here.

        echo '<br />Country: ';
        //Use I18N country codes.
        $countries = array("US"=>"USA", "CA"=>"Canada");
        echo installSelectField('FANNIE_COUNTRY', $FANNIE_COUNTRY, $countries, '');

        echo '<br />Language: ';
        //Use I18N language codes.
        $langs = array("en"=>"English", "fr"=>"French", "sp"=>"Spanish");
        echo installSelectField('FANNIE_LANGUAGE', $FANNIE_LANGUAGE, $langs, '');
        echo '<br />Week Start Date:  ';
        $weekStartDay = array("7"=>"Sunday","1"=>"Monday","2"=>"Tuesday","3"=>"Wednesday","4"=>"Thursday",
        echo installSelectField('FANNIE_WEEK_START', $FANNIE_WEEK_START, $weekStartDay, '1');
        <hr />
        <h4 class="install">Back Office Transactions</h4>
        <i>Values used when generating transaction data via Fannie
        instead of through an actual POS terminal. The corrections department
        is only used for balancing individual transactions. Total sales
        to that department via generated transactions should always be
        zero. The catch-all department is used when generated transactions
        will generate a sale (or refund) but it is not known where the 
        amount belongs for accounting purposes.
        </i><br />
        echo '<table>';
        echo '<tr><td>Employee#</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_EMP_NO', $FANNIE_EMP_NO, 1001, false)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Register#</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_REGISTER_NO', $FANNIE_REGISTER_NO, 30, false)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Corrections Dept#</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_CORRECTION_DEPT', $FANNIE_CORRECTION_DEPT, 800, false)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Patronage Transfer Dept#</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_PATRONAGE_DEPT', $FANNIE_PATRONAGE_DEPT, 800, false)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '<tr><td>Catch-all Dept#</td>'
            . '<td>' . installTextField('FANNIE_MISC_DEPT', $FANNIE_MISC_DEPT, 800, false)
            . '</td></tr>';

        echo '</table>';
        <hr />
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Save Configuration</button>


        return ob_get_clean();

    // body_content()

    private $op_models = array(
        // TABLES
        // VIEWS

    public function create_op_dbs($con, $op_db_name)
        $ret = array();

        foreach ($this->op_models as $class) {
            $obj = new $class($con);
            $ret[] = $obj->createIfNeeded($op_db_name);

        $rules = new PriceRulesModel($con);
        if (count($rules->find()) == 0) {
            $rules->details('Generic Variable Price');

        $stores = new StoresModel($con);
        if (count($stores->find()) == 0) {
            $stores->description('DEFAULT STORE');

        $aliases = new VendorAliasesModel($con);
        if (count($aliases->find()) == 0) {
            $con->query("INSERT INTO VendorAliases
                (upc, vendorID, sku, multiplier, isPrimary)
                SELECT upc, vendorID, sku, 1 , 1 FROM vendorSKUtoPLU");
            $con->query("INSERT INTO VendorAliases
                (upc, vendorID, sku, multiplier, isPrimary)
                SELECT upc, vendorID, sku, 1/units, 0 FROM VendorBreakdowns");

        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $op_db_name, 'expingMems', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $op_db_name, 'expingMems_thisMonth', true);

        return $ret;

    // create_op_dbs()

    private $trans_models = array(
        // TABLES
        // VIEWS
        'ArHistoryTodayModel', // requires dlog
        'ArHistoryTodaySumModel', //requires dlog
        'StockSumTodayModel', // requires dlog
        'TenderTapeGenericModel', // requires dlog
        'UnpaidArTodayModel', // requires ar_history_today_sum, unpaid_ar_balances
        'ArLiveBalanceModel', // requires ar_history_today_sum
        'EquityLiveBalanceModel', // requires stockSumToday
        'MemChargeBalanceModel', // requires ar_live_balance,
        'HouseCouponThisMonthModel', // requires dlog_90_view

    public function create_trans_dbs($con, $trans_db_name, $op_db_name)

        $ret = array();
        foreach ($this->trans_models as $class) {
            $obj = new $class($con);
            if (method_exists($obj, 'addExtraDB')) {
            $ret[] = $obj->createIfNeeded($trans_db_name);

        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvDelivery', false);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvDeliveryLM', false);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvDeliveryArchive', false);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvRecentOrders', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvDeliveryUnion', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvDeliveryTotals', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvSales', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvRecentSales', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvSalesArchive', false);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvSalesUnion', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvSalesTotals', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvSalesAdjustments', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvAdjustTotals', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'Inventory', true);
        $ret[] = dropDeprecatedStructure($con, $trans_db_name, 'InvCache', false);
        return $ret;

    // create_trans_dbs()

    private $archive_models = array(

    private function getArchiveModels($archive_method)
        $models = $this->archive_models;
        if ($archive_method == 'partitions') {
            $models[] = 'BigArchiveModel';
            $models[] = 'DLogBigModel';
        } else {
            $models[] = 'MonthlyArchiveModel';
            $models[] = 'MonthlyDLogModel';

        return $models;

    function create_archive_dbs($con, $archive_db_name, $archive_method) 
        $ret = array();
        foreach ($this->getArchiveModels($archive_method) as $class) {
            $obj = new $class($con);
            if (method_exists($obj, 'setDate')) {
                $obj->setDate(date('Y'), date('m'));
            $ret[] = $obj->createIfNeeded($archive_db_name);

        return $ret;

    // create_archive_dbs()

    public function unitTest($phpunit)
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->css_content()));
        list($path, $url) = $this->detectPath();
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->runningAs()));
        $phpunit->assertInternalType('boolean', $this->canSave($path, $url));

// InstallIndexPage
